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Thomas Brewer Research Notes 2

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See also:

Thomas Brewer; Robert Brewer
Thomas Brewer Research Notes 1

Boxley History

Edward Hasted. "Parishes: Boxley," The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent multiple volumes, 4 {1798):346; digital images, Hathi Trust. In relevant part:

Queen Mary, in her 1st year, granted to George Clarke several parcels of land in Boxley, late belonging to the abbey of Boxley, and parcel of the estate of Sir Thomas Wyatt, attainted of high treason, and the grange, called the Nether grange, (so called, to distinguish it from the Upper grange, mentioned above) in Boxley, and many other lands and tenements there, to hold in capite by knights service. On his death, in the 1st year of Queen Elizabeth, his son, Geo. Clarke, succeeded to them, by the description of one messuage, three hundred and forty acres of land, meadow and pasture, in Boxley, to hold of the queen as above mentioned. In the 22d year of that reign, he alienated it to Robert Bruer, gent. whose son and heir, John Brewer, esq. for so the name was now spelt, in 1611, succeeded him in these premises, of which he appears to have been possessed in the reign of king Charles I. It was afterwards purchased by James Calder, esq. afterwards Sir James Calder, bart. whose son, brigadier General Sir Henry Calder, bart. died possessed of it in 1792, leaving his widow surviving, and an infant son, now Sir Henry Calder, bart. and in them the fee and possession of this estate is now vested.

Published Boxley Registers

J. Cave-Browne, The history of Boxley parish (Maidstone: E. J. Dickinson, prt., 1892); p. 157n, 157-187 for "The [Boxley] Registers"; digital images, Hathi Trust.

1571 Matrimon. solemn. inter Robertum Bruar & Mariam Clerke, xxix Oct. (p. 157, Hathi Trust)
1572 Jacobus Roberti Bruar, bapt. xvi Nov., sep. xxviii Dec. (p. 157, Hathi Trust)
1576 Thomas Roberti Bruer, f., bapt. xxi Sept. (p. 157, Hathi Trust)
1579 Elena Roberti Bruer, f. bapt. Dec. xiii, sep. xxii (p. 157, Hathi Trust)
1581 Willielmus Roberti Bruer, f., bapt. viii Oct. (p. 157, Hathi Trust)
1584 Elena Roberti Bruer, f. bapt. xiii., sep. xxi Sept. (p. 158, Hathi Trust)
1584 Maria Roberti Bruer, uxor, sep. xxix Sept. (p. 158, Hathi Trust)
[Missing, marriage to Elizabeth]
1585 Ricardus Roberti Bruer, f., bapt. ii Jan (p. 158, Hathi Trust)
1589 Elizabetha Roberti Bruer, uxor, sep. xiv Dec. (p. 158, Hathi Trust)
[Missing, marriage to Frances]
1591 Johannes Roberti Brewer, f. bapt. xix Dec. (p. 159 Hathi Trust)
1611 Robertus Brewer, generosus, sept. June 15 (p. 163 Hathi Trust)
1615 Christiana Johannis Brewer, f., 29 Apr. (p. 164 Hathi Trust)
1616 Elizabetha Johannis Brewer, gen., bapt xv Aug. (p. 164 Hathi Trust)
1617 Francisca Johannis Brewer, f., bapt. March 16 (p. 164 Hathi Trust)
1619 Martha Johannis Brewer, f., bapt. June 24 (p. 164 Hathi Trust)
1620 Maria Johannis Brewer, armigeri, f., bapt. Dec 8 (p. 165 Hathi Trust)
1622 Francisca Roberti Brewer, generosa vidua sepulta fuit, Nov. 16 (p. 165 Hathi Trust)
Tu quoque jam nostris ades inscibenda Registris,
Sancta, pudica, pia, et generosis moribus aucta,
Franccisca, egregiis multum memorabilis actis,
Sive fidem seu quis benefacta repandere tentat:
At quia jam vivis populorum inserta sepulchris,
(Cordibus es etenim) tua unera viva relinquo,
Ateque animam ad superos volitantem mente riviso
1623 Thomas Johannis Brewer, armigeri, f., bapt. Aug 1 (p. 165 Hathi Trust)
1624 Jana Johannis Brewer, armigeri, f., bapt. Feb 26 (p. 167 Hathi Trust)
1628 Maria Johannis Brewer, Armigeri, f., sep. Aug 4. (p. 168 Hathi Trust)
1628 Elizabetha Johannis Brewer, Armigeri, uxor, sep. Aug. 25 (p. 168 Hathi Trust)
Epitaphium Memoriae, G(eorge) C(ase):
--Reigiosa Dei cutrix, generosa Brueri
----Subtumuo hoc conjux Eizabetha jacet;
--Casta, pudica, pia, et naturae dotibus aucta,
----Omnibus una animi dotibus aucta jacet.
--Quid dixi ? jacet hic ? jacet hac sub mole cadaver ;
----Divina meruit vivere parte Deo,
--------Et vivit.
1628 Robertus Johannis Brewer, Armigeri, f., sep. Dec. 19 (p. 169 Hathi Trust)



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