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The will of John Brickell, Yeoman of Motcombe, Dorset 1685

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The will of John Brickell, Yeoman of Motcombe, Dorset
Probate date, 9 February 1684/5
The National Archives, Kew, Surrey, England
Reference PROB/11/379/203


In the name of God Amen the Tenth day of September in the five and thirtieth yeare of the reigne of our Soverigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of England, Scotland and Ireland King defender of the faith & Anno Domini One thousand six hundred eighty three I John Brickle the elder of Mottcombe within the Manor of Gillingham in the County of Dorsett Yeoman doe make, publish and declare this to bee my last Will and Testament in manner and forme follownig revokenig and by thesepresents annulling all other wills and Testaments heretofore by me made :Imprimis I bequeathe my soule unto the hand of Almighty God that gave it me and through the mercie of my good God and the meritts and sufferings of my blessed saviour Jesus Christ I hope and looke for eternall salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven and my body to bee buried in the parish church at Mottcombe aforesad and neere to my first wife as with convenience it may bee in such decent manner as my Executors hereafter named shall thinke meete And as for my temporall goods which God hath pleased to lend me I doe dispose of it as followeth
First I give unto my deare wife the summe of Tenne pounds in mony one flitch of Bacon worth twenty shillings and all her household stuff which was her owne before I married her one hundred ordinary cheese two dozen of butter and all my wood which shall bee in my barton at my decease
Ite’ I give unto my sonne John Brickle fourescore punds and also I give unto his two daughters Mary & Annever tenne pounds a peece
I give unto my sonne Thomas Brickle tenne pounds in money and to his four children Mary Anne Thomas and John five pounds a peece
Item I give unto Mary my daughter the wife of John Joylyffe five pounds and I also give unto her foure children John, Thomas, Mary and Robert five pounds a peece
Item I give unto my sonne Richard Brickle fourscore pounds and also I give unto his five children Anna Mary Richard John and Robert five pounds a peece And my will is that their legacies aforesaid w’ch I have given to my grandchildren bee paid into their fathers hands and they doe make the best advantage and improvement of the said mony for the benefitt of their children until they come to the age of one and twenty yeares or bee married w’ch first shall happen that then the aforesaid summes of mony bee paid them By their fathers with the profitt and advantage that they have made by it and further my will is that if either of my grandchildren happen to die before his or her money becomes due then his or her mony shall bee divided betweene his or her Brothers or sisters that shall bee then living
Item I give unto my daughter Anne Moores wife of Willia’ Moores five pounds and also I give unto her foure children eightscore pounds viz to her sonne William twenty pounds to her Daughter Mary fourty pounds to her daughter Anne threescore pounds and to her sonne John fourty pounds And my will is that beforesaid eightscore pounds shall bee paid unto their fathers hands [ ] [ ] and the yearly profitts and revenues w’ch shall bee made by him of the aforesaid eightscore pounds or any part thereof hee shall pay yearly to my daughter Anne his wife for her owne use and benefit untill such time as her said children shall severally come to the age of one and twenty years then my will is and as they shall severally come to the age of one and tweny yeares the my will is that the afores’d summe of money given them as aforesaid shall bee paid them by their father And in case either of the said children die before hee or shee shall come to the afe of One and twenty yeares them my will is that his or her money soe given shall be equally divided betweene them that shall bee then livenig
Item I give my household stuffe to my five children viz John Thomas Richard Anne and Mary equally to bee divided betweene them provided if there bee any of the aforesaid householdstuffe that was given to any or either of them by their grandfather grandmother or their owne mothers that bee taken out before the division bee made and bee restored to him her or then And my will is that all the [insertion] legacies aforesaid bee paid by my executors hereafter w’thn twelve moneth after my decease and when those [end of insertion] legacies aforesaid given to my grandchildren bee paid to their fathers that then their fathers requittance shall bee a sufficient discharge for my executors
Item I give unto my two Godsons John Cooke of Mottcome and John [-]atehouse of Shaston two shilliings six pence a peece
Ite’ I give to the poore of Mottcombe aforesaid forty shillings to bee given to forty anntient people twelve pence a peece by my execitors the Sunday seaven night before Christmas next after my decease
And lastly I doe give unto my two sonnes John Brickle and Richard Brickle all other my goods and chattells and I doe hereby make them my full and whole executors of this my last will and testament And also hereby I doe make my two sonnes in law Willia’ Moore and John Joyliffe Overseers of this my last will & Testament and I doe give them five shillings a peece
In witness whereof I have sett my hand & seale the day & yeare above written John Brickell signed sealed published and declared to bee his last will and Testament in the pr’se of us Robt Knight Anne Knight her mark testis William Knight
Probate clause in latin, probate granted to John Brickell and Richard Brickell

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