Location: Bermondsey, Surrey, England, United Kingdom

Surname/tag: Willmann
Transcription of Theodor Willmann naturalisation papers from National Archives at Kew, Ref. HO 1 119 4625, with papers arranged in date order, apart from wrapper which has been placed at the end [Original bundle was not in date order]
[NA cover page]
Ho 1
E 30
To the Right Honorable Sir George Grey
Baronet Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the
Home Department
The humble Memorial of
Theodore Willmann of 116 Old Kent
Road in the County of Surrey Jeweller.
That your Memorialist was born at Saint Margen
Frieburg [sic] in the Grand Duchy of Baden in Germany of parents
subjects of the said Grand Duchy and that your Memorialist is
also a subject of the said Grand Duchy and is now of the age of
thirty-one years and upwards and is by trade a Master Jeweller
and carries on his business as such at 116 Old Kent Road aforesaid.
That your Memorialist came to the United Kingdom for the
purpose of business and residence eleven years ago - that he has resided
in Surrey during the said period namely at Gravel Lane Blackfriars
Road Surrey aforesaid for a period of six years and at 116 Old Kent
Road aforesaid for the residue of the said period of eleven years.
That your Memorialist is married but has no children and
has a fixed domicile here and intends to continue to reside within
the United Kingdom.
That your Memorialist being permanently settled in business
in this Country is desirous to hold freehold and leasehold property
here and being now under arrangement to advance money on
mortgage of leasehold property is desirous to obtain all the rights
and capacities of a natural born British subject which the statute
of 7 and 8 Queen Victoria chapter 66 will allow him to enjoy.
Your Memorialist therefore humbly
prays that you will issue a Certificate granting
to your Memorialist all the rights and
capacities of a British subject which the said
statute will allow him to enjoy
And your Memorialist will ever pray
Theodor Willmann
I Theodore Willmann of 116 Old Kent Road in the
County of Surrey Jeweller do solemnly and sincerely declare that
I was born at Saint Margen Freiburg in the Grand Duchy of
Baden in Germany of parents subjects of the said Grand Duchy and
that I am also a subject of the said Grand Duchy and am now of
the age of thirty one years and upwards and am by trade a Master
Jeweller and carry on business as such at 116 Old Kent Road
aforesaid. That I came to the United Kingdom for the purpose
of business and residence eleven years ago - that I have resided
in Surrey during the said period namely at Gravel Lane
Blackfriars Road Surrey aforesaid for a period of six years and
at 116 Old Kent Road aforesaid for the residue of the said period
of eleven years. That I am married but have no children and
that I have a fixed domicile here and intend to continue to
reside within the United Kingdom and that being permanently
settled in business in this Country and being desirous to hold
freehold and leasehold property here and being now under arrange-
ment to advance money on mortgage of leasehold property I am
desirous of obtaining all the rights and capacities of a natural
born British subject which the statute of 7 and 8 Victoria chapter
66 will allow me to enjoy and I make this solemn Declaration
conscientiously believing believing the same to be true and by
virtue of the provisions of an act made and passed in the session
of Parliament of the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late
Majesty King William the fourth intituted [sic] “An Act to repeal an act
of the present session of Parliament intituted [sic] an act for the more
effectual abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in
various Departments of the state and to substitute Declarations in
lieu thereof and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and
extra judicial Oaths and Affidavits and to make other provision for
the abolition of unnecessary Oaths.”
Declared at Southwark Police
Court County in the County of
Surrey this twenty-fourth
day of January 1865
Theodor Willmann
Before me
T. B. Buchan
Metropolitan Magistrate
We Edward Thomas Goddard of 86 Blackman Street
Southwark in the County of Surrey Baker Joeph [sic] Whitaker
of 2 Ralph Terrace Brunswick Road Camberwell in the
County of Surrey Wood Turner Frederick John Roper of
114 Old Kent Road in the County of Surrey Hosier and
John Jacobs of 110 Old Kent Road aforesaid China and
Glass Dealer
and all being respectively householders do jointly and severally
solemnly and sincerely declare that we know and are well acquainted
with Theodore Willmann of 116 Old Kent Road in the County of
Surrey Jeweller and that the said Theodore Willmann is a perfectly
respectable and loyally disposed person and we further declare
that to the best of our knowledge information and belief the several
matters stated in the above written Memorial of the said Theodore
Willmann are perfectly true and correct and we make this solemn
Declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by
virtue of the provisions of an act made and passed in the Session
of Parliament of the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his
late Majesty King William the fourth intituted [sic] “An Act to repeal
an act of the present session of Parliament intituted [sic] an act for the
more effectual abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made
in various Departments of the State and to substitute Declarations
in lieu thereof and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and
extrajudicial Oaths and Affidavits and to make other provisions for
the abolition of unnecessary Oaths”.
Declared at Southwark Police
Court in the County of Surrey
this twenty-fourth day of
January 1865 Before me
Edward Thomas Goddard
J Wittaker
Fred. Roper
John Jacobs
T. B. Buchan
Metropolitan Magistrate
25. Jan[uar]y. 1865:
R. R. Greig
30 JAN 1865
No. 840
T. Willmann’s Memor[ia]l.
Inquiries if a Statem[en]t
signed by the Householders
will be sufficient
5 Verulam Buildings, Gray’s Inn, W.C.
28 January 1865
As to Theodore Willmann’s
I have the honor of receiving your
letter stating “that it is requisite that the
four householders should state whether
they are British born subjects + also how
long they have personally known the
As it will put the householders
to considerable inconvenience to attend
before the Magistrate again to make
a declaration I take the liberty of
enquiring whether the Home Secretary
Sir George Grey will be satisfied with
a statement of the facts required signed
by the 4 householders.
I may add they are all
British born subjects + have known
the Memorialist for a long period
I am Sir
Your most obedient Servant
Rob: R: Greig
T.[?] G. Baring Esq.
Home Office
8 FEB 1865
5 Verulam Buildings, Gray’s Inn, W.C.
Tuesday 7 February 1865
As to Theodore Willmann’s mem[oria]l.
I beg to send herewith
a Statement of the 4 householders
as to their being British born subjects
+ the length of time they have
respectively known the memorialist as
required by your letter of 31st ult.
I have the honour to be
your obedient Servant
[To]T. G. Baring Esq.
Home Office
8 FEB 1865
As to Mr Theodore Willmann’s
Memorial for Certificate of Naturalization and
the Declaration of four householders in support thereof:
We Thomas Edward ^Thomas^ Goddard, John Jacobs,
Frederick John Roper and Joseph Soda Whitaker
being the four declarants to a Declaration annexed to
the memorial of Theodore Willmann for certificate of
naturalization respectively state that we are respectively
British born subjects and have known and been
well acquainted with the said Theodore Willmann
for the following periods of time namely I the said
Thomas Edward ^Thomas^ Goddard for a period of 5
years and upwards - I the said John Jacobs
for a period of about 6 years years [sic] and upwards
I the said Frederick John Roper for a period of
4 years and upwards and I the said
Joseph Soda Whitaker for a period of 8
years and upwards.
As witness our hands respectively this
fourth day of February 1865
[signed] Edward Thomas Goddard
[signed] John Jacobs
[signed] Fred. J. Roper
[signed] Joseph Sade Whitaker
[Notes on wrapper as far as legible]
granted 15 February 1865
T. Willmann.
A Proper Case
Grant cert.
R. R. Greig
5 Verulam B[uildin]gs Gray’s Inn
25 JAN 1865
No. 714
8 FEB 1865
No. 1110
subject of the G[ran]d Duke
of Baden, aged 31,
married, a Jeweller,
has resided 11 years
and intends to do so
permanently -
?Inform that the declarants
must state whether they are
British born, + also how long
they have known the applicant
amended W/ 25/1 T. [?].
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