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The Wills of Thomas Wyse and Richard Kinge

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Tilshead, Wiltshire, Englandmap
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The will of Thomas Wise (1532-1593) written on 30 December 1592 in Tilshead, Wiltshire, and proved on 21 March of that year. Proved 19 April 1593[1]

The will is damaged on the right hand side and part of the left hand side.

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

People in the will.

  • Agnes (wife)
  • Grace, Margerye, Agnes, Brigett, Rachell (daughters)
  • Robert, John the elder, John the younger, Humfrey (sons)

In the name of god Amen, The 30th day of December Anno dni 1592. x in the 34 (rest of line missing)
I Thomas Wyse of the parishe of tilsyde in the Counie of Wiltes being (rest of line missing)
[per]fecte memorye do ordayne & make my last will in the maner and forme as (rest of line missing)
my Sowle to Jhesus Chryst my onlye redemer and Savioure, [?---] (rest of line missing)
pardon & remyssion of all my synnes. Nowe as towchinge my [?te---] (rest of line missing)
Imprimis I give to my doughter Jane Wyse tenne pounde in money, one coverlett, [?--] (rest of line missing)
p?linger. Item, I give to my sonnes Robert & lame John either of them tenne po(rest of line missing)
to my doughter Grace Wyse vi£ xiiijs iiijd tenne sheepe & one cowe. Item I geve to Grace (rest of line missing)
& Margerye Wyse my doughters lease for 30. sheepe duringe the yeares to come thirty? (rest of line missing)
equallye to be devided emo[n]gest them : & yf anye of my 3 . doughters shalle channce to [dye?] (rest of line missing)
then the forsaid sheepe lease shall remayne to one of my doughters after an other duringe the[?] (rest of line missing)
the the forsaide sheepe lease. Item I geve to Agnes Wyse, Brigett Wyse, Rachell Wyse & Margere Wyse (rest of line missing)
?----- one of them vj£ xiijs iiijd & to every one of my forsaide fower doughters on Coverlett, one (rest of line missing)
(damaged) ?peece. Item I geve to John Wyse my yonnger sonne tenne pounde[s]. Item, I geve to my parishe Churche (rest of line missing)
oure Ladyes Churche in Sar[um] xijd, & for every god childe that I have a (damaged) barley, and to the poor (rest of line missing)
where most nede is, iiijd in money. Item I geve to my sonne Humfrey Wyse eldest doughter iij (rest of line missing)
? to the age of xvijt yeares, & yf the forsaid Eldest doughter named Agnes Wyse doughter of him (unreadable) (rest of line missing)
shall depart oute of this lyfe before the yeares before prescribed, then the foresaide ? (damaged) (rest of line missing)
shall remayne to my yonngest Doughter Margere Wyse. Item I geve to Grace and Margere Wyse (rest of line missing)
of them a bedde. Item I geve to John Wyse my yonngest sonne the lease of my howse withall the yeares therin (rest of line missing)
Also my sonnes Robert & John the Elder shall pay annuall rent after my wyfes decease, or after hir widow (rest of line missing)
my sonne John Wyse the yonnger duringe the terme of theire lyfes. Provided all wayes that yf my sonne
Wyse the yonnger shall decease withoute issue lawfully begotten, or dye without will, then my will is, (rest of line missing)
forsaid lease shall remayne to my sonne Humfrey Wyse & his lawful heyres for ever. Also John Wyse my eldest (rest of line missing)
shall have his fyndinge with meate drinke and sufficient clothinge upon the livinge duringe his lyfe & (rest of line missing)
all such worke as he is able to doe. Also my Wyfe Agnes Wyse shall have the use of vj horses one Iron [boarde?] (rest of line missing)
Iron carte, a [Sullowe?],dyes. table boarde with a frame, a forme, a benche, a greate vayte, with a trowe, th[a]t w[hi]ch forsaid
implements shall after my wyfes decease remayne to my iij sonnes successyvelye. more over I geve to every one [?]
Doughters, a platter, a pottinger & a sawcer, & of this my last will & Testament I appointe Agnes Wyse my wyfe
my whole Executrix, to receyve all my debtes, & to discharge all my leg[yces?]. Also I geve to Robert Nashe a bushell
of barley. & to Mr Vicar of Tilsyde a bushell of wheate. Fynallye I appointe & ordayne Martene Croome and
Robert Petitt my true & lawfull supervisors, & for theire paynes I geve to either of them a sacke of barley.

Witnes herof Edward Colthurst
Vicar of Tilside, Martene Croome,
Robert Nashe with others.

Debtes owinge to me Thomas Wyse, as foloweth
Imprimis, Willm Iles alias ?Hickes xxs
John Ha?worth xxiiijs
Harmon of Calne ijs iiijd
Richards Bayle ijs vjd
Edward Wyse xvj£
John Perman vj£
my sonne Humfrey Wyse xx£
the said Humfrey Wyse oweth me xiij£
Thomas Harris [clothier?] vs

The Will and Obligation of Richard King of Tilshead, Wiltshire, showing his relationship to Thomas Wyse.

People in the Will.

  • Thomas Wyse (brother in law)
  • John Wyse, Humfrey Wyse, Robert Wyse, John Wyse theElder (Richard Kinge's sister's sons)
  • Grace Wyse, Brigett Wyse, Rachell Wyse, Agnes Wyse & Margere Wyse (Richard Kinge's sister's daughters)

Richard Kinge obligation.[2] Richard's estate proved 28th April 1590.[3] Relevant part from obligation:
Thomas Wyse the naturall & lawful father of Rachell Wise the Executrix named in the last will & testament of Richard Kinge

In the name of god Amen. The vjth of Aprill ao. dni 1590 & in
the xxxij yeare of the Queenes Matie that now is I Richard
Kinge of the Parishe of Tilsyde in the Countie of Wiltes,
beinge sicke in body but yet of good & p[er]fect remembrance
(praysed be to god therfore) do make & ordayne this my will
& last Testament in maner & forme, as foloweth. Fyrst
and primairallye I co[m]mende my Sowle to Jhesus Christ my
onelye redemer & Savioure trustinge in his deare and
^merited of his passion to have remyssion of all my syns. Nowe at towching
my temporall goods, I bequeathe & gyve as foloweth. Imprimis
I gyve to John Wyse my systers sonne tenne pounds. Item I gyve
to grace Wyse, Brigett Wyse & Margere Wyse my systers
Doughters xxviijte sheepe equalleye to be devided emongest
them. Item, I gyve to Will[ia]m Webbe - xxs. Item I gyve
to Ambrose Webbe - xxs. Item, I gyve to the parish church
of Tilsyde -iijs iiijd. Item, I gyve Margere Carter one
weather sheepe. Item, I gyve to Humfrey Wyse fyve poundes
Item, I gyve to Agnes Wyse my systers doughter doughter
iiij weather sheepe. Item, I gyve to my syster Alice Hayworth
to hir owne propre use my parte of the Cowe, wch she hath now
in hyr custodye. Item, I gyve to Robert Wyse, John Wyse theElder
& John L[?] every one of them a sheepe. Item I gyve to
Thomas Croome one sheepe. And of this my will & Testa
ment I appointe & ordayne Rachell Wyse my systers doughter
my whole executrix to receyve all my debtes & pay all my le
gazes etc. More over my will is, that my brother in lawe
Thomas Wyse shall [have toe re---inge] in of all my debtes
& dischargeinge of all my legazies, bycause Rachell Wyse is
under age, & of this my will. I ordayne my brother in lawe
Thomas Wyse & Marten Croome mytrue and lawfull sup[er]vi
sors of this my last will & testament.

Witnesses: Edward Colthurst Martene Croome

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