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The will of Edward Holte

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Aston, Warwickshire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Holte Ferrers
This page has been accessed 215 times.

The will of Edward Holte written in January 1592/3 and proved on 21 March of that year.[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

People in the will, in the order that they are mentioned.

  • John Massye (gentleman my godson)
  • Maister Doctor Hinton (my good freinde)
  • Dorothie (my welbeloved wife)
  • Maister Baker (from whom he bought Charterhouse, Coventry)
  • Margaret Holte (daughter)
  • Mary Holte (daughter)
  • my eldest sonne (oddly not mentioned by name)
  • Anne Easte (daughter)
  • Edwarde Easte (son in law)
  • Barnabie Easte (Edward Easte's father)
  • Goodith Easte (daughter of Barnabie, presumably Edward Easte's sister)
  • John Wirley (brother in law)
  • John Huggesford (brother in law)
  • Humphrey Wirley (son in law)
  • John Huggesford (son in law)
  • Katherine (wife of Humphrey Wirley)
  • Lettice (wife of John Huggesford, son in law)
  • Frauncis Holte (younger son)
  • Robert Holte (younger son)
  • Thomas Ferrers (brother in law)
  • Sir Humfrey Ferrers Kt (brother in law, executor)
  • Edward Willimz (executor)
  • William Colmer, mercer (executor)
  • Abraham Wyrley (cousin)
  • Bailiffs: Richard Norton, William Hulley, Nicholas Dey, John Bull
  • Other Servants: William Westonn of Gaydon, Nicholas Dacles, John Cokersall, Edward Holbrooke, Thomas Ensor, Nicholas Milner, Thomas Staples
  • John Bennet (friend)
  • William Holte (executor)
  • Overseers: Clement Fisher esq, John Lloyd Esq, William Lewes Esq

The mercyfull will of the everlastinge
god be donne unto me and all myne both nowe and ever. I Edward Holte of Duddestone
in the Countie of Warw[ick] Esquire beinge I prayse god in good and perfecte memorye, and willinge to sett
all my worldlie thinges in order, Doe with his asistance make and establishe this my last will and
Testament this present moneth of January in the yeare of o[ur] saviour Christ one thouesand five
hundred ninetie and two in manner and forme followinge desiring all my friends to be contented
therwith videl[ice]t. First and Cheefley as Christianytie requireth earnestley cravinge pardon w[i]th
sorowful harte for my greate and manifold sinnes most carelesley and continually com[m]itted through
out the coarse of my life. I do com[m]ende and leave my soule to the greate mercy of Jesus Christe
our onlie saviour and redeemer by the blessed merits of whose death and bludsheddinge I remaine
stedfastley assured to be partaker of his everlastinge kingdome, not doubtinge but that his
mercie doth farre exceede my manifold offences and therefore buildinge my faith firmlie uppon his
assured promise made unto penitente sinners, I doe make sure accompte to be of the nomber of his
electe, and that my body and soule shalbe unyted togeather againe at the last daye and be
partaker of his ioyfull sentence, and my mortall body whensoever it shall please god to separate my
life from it I com[m]ende to the earthe from whence it come to be buried in my Chappell on the North Sid
of my parish churche at Astone in the vaute which I have made there, and such monument or
memorye of my wife and me to be made there of us as by my Executors shalbe thoughtfitt. and
they to allowe themselves for the Charges bestowed theruppon, and the manner and order of my
funerall I whollie leave to the direction of my executors for that it be without worldlie pompe, but
rather with charitable distribution[s] to the poore and needie, and with bestowinge of blackes uppon my
wife, children and servinge men, who uppon my Executors and Overseers, and such other of my good
freindes as they shall thinke Fitte / Nexte of all my will and desire is, that all and every of my
debts dewe to any of my good freind[e]s or to any other parson or parsons in righte and concyence uppon
dewe proffe made therof shalbe trulie paid by my executors, the som[m]e wherof to my memorye I doe
leave herewith in writinge under my hande, Item first I give and bequeath to the poorest people
and housholders inhabitinge within the parish of Aston aforesaid, three pounds sixe shilling[e]s ^viij d, and to
the like poore people inhabitinge within the towne of Birmingham and Dereatend fower pound[s]
to be paied within seaven monethes nexte after my decease and the same to be distributed amongeste
them accordinge to the necessities by some such of the discreteste Inhabitants of either of the said
parrishes as by my executors shalbe appointed. Item I give and bequeath to John Massye
gentleman my godson Fortie shillinges and to my good freinde Maister Doctor Hinton Fortie shillinges
hopinge he will bestowe a sermon at my buriall. Item next my will is that Dorothie my welbe
loved wife, if shee will after my decease make her dwellinge and abode at Duddestone
shall have and enioye the ioynture which I have heretofore assured unto her duringe her
widowhood by certeyne Indentures of conveyance Tripertite bearinge the date the fourth day of Aprill
in the sixteane yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth etc and by
other assuraunce, and also yf shee shall fortune to marry againe and therby loose the said said
Joynture, that then shee shall have and enioye from thencfourth duringe her naturall life the
yearely anuetie or rentcharge of two hundred marks issuinge out of all my landes, tenements
and hereditamentes in Duddeston and within the Lordshippe or mannour of Birmingham w[hi]ch
I have also heretofore assured unto her after such her seconde mariage by certeyne other
Indenture[s] Tripartite bearinge date the twelve day of June in the eight and twenteth
yeare of the raigne of our said soveraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth as by the same
severall Indenture[s] more playnlye appeareth, soe as my said wife doe observe the contente[s]
and the meaninge of the same severall conveyan[n]ces and doe not breake the condic[i]ons and
provisoes in them conteined. and ^if shee will after my decease dwell and make her abode at my
howse called the Charterhouse nere to the Citie of Coventrie which is the fitter place of
the two for her, Then my will is that my said wife not onlie have and enioye duringe

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her life the saide Charterhouse and growndes with thappurten[a]nces therunto belonginge which I
have purchased of Maister Baker, and also the Charterhouse Close and litle hartes
heade there which I have taken for certeyne yeares to come and my Dovehouse lately
builded at Bulkington she painge to my sonne and heire the yearly rente of five pound
thirteane shillings fower pence for the same, and likewise the rente dew yerely for the ^sayd
Charterhouse Close and harts heade, and the respite of homage and other dewties for
the same, but also she shall after my decease have and enioye duringe her life, the said
yearly anuitie or rentecharge of two hundred markes before menc[i]oned to be issuinge
and paiable out of all and singuler my lands tenements and hereditaments within the
same deede menc[i]oned, soe as she doe accepte and take the same in full recompence and
satisfaction of all Jointures, [dowres?] and other dem[m]ands whatsoever in to or out of any
of my lands, tenements or hereditaments by reason of any conveya[n]nc[e]s before menc[i]oned
or of any other title. Item I give and bequeth to my two daughters Margaret Holte
and Mary Holte five hundred pounds a peece for and towards theire preferments
to be paid unto them at such severall tymes as they shall accomplish theire severall
ages of fower and twentie yeares a peece yf they or eyther of them shall fortune to
be soe longe unmaried, or els soe sone after as it may be levied, and if they or either
of them shall fortune to be maried before that age, then parte of the said porc[i]on and
porc[i]ons soe bequeathed to be paid to her or theire use the tyme of theire mariages videl[ice]te soe
much therfore as by my executors and the survivors of them shall be thought convenient
they maye disburse, and the residue of the same sixe hundred pounds a peece to be paid
at such severall tymes afterwards as the same shall or maye be conveniently levied of
the rentes and proffites of my mannors, lands, tenementes, Leases and other thinges
hereafter in this my will lymitted and appointed to and for the performane therof
accordinge to the true intente and meaninge of this my will, which legacies I give unto
my saide two daughters and either of them uppon Condic[i]on that they or either of them
shall not bestowe herselfe in mariage without the devise and consente of my wife my
eldest sonne, and my executors or the more parte of them livinge, and if they or either
of them shall bestowe her selfe in mariage without such likinge and consente then I will
that shee or they soe maringe shall lose the one halfe of hir or theire said legacies and
porc[i]on herein bequeathed and have but onlie the one halfe therof to be paid unto hir
or them / Also if they or either of them shall fortune to decease before theire or her
said age of fower and twentie yeres beinge then unmaried, Then my will is that
their or her said said legacye soe deceasinge shall cease and not be paid to any parson
or parsons / Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anne Easte Five pounds of
yearly anuitie duringe the terme of sixteane yeares next after my decease if she shall soe
longe live to be paid unto her at twoe usuall Feastes in the yeare by the appoyntmente of my
Executors and the survivors of them out of my lands and Leases herein devised and limitted
to and for the performance of this my will / and I further give and bequeath unto my saide
Daughter Anne if shee be livinge at my decease, and to my sonne in lawe Edwarde Easte her
husband Fortie poundes towardes the better storinge of theire house and groundes to be paid
unto them by my Executors at such times and soe sonne as they maye respectinge the convenient
paymentes of my other legacies, and also I give to the said Edward easte all such advantages
and forfitures of coven[a]ntes and bonde by statute as Barnabie Easte his father hath heretofore
committed unto me by his not performinge of the Covenantes and agreementes betweene us.
and I give ^bequeath unto Goodith ^Easte his daughter Fortie pounds to be imployed to encrease to her
use, Item my will bequ[st?] and desire is that the Coven[a]ntes and agreementes of mariage
heretofore coven[a]nted and agreed uppon betweene my brother in lawe Maister John Wirley
and me, and betweene my brother in lawe Maister John Huggesford and me shall be
one my parte performed and kepte with the better, and my said brother Wirley be
truly paid in December next which by our Indentures of Agreementes is then dewe unto him.

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Also I bequeath to Dorothie my lovinge wife, or to my sonnes in lawe Humphrey Wirley and John
Huggesford at theire ch[?]oices Fortie markes of yerely rente a peece to discusse the charges of
theire boordes and findinge duringe such tymes as by my Coven[a]ntes or agreementes with my said
brothers in lawe. I am to give them thire boordes. / Item I also give and bequeth to the said
Humfrey Wirley if Katherine his wife shall soe longe live twentie poundes towardes theire setting
upp of house, and likewise to the said John Huggesforde twentie sixe poundes thirteane shillinges
and fower pence, yf Lettice his wife shall soe longe live towards theire settinge upp of house
to be paid as my executors may levy the same, / Also my will is that my two yonger sonnes
Frauncis Holte and Robert Holte shall quietley have and enioye im[m]ediately after my
decease duringe theire lives the severall anuities or yerely rentes charges of twentie markes
a peece, which I have heretofore by my severall deeds indented assured unto them for theire
maynten[a]nce accordinge to the purporte of the same deedes, videl[ice]t to my sonne Frauncis out of
my landes and tenementes lyinge and beinge within the mannor or hamlett of Bordesley neere
Birmingham, and to my sonne Robert out of certeyne my landes and tenementes in Weston in
Arden near Bulkington in the Countie of Warw[ick] whereof / I have also given them season
accordinglie. / and furthermore I give and bequeth to the ^said Frauncis Holte my sonne during
his naturall life and to such wife as he shall be maried unto at the tyme of his decease
duringe her naturall life, and after theire deceases to the eldest sonne, and for want of such
sonne to the eldest Childe of the said Frauncis lawfullie begotten, for tearme of life of
such Childe onlie all that the rectorye or Parsona[i?]ge of Shenstone with the appurten[a]nces
in the countie of Stafford, togeather withall the gleabe landes, tythes, and other hereditam[en]tes
whatsoever to the said Rectorie belonginge, payinge and discharginge the feefarme rente
yearly and other dewties dew for the same after expirac[i]on of Standley his Lease whoe
is nowe ten[a]nte therunto. / And I likewise give and bequeth to my said sonne Frauncis
imediatley after my decease the yerely proffitt and Comoditie of my two pasture groundes
beinge parcels of my Demaynes, which are com[m]only called the two over Ruddinges for the
better augmentinge of his maynten[a]nces in the studye of the comon lawes soe longe onlie and
untill such tyme as he shall enter uppon the said rectorye or parsonage of Shenston, with
the appurten[a]nces before bequeathed unto him, and then my will is that from thenceforth
my executors and the survivor of them shall have and take the yerely proffites of the
said pasture groundes towardes the paymentes of my debtes and legacies untill this my will
shall be fully performed, and my will and meaninge is that my executors and the survivors
of them shall duringe the mynoritie of my said sonne Frauncis take and receave his said
porc[i]ons of livinge, and bestowe the same yearlie uppon him, and to his use, as by the
discrec[i]on of them and the survivors of them shalbe thought fitt and convenient, and at
his full age of one and twentie yeares, to render him accomptes of theire bestowinge of
the same. / Item I also give and bequeath to my said sonne Robert fower hundred poundes
in mony to bee employed in stocke of march[a]nndize to mayntayne his trade withall, that I
woulde have him to be bounde apprentice unto videl[ice]t to be a march[a]nnte venturer, two
hundred poundes wherof I woulde have dilivered with him, when he is bound apprentice
uppon such assurance and agreementes as shall be then agreed uppon, with him that
shalbe his Maister as well touching his occupinge of parte of the same two two hundred
poundes in conveniente tyme, for his better com[m]oditie, as also for the safe repaimente againe
of the same two hundred poundes to him at the end of his yeares wherin my brother in lawe
Maister Thomas Ferrers hath freindly promised his assistance to place him. / and the
other two hundred poundes I will shall be paid by my executors and the survivor of them
to my said sonne Robert at the ende of his apprentishippe, yf he frame himself likely to
doe well and not to be an unthrifte, and I will devise and bequeath to my trustie freindes
Sir Humfrey Ferrers knight my brother in lawe, John Huggesford and Edward Willimz
esquires, and Will[ia]m Colmer of Birmingham mercer and to the survivors and survivo[rs] of
them his Executores and Administratores for and duringe the tearme and space of sixtene

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twenty yeares nexte followinge after my decease, all those my mannors messuages landes tenementes rentes
and other hereditamentes whatsoever with thire appurten[a]nces aswell in possession as in reverc[i]on
scituate linge and beinge within the Lordships and mannors of hamletts of Aston neere Birmingha[m]
Witton, Duddeston, Birmingham Bordesley litle Bromyche and in Sutton in Colffilde in the county
of Warr[wick] and in Handsworth in the countie of Stafford which only my Bayliffes Richard Norton
William Hulley, Nicholas Dey and John Bull doe receive and gather the yerelie rentes and proffittes
of, as by theire severall rentalls of the same Collecc[i]ons maie playnlie appeare likewise my stocke
of sheepe that shall be at Sutton the tyme of my decease. / Also the occupac[i]on and takinge of
the yerely proffittes of my farme of the desolved Colledge of St Maries nere the Castle of
Leicester, and all the landes, tenementes, tithes, rentes and proffittes therunto belonginge for
and duringe the said terme and space of Sixteane yeares next followinge after my deca[e]se,
yf my tearme of yeres therin shall for longe continewe. / and likewise the occupac[i]on and taking
of the yerelie proffittes of my farmes of the Scite of the mannor of Tachbrooke als[o]
Byshoppes Tachbrooke with the appurten[a]nces in the said countie of Warr[wick], and of the
landes Meadowes pastures, and hereditamentes therunto belonginge, also of the Rectorie
or parsonage of Bulkington in the said county of Warr[wick], withall the tithes, proffittes, and
appurten[a]nces therunto belonginge and also the Rectory or parsonage of Aston near Birmingham
aforesaid, and of all the gleabe landes, tenementes, tythes, and other proffittes to the same
Rectory belonginge (Excepte the tythe corne of Duddeston[e] and Nechells onlie) also my closes
or sheepe pastures togeather lying in Aston, which I doe nowe use in myne owne occupac[i]on
called or knowne by the names of the newefilde Stafford croftes Coppockes close and
the roundhilles, and my seaven score cowple of ^rente con[n]yes and Rabbyts which are due to be
paid yerelie by the keeper of Aston heath, and likewise all the herriottes, relieffes weaves
and screves, and perquisites of courtes, which shall yerelie arise and growe due of, for and
by reason of any my said mannors lib[er]ties, landes or tenementes also excepted, savinge and
also alwaies excepted out of all the same premisses soe bequeathed to the performance
of this my will, such comodities, tithes, and other yerely proffittes, and such estates, Interestes
and yearlie rentes, charges or annuyties, in and yssuinge out of any of the said mannors, landes
tenementes, and fermes as I have heretofore by any former Conveyannce or by this my
will grannted, assured, or bequeathed to Dorothie my said lovinge wife to any of my
Children, or to any other parson or parsons during theire interestes therin accordinge to the
tenures and true meaninge of the same, which said devise and bequeste of the said rentes
yssues and proffittes yerelie com[m]inge and arisinge of the said mannors landes and ten[amen]ts
Rectories Fermes, and other the premisses before bequeathed (excepte before excepted)
is to the onlie purpose and intente, that the said Sir Humfrey Ferrers, John
Hugesford, Edward Willimze and William Colmer and the survivor of them his exec[utors]
and Administratores shall accordinge to my speciall trust reposed in them employe and
bestowe the same duringe the said termes and tymes before limitted and bequeathed
for and towardes the paimentes of all my deptes and legacies, and for the ^full performance
of this my will and Codicill hereunto annexed in all pointes accordinge to my true
meaninge, and if the overplus and residewe of all the said rentes, yssues and proffittes
that shall or maye com[m]e or arise aswell of the said mannors, landes, tenementes, parsonages
Fermes, and other the premisses de[v?]ised to the performance of my will (excepte before
excepted) as also of all my goods Cattels redy money. and depts owinge me and other
thinges whatsoever bequeathed or lefte to my executores, after my depts and legacies shalbe
paid and discharged, also this my will and Codicill in all pointes trulie performed, and
the reasonable charges of my executors in or aboute the performance of this my will in any
respecte, fully allowed. I give and bequeth unto that my sonne which shalbe my heire
and shall first accomplish the age of fower and twentie yeares to be dilivered unto
him with acomptes in writinge to be made of the same by my executors or the survivor
of them his executores and administratores at such tyme and tymes as theire use

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and interest of and in the said mannors, landes, tenementes, Fermes, and other the premisses, to the
purposes and intentes aforesaid shall or ought to ceasse and determyne accordinge to my true
meaninge. / Furthermore I give and bequeath to that my sonne which shall be mine heire and
firste accomplishe the age of two and twentie yeares uppon such condic[i]on as hereafter is expressed
my leases, Fermes and termes of yeares to Com[m]e of and in the Mannor or Lordeshippe of heth
alias hethe in the countie of Oxon with the landes tenementes and other the appurten[a]nces therunto
belonginge, and of and in the Scite of the mannor of longe Itchinton and the demayne groundes
Windmill, and other the appurten[a]nces in my lease therof conteyned togeather with suche my stocke
of Sheepe and other Cattell as shall be there remayninge at the tyme of my decease, and
of and in my leases and termes of yeares to com[m]e in Reverc[i]on in the Farme in Hurley within the
parishe of Kinsburie com[m]only called Shiltons Farme with the landes tenements, and other the
appurten[a]nces therto belonginge, and of and in my Farme and terme of yeares to com[m]e in the
groundes in Bordesley which are percelles of the Ferme there com[m]only called the hayes, and
of and in my terme of yeres to com[m]e in certeyne groundes of one [blank] Smith of Waterorto[n]
and of and in my said leases, Fermes, and termes of yeares to com[m]e of and in the Rectories
or parsonages of Bulkington and Aston neere Birmingham aforesaid togeather withall the
gleabe landes tithes, and other proffittes, with theire appurten[a]nces to them belonginge
and of and in my Fermes and residue of yeares to com[m]e after my will be performed
of the scite of the mannor of Tachbrooke alias Bishoppes Tachebrooke aforesaid, and
of the dissolved Colledge of St Maries neere the Castle of Leicester aforesaide, wth
all the landes, tenementes, tithes, profittes and other appurten[a]nces to them belonginge
excepte and alwaies reserved, the occupac[i]on and takinge of the yerly proffittes of
the same Rectories or parsonages and ferme[obliterated] with theire appurten[a]nces to such uses as
I have heretofore in this will given and bequeathed, som[m]e of the same fermes, L[..?]
untill this my said will shall be fullye performed, and I doe desire and charge my exec[utors]
hereafter in this will named and the survivor of them his executor and administr[ator]
of my especialle truste reposed in them to foresee and take order, that the yearley rentes
due and paiable by and for every the said leases before menc[i]oned and bequeathed
to my said sonne shall be well and trulie paid and dischardged at or be^fore the severall
dayes or tymes in the said leases lymitted and appointed for the paiementes therof
to the Queenes Maiestie her heires and successors and to such other parson or p[ar]sons
to whom the severall rentes reserved uppom the same leases shall be due and paiable, to
save and avoyde the danger and forfeiture of every of the same leases untill such
severall tymes before menc[i]oned as my said sonne is to enter uppon the same leases, and
to receive the proffittes of them.

Also I give and bequeath to my said sonne which shall be
my heire, and first accomplishe the age of two and twentie yeres all my Cubbord of plate
and other housholde thinges whatsoever made of silver my worser Bason and youer of silver
my two oldest silver Boles, my two worser gilte saltes, my olde silver Cuppe with the cover
two of my silver tunnes. and on dossen of silver spones, and also one halfe [of - indistinct] my badges of
silver, only excepted) and all and every the goodes Catteles houshold stuffe and thinges
hereafter menc[i]oned, uppon such condic[i]on also as is hereafter expressed (videl[ice]t) my best
Jewell with the Agatt in it, my signett ringe of golde, and my seale of sylver my best suite
of apparell throughout, also my beste bedde with the tester imbrodred, the sylke quylte
Curtens and hanginges, tapestrie, pallet bedde, Cheares, stoles, and Cusshions of Crymson
taffita to them, and ^all other furnitures therto belonginge in my Chamber over the Parlor
called the greate Chamber at Duddeston[n]e, and all my brewing leades and other
greate vesseles and brewinge Fatts at Duddestonn, the most of which furniture of the
bedde onlie is nowe at Duddestone, also two of my best Brasse potts, my two best pannes
and all my waynscotte, and such other my Furnitures of housholde whatsoever in my
houses as are fixed to the freeholde, also my bay stoned Colte and my largest Fillie
Colte w[i]th the one halfe of all my ridinge Furniture and sadells, and the moytie or one

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halfe of all the residue, of my Bedsteeds, Testors, Curtens, hanginges, Mappes, pictures boordes cubboordes
Coffers, Cheares, formes and stoles, and likewise the moytie or one halfe of all my Geldinges,
mares, and other peeces of horsefleshe, and of my oxen, bulles, kyne, and yonge bestes of all
sortes whatsoever, and ^of all the residue of my beddinge, brasse, pewter, lynnens, Cowpes, ware
presses, Iron stuffe, Waynes, Tumbrelles, plowes, and other ymplementes of husbandrie, and
moveable housholdstuffe whatsoever, togeather withall my armor, plate, Cotes, Calyvers, Pistolles
Gunnes, bowes, arrowes, pikes, and weapons of defence, also my dram[m]e and the one halfe of my
bookes, which he will Chose, also my said Closes or Sheepe pastures togeather lyinge in Astonn
which I doe nowe use in myne owne occupac[i]on, called or knowne by the names of ^the newe filde
Stafford Crofts, Coppocks Closse, and Roundhilles, and all my stocke of sheepe in them and
in other groundes in and aboute Duddestonn within the parishe of Astonn, togeather with
my Seaven score cowple of rente Conyes and Rabbittes which are due to be paid yearlie by
the keeper of Aston heathe, and likewise all the herryottes, relieffes weaves and streaves and
perquisites of Courtes which shall yearlie arise and growe due of or for and by reason of any
my said Mannors, liberties, landes or tenementes savinge and excepte suche partes or or percelles
of all and singuler the premisses as I have or shall by this my will otherwise specially
beqeath and dispose to any other parson or parsons, provided allways that Dorothie my
wellbeloved wife shall have the use and occupac[i]on duringe her life of any such my peece
of plate herin bequeathed to my sonne and heire which she shall have liking to keepe and
use, all which landes, leases, Fermes, stockes of Sheepe, plate housholdstuffe and other
things before named herby bequeathed to such my heire as aforesaid, I give unto hym
uppon condic[i]on, that he doe no wayes breake or alter the performance of
this my will in any thinge contrary to the true meaninge therof, and if he shall at
any tyme breake this my will, or hinder the performance of any legacy or Clause therin
conteyned contrary to my true meaninge, then I give and bequeath all and every the ^sayd
landes leases, farmes, stockes of sheepe, plate beddinge housholdstuffe and other thinges
before recited to my ^twoe yonger sonnes, Frauncis and Roberte, and allso to recompence
such other parson or parsons as shall be hindred by my sonne and heire his refusall to p[er]forme
this my will, provided alwayes , and my will and full meaninge is, touchinge all the
severall legacies before bequeathed to that my sonne which shall be myne heire and
shoulde first accomplishe the age of two and twentie yeares, soe that if such sonne
shall fortune to decease before he shall accomplishe the age, and shall leave any yssue male
of his body lawfully begotten to be his heire, the I give and bequeath uppon like Condic[i]on
as aforesaid all the legacies and bequestes and every of them to suche heire male of his body.
and for lacke of such yssue, then I give and bequeath the same legacies and every of them
to such parson which shall as my heire male inherite my said mannor or mansion house of
Duddestonn, and other Mannors, landes and hereditamentes, and to be Dilivered to
such heire or heires at his or theire full age or ages of two and twentie yeres and w[i]th
like accomptes [?] to be then made to hym or them of the same by my Executors and
the Survivor of them his executores and administrators as aforesaid, any thinge in
this my will conteyned to the contrary therof in any wise notwithstandinge, Provided
allwayes also, and my will and full intente and meaning is, yf my said Sonne that
shall be my heire at his age of two and twentie yeres or within one yeare after he shall
accomplishe that age, shall and will enter into sufficiente bondes, togeather with like
sureties with hym to my executors and the survivores or survivor of them his executores
and administratores for the performance of this my will and true paymentes of all and
every of my debts, legacyes, Rentes charges and bequestes herin and in the Codicill hereunto
annexed conteyned, which shall not be before that tyme by my said executors paide and
disharged, That then fromhenceforth my said sonne and heire shall enter uppon and
take the proffittes of all and singuler the saide Mannors, landes, tenementes, Fermes
and other the premisses before lymitted and devysed to and for the payementes and

[Page 7]
performance of the same, and that then also my said Executores and the Survivors of them shall make
accomptes unto hym of theire imployinge and bestowinge the former yssies and proffittes that they shall
receive and take of the same premisses, and of all other thinges whatsoever by them had and received
towardes the performance hereof, and also release unto my said heire all theire title and intereste
in and to the same premisses and every parcell of the same had by vertue hereof, And soe from
thenceforth my saide heire to stande chardged with the accomplishmente and execuc[i]on of this my
Will and Codecill in all partes beinge not before dischardged by myne executors as aforesaid, any
thinge herin conteyned to the contrarie therof in any wise notwithstandinge, Also I give and bequeth
to my said wife uppon such Condic[i]on likewise as is herafter expressed, all and everye the goodes
Cattelles, plate Jewelles, housholdstuffe, and thinges hereafter expressed, that is to saye, the
chayne of golde, Bruche hateband of pearle, Ringes and other Jewelles, and thinges which she ^hathe used
to weare, (saveing the Jewell with the Agott before bequeathed to my heire) Also my worser bason
and yewer of silver, my two worser guylte saltes of silver with the Cover, my two oldest silver
boles, two of my silver tunnes, my olde silver Cuppe with the Cover, a dozen of sylver spones, and
the one halfe of my silver badges, and my Closse in Duddestonn in Mr Selmans tenure com[m]only
called Clodsalles close, Also all the tith Corne of Duddestonn and Neachelles, and my Wagon[n] wythall
the furnitures therto, and allso the halfe of all my peeces of horsefleshe, and of my oxen, bulles
kyne, and yonge bestes of all sortes not otherwise given or bequeathed, with one halfe of my
sadelles and furniture, and her owne sadell, pillyons, Clothes and furnitures, also all my fatt
beastes and sheepe that I shall have afeadinge at the tyme of my Decease, togeather with
all my other quicke domesticall Cattell ^whatsoevere beinge not Derye, horses ^oxen kyne, yonge beastes, nor sheepe
Furthermore I give and bequeath to my said wife halfe my haye in the barnes, also the halfe
of all my Maulte, barley and oates which shall be aswell growinge one the grounde as in my houses
and barnes at the tyme of my Decease, and also the one halfe of all my bedsteedes, testors
Curtens, hanginges, Mappes, beddinge brasse, pewter, presses, pictures, boordes, Cupboordes
coffers Cheares, Formes, and stoles, and of the residue of my lynnens Cowpers ware, Iron
stuffe, Waynes, Tumbrelles plowes, implementes of husbandrye and moveable housholdstuffe
and other my goodes whatsoever which I have ^not otherwise by this my Will particulerlye bequethed
to my heire or any other parson or parsons, and also I bequeath unto her my best gowne of
dam[m]aske, such of my service bookes and bookes of Phisicke as she will chose, as such armor
and weapons as by the lawe she shall be chardgeable to keepe in respecte of her livinge, and
also Fortie poundes of redie money. / Provided alwayes, that if my said wife shall at any tyme
after my Decease duringe her naturall life, willinglye or advisedly attempte ore goe aboute to
breake or hinder the true performance or execuc[i]on of this my Will in any parte, or to alter the
use or intente of any thinge herein Devised to the performan[n]ce therof contrarye to the true
meaninge, That then all and everye the said severall Legacies and bequestes by this my
Will to her given and bequeathed shall be voyde and of none effecte, and that then shee
shall in all respectes loose the benefitt and advauntage of all the same Legacies, and then
I will ^that the same legacies and every of them shall be disposed by my Executors and the
survivors of them, for and towardes the payementes of all other my legacies, and the [so...?]
performance of this my Will. / I Furthermore give and bequeath to my said younger son[n]es
Frauncis and Roberte, all the residue of my bookes at Duddeston, to be indefferently
devided betweene them, Also to the said Edward East my sonne in lawe, the residue of my
apparrell and furniture for my body, which are not otherwise bequeathed, Also my Will is
that my Cozen Abraham Wyrley shall have and be tenaunte to the tithes of litle Bromwich
that he nowe holdeth of me for the terme and space of one and twentie yeares next after
my decease yf he shall soe longe live, for the yearlie rente of five poundes, which he doth
nowe paye for the same. / Fyrthermore my Will is, that all and every of my servauntes
and tenauntes which have or doe holde and houses or groundes of me without any Lease or
by any leases that shall expire shall continue tenauntes of the same for such yearlye rentes
as they doe paye for the same at my Decease untill the same houses and groundes shall com[m]e

[Page 8]
to the handes and possession of my sonne and heire, they keepinge sufficiente Reperac[i]ons in
the meane tyme, and usinge themselves honestley, and also such servauntes not refusinge
to doe the like service to my wife or to my sonne and heire as they have Donne unto me
also I give and bequeath to my servaunte William Westonn of Gaydon, yf he shall be
livinge at the tyme of my decease, the yerelie Fee of Fortie shillinges out of my farme
and rentes of the Lordshippe of Heith aforesaide during all the terme of yeares
to Come in my lease of the same after my decease, yf he shall soe longe live for the
service he hath donne unto me, and in recompence of his paynes to be taken in on[?] servinge
my Stock of sheepe at Darsett and Tachebrooke. / Also my will is that my servaunte
Nicholas Dacles shall have and be tenaunte to the groundes which he holdeth of me
in Astonn and Neachelles for Fortie shillinges lesse rente than he nowe payeth. / Also
I give and bequeath to my servaunte John Cokersall, if he shall serve me at my Decease. my
worst suite of apparell throughout, and tenn of my yonge sheepe aboute Duddestonn, and also
my Will is, that he shall have and enioye for and duringe his naturall life the house and groundes
I have bestowed of him in Neachelles for the yearlie rente of eight pence, which he nowe paieth
also I give and bequeath to all the residewe of my housholde servauntes aswell men as wome[n]
not before menconed which shall have served me in the space of fower yeares at the tyme
of my decease, to every of them one halfe yeares wages apeece./ Item I give and bequeth
to my servaunte Edward Holbrooke Fortie shillinges. Item I give and bequeath to my
servaunte Richard Norton fower poundes. Item I give and bequeath to my servaunte
Thomas Ensor out of the Landes and tythes which he holdeth of me fower poundes yerelie
Item I give and bequeath to my servaunte Nicholas Deye Fortie shillinges yerlie lesse
rente then he nowe payeth for the groundes he nowe holdeth of me / Item I give and
bequeath to my servaunte Nicholas Milner tenn poundes, servinge my wife, as he hath served
me, Item I give and bequeath to my servaunt Thomas Staples, sixe poundes thirteane
shillinges and fower pence servinge my Wife as he hath served ^me Item I give and bequeath
to my freinde John Bennet of Dereatend reader ^[there?] sixe poundes thirteane shillinges fower
pence in readye money./ And I doe hereby Constitute, make, and appoynte my saide trustie freindes
Sir Humfrey Ferrers, William Holte, Edwarde Willimze, and William Colmore my lawfull exec[utores]
to execute and performe this my laste will an testamente, hopinge they will take the
paynes to see the same in all pointes performed accordinge to my true meaninge, and I
will that all the costes and charges of them and every of them, which shall be from tyme
to tyme layed out and disbursed in or aboute the accomplishement of this my will,
or any parte therof shall be discharged and allowed unto them and to the survivores
of them uppon the makinge of theire reasonable accomptes to myne heire as aforesaid
And I doe also hereby make and ordeyne my lovinge freindes Clement Fisher esquior
John Lloyd Esquior doctor of the Civil lawes, and William Lewes of the Inn temple
in London esquior my overseers of the execuc[i]on of this my will, desiringe them wherin
neede shall require to ayde and assiste my said executores and the survivor of them
in theire performance of the same, In witnes whereof I the said Edward Holte
have to this my Will and to every leafe therof subscribed my name, and to the labell
fixed hereunto to have sett my seale, the month and yeare before written, videl[ice]t in the
yere of the raigne of our soveraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth &c the five and
thirteth By me Edward Holte

Probate in Latin
Vicesimo primo die mensis Martij anno domini ... millessimo quingentisimo nonagesimo secundo (21 March 1592/3)
granted to the above named executors.

Research Notes

  • There is also a Sentence in Latin, dated 5 February 1594/5.[2] There is a very brief summary of the outcome on the history of parliament website.[3]
In February 1594 a sentence confirmed the will, the court’s decision being in favour of Sir Humphrey Ferrers and the other executors against the widow and her eldest son Thomas, who had come of age four months before his father died.
  • Strangely he doesn't mention his eldest son by name, and only names his two younger sons.
  • There is no sign of a separate codicil, so perhaps it was intended to be incorporated into the main body of the will, as the will has been proved as is.

Some words explained

  • videlicet = that is to say or as follows
  • Weaves and screves = most likely waifs and strays (thanks to Nic Donnelly for the suggestion).
  • Derye = probably dairy.
  • Darsett = possible Avon Dassett or Burton Dassett, very close to Gaydon.


  1. https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D928865 Reference: PROB 11/81/247 Description: Will of Edward Holte of Duddestone, Warwickshire Date: 21 March 1593 Held by: The National Archives, Kew (accessed 4 Jan 2022)
  2. https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D929883 Reference: PROB 11/83/113 Description: Sentence of Edward Holt of Duddeston, Warwickshire Date: 05 February 1594 Held by: The National Archives, Kew (accessed 4 January 2022)
  3. http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1558-1603/member/holte-edward-1542-93

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