Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Price-31821
Transcriptions of two of the wills written by Walter Price.
Transcription of the first will of Walter Price dated 19 December 1650
(by Barbara Brown October 2022)
Nineteenth December One thousand six hundred and fifty In the name of God Amen
I Walter Price citizen in Northamt taylor of London being ——— in body but of good and perfect mind and memory (Thanks be given to Almighty God) And calling to mind the uncertainty of this life doe make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following Thats to say first and principally I commit and commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God steadfastly believing through the merits and death and passion of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to receive full pardon and remission of all my sins my body being of the _ _ _ _ and substance of the earth to the earth I commit to be buried in the new churchyard in Morefield And touching such on worldly goods as God hath blessed me withall I give and _ _ _ _ _ the _ _ _ _ as followeth ( viz) Inprimis I give and bequeath to my eldest son William Price one house or tenement commonly called by the name of the Talbot lying and being in High Bottoms wherein one Madden and now one Peirce lives in during the expiration of the lease and to my eldest sons first wife’s children I give and bequeath the sum of five pounds a piece ITEM I give to my second son John Price my scales on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and also a pair of brass andirons fire shovell and tongs I give and bequeath to my youngest son Samuel Price as being yet unprovided for in the world one house or tenement being in High Bottom adjoining and being on the backside of the Talbott wherein one Mr Grafton lives in and also my lease of some tenements in Bell Alley _ _ _ _ _ in Coleman Street London during the remainder of tyme remaining in the leases and also all the left and reminder of my household [stuff?] goods and furniture of household stuff except what above written is given to my son John which goods some of them also in my son in law Norris Woods hands and the rest in other _ _ _ _ which are all specified in a note also? my son Samuel has and write out ITEM I give to Ann Keele my kinswoman tenn pounds and to the window Wright and to the widow Thomas tenn shillings a piece I give to Mr _ _ church minister twenty shillings And to the poore of his parish where I formerly lived twenty shillings ITEM to Martha Applestone ? widdow twenty five shillings And to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ five shillings ITEM I give to Mr John Porot draper and to _ _ Richard Young mercer tenn shillings a piece I give to the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the poor at work in the Old wardrobe and Minories London the _ _ _ of ? pounds Major General_ _ _ ?? _ _ _ fifteen pounds which I borrowed off him ITEM my will and mind is that after my will is performed And that all the legacies and summes of money before by me given shall be paid out of the rents ? and those profitts of my houses and tenements situated in the parish of St Andrews Holborn ? and by Bottom House wherein one on Talbott Estate? and two others liveth in ITEM I give to my youngest son Samuel _ _ _ _ fourteen pounds owing? to me by my son in law Norris Wood ITEM all the rest and residue of my estate with the three houses which Mt Talbott and the other two dwells in during the remainders of the lease my debts being paid and funerall charges discharged and all my legacies according to the true mean ing and intent of this my last will and testament performed I give and be queath the same to my daughter Elizabeth whom I doe make sole Executrix of this my last will and testament And I doe ? and appoint the said Mt John Porort and Mt Richard Young overseers of the same Witness my hand and date the day and year above written. Walter Price Witnesses Richard Young and Martha Applestone?
Transcript of the second Will written by Walter Price 22 February 1651
(transcibed by B. Brown Oct 2022
The Two and Twentieth Day
of February one thousand six hundred fifty one of Walter Price a
citizen and merchant taylor of London being weak in body but of perfect ?? memory ____
be ? doe make and ordain this my last will in form following FIRST I give and bequeath
to the five children of my sonne William Price which he had by his first wife five
pounds a piece of lawful English money ITEM I give to my son John Price one
pair of brass andirons and ?? one pair of iron tongs and fire
shovell with brass topps on them and the rest of my goods which are in Croydon
in the custody of Mr Norris Wood for? the said John Price paying ? pounds to my
executors And after the ——— ——— about my ——— to my said
son John Price ITEM I give and bequeath unto Mr Christopher ———— ten
shillings for himself and ten shillings more to be by him distributed to the
poor of his church ITEM I give and bequeath to my niece Ann Keele the
sum of twenty pounds of lawful English money to be paid her by five
pounds a year over the space of four years ————after my decease
by quarterly payments and to be paid out of rents of my house in Bottom
—————the ———Bell Alley— And also i give to the said Ann Keele after the ———-
four years ended the sum of four pounds of lawful money yearly out
of the rents of the said houses during the leases of the said houses and
to be paid her by quarterly payments ITEM I give to my overseerers after
named twenty shillings a piece ITEM I give to my son in law Seth Wood
clerk and Elizabeth his wife twenty pounds a year out of the rents of the
said lease during the continuence thereof ITEM I give to my son in law
Francis Church and his wife forty shillings ITEM I give to my
son Samuel Price one ————chest one old ———chair a little warming
pan my bed and bedstead and all the rest of the furniture of my bed
except the two quilts and the curtains And also I give him my
cloak fur coat and suit and hat And the said two quilts and
OLD CURTAINS I give to the said Ann Keele together with the rest
of my wearing apparel ITEM I give to my four sons William Price
Samuel Price John Price and Francis Church to every of them————-
penny ribband And to my grandchild Joseph Price a six penny
ribband ITEM to my daughter Patience Price and my grandchild
Mary Church and to Mary Thomas twelve pence a piece to buy them ————
ITEM I give and bequeath the said lease and all my debts household goods
and personal estate whatsoever after my debts and funeral charges shall
be first paid out of the whole to my said daughter Elizabeth Wood and her
children to be equally divided amongst them And I hereby name the said
Seth Wood and Elizabeth his wife my executors of this my will And my
will and mind is that Mr Knott my tenant or he who shall
dwell in his house or be tennant thereto under my executors shall pay the
said legacies given to my niece Ann Keele ————- ——out of the rents
of the said house ITEM I nominate Mr John Parock and Mr Richard Young
overseers of this my will Be It remembered that Sir Cornelius Vertunden?
oweth me two and twenty pounds and Norris Wood oweth me fourteen
pounds and eleven shillings In Witness whereof I have to put my
hand and seal the day and year ———above written sealed and published
by the said Walter Price ————last will and testament in the presence of
William Cinson? Francis Church.
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