
The Wizards of Aus

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Australiamap
Surnames/tags: Australia challenges source-a-thon
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Who are The Wizards of Aus?

We are a challenge team that focuses mostly on Australian research. Everyone welcome, including people who just like Australia. :-)

We are one of three challenge teams with an Australian focus - there are also the Super Aussie Genies who are members of the Society of Australian Genealogists (but you don't need to be a member to join their challenge team) and the Southern Cross Stars.

Many of us are part of the very friendly Wikitree in Australia Facebook Group and/or the Australia Project team. You can also talk to us during 'Thons on the Wikitree Discord Server.

Connect-a-Thon XIII Friday 17 January - Monday 20 January 2025

Connect-a-thon is an event that encourages us to improve the tree by adding missing people.

Unlike other connecting challenges, it doesn't matter if you don't manage to attach an 'unconnected' person to the main branches of the shared tree, and you don't have to work on only people who aren't connected yet. The focus is on adding missing people and relationships to the tree as that will improve everyone's family connections.

During Connect-a-thon, we get a point every time a team member adds a new person to an existing profile in WikiTree. Examples:

  • creating a new profile for a child of existing parents
  • adding a new parent for an existing child
  • adding the spouse for someone you just created

Any new profiles created must have at least one good source included.

You don't get a point for adding someone who isn't connected to anyone, i.e. by going through 'Add > New Person', but you do get points when you add family members to them, as long as the family members are not living people.

You also don't get a point for linking existing people together (but please still do that if you find them!).

If you want to go back and do more work on these people after the challenge, consider adding a Personal Category to each one - this will keep a dynamic list of them.

Get help

  • Official Connect-a-thon help page
  • Official questions G2G post
  • Ask Australia-specific questions on our chat post in G2G. e.g. Is Trove offline?
  • If you're using Discord, you can ask questions in the aussie-challenge-teams channel, or the Australia Project server if you're a member. The aussie-challenge-teams channel is for all of the Australian teams so it's easy to help each other out.
  • There are some excellent citation generators on the Australia Project Resources page which can help speed up your work.

Start and End Times

The event will run Friday 17 January - Monday 20 January, starting and ending at these times:

Queensland 11pm
NSW, ACT, Tas 12 midnight
NT 10:30pm
SA: 11:30pm
Western Australia: 9pm

i.e. someone in Brisbane can start adding profiles after 11pm Friday and should stop before 11pm Monday.

How to Sign Up

To compete with us in this challenge, go to the G2G post Have you registered for Connect-a-Thon XIII yet? and add a comment on the Wizards of Aus team answer (third page of answers).

What can I work on?

  • Your own extended family members - if you aren't sure who's missing:
Choose an ancestor and click on the Descendants button. Look through them to find obvious gaps i.e. people with missing spouses or missing children.
Look through "My Connections" to see who is missing from your extended cousins' familes - each degree is one step from you. e.g. 1st degree is your own siblings, spouse, and parents, 2nd is your grandparents, sibling's spouse, etc.
Add known ancestors to your tree - the Brick Walls app can show your ancestors who don't have parents in the tree yet.
  • Work through the people who need family members added who are listed on the Australia, Needs Profiles Created category page. If you click on the My Connections button at the top right of the page you can check which are the most closely connected to you, or use the links to see profiles from your state.
  • Any other people you like, as long as you can find sources for them.

Team Members for Jan 2025 Connect-a-thon

  1. Kathleen Cobcroft -- team captain
  2. Roy Tonkin
  3. Peter Kane
  4. Scott Davis
  5. Vivian Egan
  6. NG Hill
  7. Kerri McCarron
  8. Anonymous Wimble*
  9. Marian Hearn
  10. Sue Crerar
  11. Marian Scriven
  12. Sharryn Nankervis
  13. Brad Jones
  14. Catherine Davies
  15. William Maher
  16. Kate Tabone
  17. Carolyn Ball
  18. Katie Miller*
  19. Sharon Long
  20. Mike Larsen*
  21. Leah McNamara
  22. Leigh Deeks
  23. Danny Stapleton
  24. Karyn Homburg
  25. Tristan Viscarra Rossel
  26. Suzanne Reilly
  27. Carol Turner

Memories: 17
Enter a personal reminiscence or story.
Source-a-Thon 2021 Team Members
posted 20 Dec 2021 by Kathleen (Watson) Cobcroft   [thank Kathleen]
2020 Source a thon members:

Source-a-Thon 2020 Team Members

posted 13 Mar 2021 by Kathleen (Watson) Cobcroft   [thank Kathleen]
more memories
Login to add a memory.

Comments: 194

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We all did a great job this weekend, thank you. We hope you had fun. The total for the event was 100,934 profiles added to the tree. We appreciate your input and support for the thon and look forward to working with you all again next time and maybe reaching six figures again Thanks again for this weekend. On behalf of everyon in the Mighty Oaks Teams

Joan, Janet, and Maddy

Hi there!

Team Banyan Trees here and thank you so much for all your help in the thon this weekend, we made some amazing numbers! See you all in the next thon!

posted by Lauren (Thorpe) Brown
Kathleen, thanks for the tip of creating a personal category for profiles to come back to later! What a great idea!
posted by Karyn Homburg
Rocky The Mascot.
What a fantastic effort Wizards of Aus! It was great fun participating with you during the January 2024 Connect-a-Thon. We enjoyed coming together, collectively, across the world to add profiles to WikiTree's Global Tree. See you in April!

From all the members of the Appalachia Roots Thon Team

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak

Thanks to Team Wizards of Aus for all yeer efforts during the January 2024 Connect-a-Thon! Go raibh míle maith agaibh!

We look forward to participating with you in the next 'thon.

- Feargal, Karen and the Irish Seanchaithe.
posted by Feargal Hennigan
Thank you to the Wizards of Aus team for your participation in the January 2024 Connect-a-Thon from your friends on Team Nordic Noir! We appreciate all of your contributions to the global tree and look forward to participating with you in the next WikiTree Thon.

Jeffrey (Wall -7415), Captain for Team Nordic Noir

posted by Jeffrey Wall
The Southern Super Sweepers congratulates the Wizards of Aus for your awesome contributions to the January 2024 Connect-a-Thon! We look forward to participating again with you in April!
posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak
Thank you to The Wizards of Aus Team for your participation in the 2023 Source-a-Thon from your friends on Team Nordic Noir! We appreciate all of your contributions to the global tree and look forward to participating with you in the next WikiTree Thon.

Jeffrey (Wall -7415), Captain for Team Nordic Noir

posted by Jeffrey Wall
Thank you for participating in the October 2023 Source-a-Thon, and contributing to the accuracy of our global tree!

See you at the next marathon! Azure, Sondra, & the Western Red Cedars

posted by Azure Robinson
edited by Azure Robinson
Thanks everyone for taking part in the September 2023 Source a Thon! Hope to see you for the Next Thon!

Sir Shamrock and Lady Thistle bestows their thanks!

Sláinte Mhath! (Cheers!)

posted by Suzy Cairns
From the Mighty Oaks teams, to your, team thanks for joining in the Sourcing weekend. We all did a great job this weekend, thank you, a job well done, we hope you had fun.

Thanks again for this weekend, you rock

Joan, Janet, Maddy and Fran

Rocky the Appalachian

From our team, Appalachia Roots, to yours, thanks for joining in a fun Sourcing weekend!

We had a great time participating with all your members. They were awesome! Can't wait to do it again at the next Thon in 2024.


Patty & Sandy - Appalachia Roots Co Captains

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Happy to join the Wizards for the Sep 23 Source-a-Thon.... Let's wipe out all of the unsourced Ozzie profiles...


posted by Matt. Lohmeyer
Thanks to all on the Wizards of Aus team for your participation in the July 2023 Connect A Thon and all your contributions to the tree.

From your cousins in the Welsh Dragons


posted by Hilary (Buckle) Gadsby
From those of us aboard the Slow Train
Two tortoises, Hertyl and Spertyl, dressed in their spiffy Connect-a-Thon Tuxedo coats, are holding a large picture frame containing an image of a large bowl of candy-coated chocolates (actually, they're Australian "Smarties" - older than "M&Ms").  Across the bowl is the phrase "Thanks for the snacks (with "snacks" crossed out) err, the 'Thon".  Between Hertyl and Spertyl, in the centre top above the picture frame, are the words "Hertyl and Spertyl just want to say".
Hertyl and Spertyl just want to say, "Thanks for the great 'Thon".
posted by Melanie Paul
Greetings from your friends in Team Italy. Thank you for participating in the July 2023 Connect a Thon! Keep rocking! You all do amazing work! We may be on different teams but we're all on one BIG team. Forza WikiTree!
posted by Chris Ferraiolo
Thanks everyone for taking part in the July 2023 Connect a Thon! Hope to see you for the Next Thon!

Lang May Yer Lum Reek!

From Suzy and all the Thistles
posted by Suzy Cairns
Many thanks from the Virginia Connectors for your contributions in the July 2023 Connect-a-Thon!

It was an AMAZING weekend and we look forward to seeing you in the next Thon :)

Team Virginia Rocks
Nancy & Mindy, Team Captains
posted by Nancy Thomas
Thanks to Team Wizards of Aus for all yeer efforts during the July 2023 Connect-a-Thon! Go raibh míle maith agaibh!
- Feargal, Jen and all the Irish Seanchaithe.
posted by Feargal Hennigan
edited by Feargal Hennigan
Thank you Wizards of Aus for your contributions in the July 2023 Connect-a-Thon! It was a fun weekend! We look forward to seeing you all during the next Thon.

Jeffrey - Nordic Noir

posted by Jeffrey Wall
The Mighty Oaks and Branches thank you for your contributions in the July 2023 Connect-a-Thon!

It was a fun weekend and we look forward to seeing you in the next Thon :)

Mighty Oaks

Joan, Janet, Maddy and Fran

Thanks to The Wizards of Aus for participating in the April 2023 Connect-a-thon! Hope to see you next time!
Judi Stutz, Team Captain, Little Team On The Prairie
posted by Judi Stutz
Thank you peeps for participating in the April 2023 Connect-a-Thon. We appreciate all of your contributions to the tree! It was an amazing weekend and we are looking forward to see you in the next Thon!

Morgana (Patrocinio_Costa-1) and Adriana (Hazelton-509), Smoking Snakes team captains

Thanks to all on Team Wizards of Aus for all yeer profiling and connecting during the April 2023 Connect-a-Thon! Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir!

Thanks to all our efforts we added a total of 76,995 profiles to our shared tree. We look forward to seeing ye in future 'thons!

- Feargal, Jen and all the Irish Seanchaithe.
posted by Feargal Hennigan
Thank you Wizards of Aus for participating in the April 2023 Connect-a-Thon. Team Nordic Noir appreciates all of your contributions to the tree! It was a fun weekend and we hope to see you in the next Thon!

Jeffrey (Wall-7415), Nordic Noir team captain

posted by Jeffrey Wall
Many thanks from the Mighty Oaks for your contributions in the April 2023 Connect-a-Thon!

It was an AMAZING weekend and we look forward to seeing you in the next Thon :)

Mighty Oaks

Joan, Janet, Maddy and Fran

Thank you Wizards of Aus for participating in the second 2023 Connect-a-Thon. Together we added 76,995 profiles, making our global tree bigger and healthier in the process. Team Virginia thanks you for your part in that. It was such a pleasure to work with you!

Mindy & Sandy


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posted by Mindy Silva
how do I connect to the Wizards of Aus discord channel? I've got onto wikitree general chat on discord but don't know where to find you. I'm new to discord ?
I’ll follow that up today (might need to wait for the Americans to wake up again). Once you’re added it’ll show up next to the general chat.
Thanks Kathleen I appreciate your help
Kath, could you add this new category to the page, thanks! https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Australia%2C_Challenges_Teams
Team Dutch Genealogists is thanking you for the great collaboration during this Source-a-Thon. We are happy with the improvement of our One World Tree, we did great. As WikiTree veterans, it was good to be back again, and enjoying this weekend together.

Warm regards on behalf of all of the Dutch Genealogists,

Joan and Margreet

Dutch Genealogists says "Thank you".
posted by Mar Beers
Huge thanks from the Mighty Oaks Roots and Branches for your contributions in the 2022 Source-a-Thon!

We all had a good time and hope to see you in the next Thon :)

Mighty Oaks

Joan, Janet, Maddy and Fran

Thank you for your contributions to the Source A Thon 2022 from your cousins the Welsh Dragons!


posted by Hilary (Buckle) Gadsby
Thank you to all on Team Wizards of Aus for all yeer sourcing during Source-a-Thon 2022! Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir!

Thanks to all our efforts there are now 63,445 less unsourced profiles in our shared tree.

We hope to see ye in future 'thons!

- Feargal, Jen and all the Irish Seanchaithe.
posted by Feargal Hennigan
Thank you for participating in the October 2022 Source-a-Thon, and contributing to the accuracy of our global tree!

See you at the next marathon!

Azure, Sondra, & the Western Red Cedars

posted by Azure Robinson
What a fantastic Source-a-Thon!

.Team Virginia thanks you for sourcing profiles during the Thon!!! It was a blast! We look forward to seeing you at the next one.

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posted by Mindy Silva
edited by Mindy Silva

Thank you for participating in the July 2022 Connect-a-Thon, and contributing to filling out our global tree!

See you at the next marathon!

Azure, Sondra, & the Western Red Cedars

posted by Azure Robinson
Bore da from the Welsh Dragons and thanks for all your contributions during the July 2022 Connect A Thon


Jutta and Hilary Welsh Dragons team

posted by Hilary (Buckle) Gadsby
edited by Hilary (Buckle) Gadsby
Thank you for joining in on the fun for the July Connect-a-Thon! We created 87,731 profiles across WikiTree, and we couldn't have done it without you. I'm sure you had as much fun as Team Virginia did. We're looking forward to seeing you again in the fall for the Source-a-Thon!

Mindy Silva & Sandy Patak Team Virginia

( ◕‿◕)(•̤̀‿•̤́☆)(◕‿◕)人(◕∀◕)

Team Virginia Logo
posted by Mindy Silva
edited by Mindy Silva
lol, I corrected the month. See you at the Source-a-Thon!
posted by Mindy Silva
From those of us aboard the Slow Train - hope ya hadda bonza weekend. Seeya in the spring!
Two tortoises, Hertyl and Spertyl, dressed in their spiffy Connect-a-Thon Tuxedo coats, are holding a large picture frame containing an image of a large bowl of candy-coated chocolates (actually they're Australian "Smarties" - older than "M&Ms".  Across the bowl is the phrase "Thankls for the snacks (with "snacks" crossed out) err, the 'Thon".  Between Hertyl and Spertyl, in the centre top above the picture frame, are the words "Hertyl and Spertyl just want to say".
Hertyl and Spertyl just want to say "Thanks for the 'Thon".
posted by Melanie Paul
Many thanks from the Mighty Oaks Roots and Branches for another successful Connect-a-Thon!

It was a FUN weekend and we are looking forward to working with you again on the upcoming Source-a-Thon :)

Mighty Oaks

Fran, Carol, Joan, and Maddy

Best wishes from those aboard the Slow Train for the upcoming weekend. Be sure to get plenty of rest, and nourishment!
Two tortoises, Hertyl and Spertyl, are travelling on a train composed of puzzle pieces.  Across their bodies floats a ribbon, upon which are the words "whole profile approach".  Along the train itself are the words "We get there in the end".  The smoke from the "smokestack" is composed of ever smaller images of the Wikitree DNA "tree" logo.
posted by Melanie Paul
Team Virginia wishes you the best for the Connect-a-Thon. Thank you for helping to grow our tree. I know this will be a lot of fun. See you there! ( ဖ‿ဖ)⫗(စ‿စ )
posted by Mindy Silva
Can't see my name on list for July 22 - yet I enrolled some while back.

Marian Hearn (Stokes-3595)

posted by Marian (Stokes) Hearn
Sorry Marian, I've added you to the list on the page now! (I must have gotten distracted while adding names...). You were already on the official list for our team.
Thank you Team The Wizards of Aus for all your contributions to the Thon. It was fun again!


We hope to see you at our Annual Liberation Day Challenge from May, 4 to May, 10!!


...thanks you and your team members for participating in the April 2022 Connect-a-thon.

In this year of Connection... When we work together, great things can happen!

posted by Judi Stutz
Western Red Cedars extends a warm thank you for all the hard work put in for the April 2022 Connect-A-Thon.

Can't wait for the next one! See you in the branches.

Azure Rae and the Western Red Cedars gang

posted by Azure Robinson
HUGE thanks from the Mighty Oaks Roots and Branches for all of your contributions this weekend!!!

We all had a great time and are looking forward to the next Thon :)

Mighty Oaks
Thank you for joining in on the fun for the Connect-a-Thon! We created 84,388 profiles across WikiTree, and we couldn't have done it without you. I'm sure you had as much fun as Team Virginia did. We're looking forward to seeing you again in July!

Mindy Silva & Sandy Patak Team Virginia

( ◕‿◕)(•̤̀‿•̤́☆)(◕‿◕)人(◕∀◕)

posted by Mindy Silva
Hi Wizards,

Just sailing by to thank you for al the fun and the great achievements. We all can be proud on ourselves!

See you next X-a-Thon we hope.

Team Flying Dutchmen-Vliegende Hollanders

Colleen, Astrid and Eef.

Thank you for joining in on the fun for the Connect-a-Thon! We made 85,839 profiles across WikiTree, and we couldn't have done it without you. I'm sure you had as much fun as Team Virginia did. We're looking forward to seeing you again in the spring!

Mindy Silva & Sandy Patak Team Virginia

posted by Mindy Silva