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The Will of William Underhill Esq

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 6 Jul 1597 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
This page has been accessed 20 times.

Terms This will is transcribed as per the original, including mantaining the original archaic spelling. Words of uncertain meaning, or illegible will be noted in [brackets].


In the name of God; Amen. William Underhill of Idlicote inthe countie of Warwicke Esquire beinge of perfect minde and memorie did [aswell?] in the sixth daie of Julie Anno Domini 1597 [illegible] other tymes or at least once in the tyme of his sickness whereof he died make & declare his last will and testament nuncupative in manner and forme followinge or the like in effect vis. first he revoked all former wills and testaments by him made or declared and willes that his daughter Dorothie shhould have for her parte five hundred punds and all her Jewels and that his younger daughter named valentine shouldalso have oother five hundred pounds Likewise he willed that his eldest sonne Foulke Underhill should have all his landes and that in regards thereof yf he lived he should be chargeable to performe all such promises and grantes and shall at one tyme here after appear to be made by hum the saide William underhill in his life type for which he hath [recieved?] none and further he willed that if the saide Foulke Underhill should happen to die then his next heir that shall survive should be charge able to performe the same his promises and grantes Also he willed that [enerie?] of his other sonnes should have two hundred poundes a piece Likewise he the same William Underhill declared that he had owinge unto him two thousande poundes for the which he had specialties and that one [Master?] [Basset?] ought unto him three [stone?] and tenne poundes for which he had nothing to showe. Lastlie he ha situated and appointed Walter George Sherley Esquier and Wealter Thomas Sherley his brother his Exeutors of the same hys lat will and testament and humblie desired that it wold please them to take upon them the execution therof and thys his saide last will andtestament he soe made and by worde desceased in the presence of [divene?] incredible witness.

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