1 Jan 2023
Location: WikiTree
Location: WikiTree
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Things I Learned on WikiTree This Year
Interesting Things About My Family:
About WIkiTree:
Research Tips & Tricks
About WIkiTree:
- 2023 is the 15th Anniversary for WikiTree
- That there is a Saturday Round-up Live cast! I had no idea.
- That people can get only one badge. If someone already has a Family Star badge, for instance, you can't award them another.
- I already knew this, but it has been reenforced in a big way. Not everyone is meant to work on a collaborative tree. This year, I have learned first hand how a "MY family" mentality rather than an "OUR family" mentality does not work well on a collaborative tree.
- Saturday Round-Up is not the only Live Cast! There are seven!
- Ask Aleš - What Do You Want To Know About WikiTree+ (Monthly- First Wed 9Am EST on the WikiTRee YouTube Channel tag: wikitree_plus
- WikiTree Friday Date Night -Bimonthly- Every other Friday at 4PM EST on Zoom Find and add dates to profiles. on Zoom tag: friday_date-night
- Friday Night Bingo;; - Bimonthly - Every other Friday (apternating with Friday Date Night) at 12PM and 6PM BIngo game that introduces projects and has prizes fomr the WIkiTree store. on WikiTRee YouTube Channel tag: friday_night_bingo
- New Member Q&A on bimonthly- Fiirst Thu 8PM EST and first Sun 11AM on Zoom tag: new_members
- Help:WikiTree_Challenge Varies- Kick Off and Wrap Up challenge Live Casts on Streamyard and Zoom tag: wikitree_challenge
- The Saturday Roundup Weekly- Sats at 10AM EST look back at teh week- answers to the Question of the Week, featured Profiles of the Week and the photos that are shared as of part of the 52 Photos Challenge, etc.. on Youtube tag:
- WikiTree Tours Monthly, 3rd MOnday at noon EST tours of new WikiTree features and looka t older ones too. via YouTube. tag:
Interesting Things about My Family:
- My 9th great grandfather, Resolved Waldron (abt.1620-bef.1690), was among the earliest settlers of New Netherland. He was made "Sheriff" and it was him that arrested John Bowne Sr. (1627-1695), the early Quaker "freedom fighter." In John Bowne's journal, he describes his arrest under false pretenses and called Resolved a "wicked and hard-hearted man." I have another ancestor on the wrong side of history it seems. Since he also established the first ferry on Manhattan and erected the first Dutch Church in the town, I guess his shortcomings need to be weighed against his contributions.
Research Tips & Tricks
- When comparing two profiles to see if they are duplicates or to sort out differences, always go back and look at the original creation of the profile to see what the original intent was of the profile and then look at the changes made. It may have been edited and changed incorrectly and the current profile may not represent the individual it was intended to represent. (Thanks, Ellen Smith for teaching me this!)
New Resources and Tidbits about Genealogy
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
Leave a message for others who see this profile.
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