Location: London, England
Surname/tag: Pettus
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This is the will of Augustine Pettus the son of Sir Thomas Pettus 1st Baronet Pettus of Rackheath.
The will was written on 20 June 1659 and the codicil on 18 May 1661. Augustine was buried on 8 June 1661. The will was proved at the Perogative Court of Canterbury on 1 July 1661.[1]
Spelling is mostly as in the probate copy. Abbreviated words are expanded in [square brackets]. Names of people and places are in bold introduced for ease of reading.
Line breaks are added in the text so that the lines match the probate copy. Extra paragraph breaks are added between sections for readability. Page breaks are indicated by dividing lines and in edit mode by HTML comments with page numbers.
Augustini Pettus
In the name of God Amen
twentieth day of June in the yeare of our Lord God According to the computation now
used in England One Thousand & six hundred Fifty and Nyne
I Augustine Pettus now y
Lodginge in Lo[n]don beinge to Travell into France and well knoweinge the uncertaine condition
of this present life Soe the better settlinge of that my worldlie estate which God of his
greate goodness & mercy hath lent mee Doe ordaine and make this my last will and testam[en]t
in manner and Forme Followinge
First and before all things I commit and commend
my soule and bodie into the mercifull hands of God my maker and to Jesus Christ my
only Saviour & Redeemer assuredly trustinge that by and through his onely meritts
bitter death & passion to bee saved and to have a joyfull resurrection & to remain ??
amongst his most glorious company in heaven
Item I give and bequeath to? my youngest brother John
Pettus[2] and to the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten All those my freehold Landes Tenements and
hereditaments with the Appertenances thereunto belonginge lyeinge & beinge in the Manno[r] of
Rushall alias Rushell in the Countie of Norffolke now in the occupation of Thomas Fisher my
Tenant there,
and like wise I give and bequeath to the said John Pettus my youngest brother
All those my freehold Landes Tenements and hereditaments with the Appurtenances thereunto
belonginge lyeinge or beinge in the Mannor of Boylands in the Towne of Chedeston alias Chislten
in the Countie of Suffolke now in the occupation of William Loanie my Tenant there &
to the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten
And likewise I give and bequeath to the S[ai]d
John Pettus my youngest brother All those other Freehold Landes and Tenements and
hereditaments with the Appurtenances thereunto belonginge in the Towne of Cheddestons
aforesaid now in the occupation of Richard Potmson [Robinson?] and Thomas Payne my Tenents and to
the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten
Also I give and bequeath to the said John Pettus my youngest
brother and to the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten All those my freeholds Landes Tenements
and hereditaments with the appurtenances thereunto belonginge lyeinge and beinge in the Mannor of
Huntingfield in the Countie of Suffolke aforesaid now in the occupation of William Buents(?)
my tenant there
And I give and bequeath to the said John Pettus my youngest brother and to ye
heytes of his bodie lawfully begotten all those my freehold landes tenements and hereditaments
with the appurtanences thereunto belonginge lyeinge or beinge in St Jameses in the Countie
of Suffolk in one of the Noyie? Swathes? now in the use and occupation of Richard Tubby there my
And in case the said John Pettus my youngest brother dye without issue of his bodie
lawfully begotten I will and bequeath the aforesaid Freehold Landes Tenements and hereditaments
with the appurtanances thereunto belonginge lyeinge or beinge in aforesaid to my eldest Brother
Sr Thomas Pettus[3] of Rackheath in the County of Norfolk Barronett And to the heyres of his
body lawfully begotten
And in case the said Sr Thomas Pettus Barronett my eldest brother
dyes without issue of his bodie lawfully begotten I will and bequeath all of the aforesaid Freehold
Landes Tenements and hereditaments with the appurtenances thereunto belonginge lyeinge or beinge
in the Places and Counties aforesaid to my loveing Uncle Sir John Pettus Knight[4] and the
heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten
Item I give and bequeath the 3000 ye Legacuy which my
Loveinge Father gave me which nist/next bee sayeth/payable unto mee after the death of Dame Anne Pettus[5]
The Relict of my deare Father Sr Thomas Pettus Barronett[6] in manner of forme as the followeth
but(?) to my eldest brother Sr Thomas Pettus Baronett aforesaid 1000 pounds and to my youngest
brother John Pettus aforesaid eighteen hundred Poundes and to my Cousin Richard Pettus[7] Son
to Sir Richard[8] Pettus my Uncle aforesaid two hundred poundes
And to Elizabeth Sandes[9] the daughter
of my said Uncle Pettus Twod(?) hundred poundes
Item I give and bequeath as an heyre Loome to the
family of the Pettuses my large shininge guilt cupp with chrystall bowle[10] to Sr Thomas Pettus
my eldest brother Barronett to have itt first, and from him to descend to the next Barronett of
his family of the Pettuses and so by ??? for Ever
Item I give and bequeath all those
my Trusts and what ever them(?) conteyned in them with all others of myne ( my Evidence & guilts
excepted ) now beinge in the custodie of Mr Nicholas Browne of Norwich unto my loveinge Cousin
Charles Ramsey and his wife to doo with them as they thinke good, My ? Will is brother John
that yow will affoce(?) my loveing Couson Charles and his wife 5 ? payes ~[per] Annum a peece so
longe as they two shall live, and to bestow Twentie Poindes on Rouges(?) att Twentie shillings
a longi
adfringe to my Nearest Relations and friends
Item I give and bequeath unto Mr John Jenny
the Gray Mare[11] which I had of him beinge now att messrs(?) William Barkero att Hardwicke
Item my will is that my youngest brother John Pettus shall pay Fiftie pounds unto the said John
Jenny beinge now Clerke att Stow Hall
And my will is also that what money I have left
over and above my Revenues may bee paidd unto my Cousins Charles and his wife.
And my will is also that in every towne where my estates lyee Five pounds a peece shall be
given to the church wardens to distribute itt to the poore of the parrish.
And I doe
ordaine constitute and make John Pettus my youngest brother the sole executor of this my
last will and testament
In witness whoseof I have hereunto putt my hand and my seale the
twentieth day of June Anno Domini One Thousand six hundred Fiftie Nyne
Augustine Pettus
Signed Sealed and subscribed ad published and declared by the said Augustine Pettus to
bee his last will and testament the twentieth day of June 1659 in the pr[ecenc]e of John Earke
Robert Billington Tho: Goodwin St(?) David
18 May 1661
Whereas I Augustine Pettus have heretofore made my last will and testament in writing
subscribed with my hand and sealed with my seale And whereas I have therein amongs
other things given and bequeathed the summe of One thousand poundes To my
brother Sr Thomas Pettus of Rache?? in the Countie of Norffolk. Now my Will is and I doe
hereby declare the s[ai]d bequeath of One Thousand Pounds to my said Brother Sr Thomas
Pettus to be utterly voyd and of None Effect, And I doe hereby give and bequeath the
said One Thousand pounds in manner and forme following
First I give unto my
deare brother Mr John Pettus Seaven Hundred Pounds which together with the
Sume of Eighteen hundred pounds given unto in my said last will and testament
is in all the summe or Two Thousand and Five hundred pounds.
And I doe here-
by give and bequeath unto my cousin Richard Pettus Sonne of my Uncle Sr John
Pettus The Summe of Two hundred pounds as an Addition to what I have given him
in my said last will and Testament
Item whereas I have in my said last will and
testament Forgett my Fouer Cousens Thomas, Augustine and John Pettus and their
lame Sister whose name I doe not now remember Sonnes and daughter of my Cosen
Henry Pettus of Norwich my will is as I doe hereby give unto my said three Cozens
Thomas, Augustine and John Pettus The summe of One hundred pounds To bee
Equally devided betweene them and to bee paied them out of the first Rents To bee
raised out of my estate after my decease. And I doe give unto my Cousen theire
Lame Sister One Annuetie or yearely Rent of Tenne Poundes to bee paidd her out of
my estate duringe her life
And I doe hereby declare that this Peece of Paper And all
the bequeaths therein to bee my owne Reall intention and as a Coddicill to be Anne[?]t
to my said last will and testament In witness whence I have hereunto sett my hand
the day and yeare above written.
Aug. Pettus
Witnesse Ana Bythell, Lucy Bythell
In Latin.
Probatum ...
... Primio die Marsio
July Anno Donnm Millofiino sexagesimo --- John
Pettus ...
... Jurat.
- ↑ "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858" PROB 11: Will Registers,1660-1673, Piece 305: May, Quire Numbers 104-157 (1661) https://www.ancestry.co.uk/imageviewer/collections/5111/images/40611_310349-00045 Page 1 Page 2
- ↑ John Pettus Bt (abt.1640-1698)
- ↑ Thomas Pettus Bt (-1671)
- ↑ John Pettus MP FRS (1613-1685)
- ↑ Anne (Everard) Warner (-1663)
- ↑ Thomas Pettus Bt (abt.1606-1654)
- ↑ Richard Pettus (-1662)
- ↑ Richard here is an error it should be John
- ↑ Elizabeth (Pettus) Sandys (abt.1640-1714)
- ↑ This same gilt cup with the crystal bowl is given to Augustine in his father's will.
- ↑ It might say "Dray Mare". Hard to decipher.
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