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The will of Antony Wooddis (Woodhouse) 1701

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Date: [unknown]
Location: Ashover, Derbyshire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Wooddis, Woodhouse, Hodgkinson
Profile manager: Jules Bondy private message [send private message]
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The will of Antony (Wooddis) Woodhouse (abt.1653-1707) of Ashover, Derbyshire, England. Written on 18 February 1701 and proved on 21 April 1708.[1]

Beneficiaries of the Will:

Other people mentioned in the Will:

Transcription of the Will Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading. Illegible text indicated by?.

In the name of God Amen the eighteenth Day of February in the Fourteenth year of the
Of the Sovereigne Lord William the Third by the grace of god of England Scotland France & Ireland being defender
Of the Faith Annoq[ue] Domi[ni] 1701 I Anthony Woodis of Milltowne in the parish of Ashoverin the County of
Derby yeoman being weake in Body but of Sound and perfect memory Thanks bee to god for the same and calling to minde
The uncertainty of this estate on Earth and that all Flesh must yield unto death when It shall please god to Call and Being desirouse
To settle things in order Doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme Following Revoking and annulling by these
p[re]sente all and every will and wills Testam[en]t and Testam[en]ts by me formerly made either by word of mouth or in writing and this to bee
Taken for my last will & Testam[en]t and none other First I will and Bequeath my soule unto Almighty God my maker and to Jesus Christ my
Redeemer and the Holy Ghost my Sanctifyer and my Body to the Earth From whence It came to bee Buryed in such Christian like
manner as to my as to my Ex[ecu]to[r] and Ex[ecu]trix hereafter named shall seeme convenient and now for the setling of such Temporall estate as god
in mercy hath lent me of order & dispose of the same in the manner and forme Following
It[em] I give and Bequeath unto Rebecca my wife all household goods & implem[en]ts of household I am poss[ess]ed off To have & to hold unto her &
her assigns for Ever more.
It[em] I give and bequeath unto my s[ai]d loving wife Rebecca The messuage house wherein I now live with all manner of housing
outhouses edifices Foulds & gardens Orchards & yards thereunto belonging or appertaineing scituate in Milltowne afores[ai]d with the one
moyety or halfe part of all Farmes Lands grounds and Tenem[en]ts with theire appurtenances that I have at or within Milltowne afores[ai]d at
Lea within the parish of Ashover at Washington - or els where with the County of Derby For and During the Terme of her naturall
Life in full recompence of her Dower with the [Coape one?] to the s[ai]d moyety belonging my meaninge is the one moyety of all [Coape?]
[???] is shall brought [?] paid in my whole Lands
It[em] I give and Bequeath unto my Sonne Edward Wooddis and to his heires and assigns for ever more the other moyety of all my Farmes
Lands grounds & Tenem[en]ts with theire appurtenances whatsoever that I have or am possessed of within Milltowne Lea Washington
or els where within the County of Derby with the other moyety of all my [Coape ?] And after my wifes decease I order & bequeath
the messuage house - with all out houseing Foulds yards gardens & Orchards with the moyety or half part of all my Farms Lands
Grounds and p[re]misses before given my wife for her life unto my Sonne Edward Wooddis his heires & assigns for ever
Now ? provided nevertheless and my minde & will is and I order that my Sonne Edward Wooddis shall pay or cause
To bee payd unto my Two Youngest Daughters Mary Wooddis and Martha Wooddis threescore pounds apeece of
Lawfull money of England as the[y?] accomplish theire respective ages of Twenty one yeares and if either of them dye [die]
before she accomplish that age her part Soe dyeing to bee equally devided & paid to the other Surviveing & Ann theire Sister
now wife of Robert Millward when the surviveing Sister Mary or Martha attaines one & twenty yeares of age or any time
after upon lawfull demand made thereof And if Both Mary & Martha dye before either of them Come to Twenty one yeares
of age then the one moyety of theire s[ai]d Legacyes to be paid to my daughter Ann now wife of Robert Millward within one
yeares time next after the Death of ye [the] survivor of them the said Mary & Martha yet it is my minde that if either Mary or Martha
my daughters have issue of theire Body lawfully begotten though dye before one & twenty yeares of age that then her part so dyeing shall goe to
her issue of her body lawfully begotten any thing above pertaining to the ? notwithstanding and it is my mind my wife shall maintain
them with all manner of ? sums of money as above contained to the Contrary notwithstanding And it is my minde my wife shall maintaine
my daughters Mary & Martha till the[y] Come to one & twenty yeares of age if she so longe live And if she dye before that my Sonne Edward shall maintaine
them with all manner of necessaryes from [?] next her decease untill the[y] come to theire ages of one & twenty yeares And if my Sonne Edward neglect or refuse
to pay the above menc[i]oned sumes of mony as above menc[i]oned ordered & directed Then the Maintenance of my s[ai]d children if theire mother dye [die]
before they attaine one and twenty yeares as abovesaid then It shall & may bee lawfull for Joseph Hodgkinson my wives [wife’s] brother to enter upon all my
Lands at Lea aforesaid & the same [?] till Mary and Martha bee fully p[ai]d Maintained & Satisfyed as above s[ai]d And ? lands to bee[be] delivered unto
My two daughters Mary and Martha ? one of them within six months after if it is made in payment of maintenance as above the s[ai]d Lands to bee delivered unto
my Two daughters Mary & Martha or [?] one of them within Six months after [?] is made in paym[en]t or maintenance as above s[ai]d & the s[ai]d Lands
to bee to them the s[ai]d Mary & Martha & theire heires & assigns for Ever
It[em]My mind & will is & I order my Sonne Edward Wooddis is at his owne charge to pay threescore Pounds that I have made [a bond to?] Rob[er]t Millward For
It[em] I give unto my daughter Mary the greate Chest standing in greate Chamber in the dwelling wherein I now live for ever
It[em] I give and bequeath all the Resydue of my estate and Substance whatsoever & not before bequeathed equally betwixt my loveing wife & my Sonne
Edward Wooddis they paying off all my debts which is not above and ordered equally betwixt them & make & appoynt my s[ai]d wife Rebecca & my Sonne
Edward Wooddis Full and absolute Ex[ecu]trix and ex[ecu]tor of this my last will & testam[en]t In witness whereof I Anthony Wooddis have hereunto set my hand
ans Seale the day & yeare first above written
Anthony Wooddis
His mark [LS]

Inventory of goods associated with Antony's will undertaken on 23 October 1707
The value of goods identified in the inventory was 29 Pounds, eleven shillings and six pence. The inventory was signed by Antony's brother-in-laws; Joseph Hodgkinson (1659-) and Edmond Hodgkinson (1667-abt.1748).[2]


  1. Staffordshire, Dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry wills and probate 1521-1860 Image, Find My Past, (https://search.findmypast.co.uk/record/browse?id=GBPRS/STAFF/007622803/00535) (Accessed 13 Sep 2022)
  2. Staffordshire, Dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry wills and probate 1521-1860 Image, Find My Past (https://search.findmypast.co.uk/record/browse?id=GBPRS/STAFF/007622803/00533) Accessed 13 Sep 2022).

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