Location: Clayton County, Georgia, United States

Surname/tag: Thomas, Tankersley
Transcript of Guardianship Bond Concerning John T Thomas , John W. Thomas, Willie Estelle Thomas, Walter Thomas and Cooper Thomas.
Transcribed by Jamie Cox 2 Feb 2018.
Note: John T Thomas was the father of John W. Thomas and the grandfather of the three children.
pg 96 Georgia, Clayton County
Know all men by these presents that we John W. Thomas and J. T Thomas acknowledge ourselve jointly and severally bound unto Geo. O(D?). Stewart Ordinary of said county, and his successors and assigns in the just and full sum of Two hundred dollars to it give payment(?) of which, well and truly to be made. We bind ourselves and the heirs and executors of us and each of us, jointly and severally by these presents.
Sealed with our seals and dated the 28th day of December 1883.
The condition of the above bond or obligation is such that if the above bound John W. Thomas who was this day appointed guardian of the person and property of his own minor children to wit Estell, Walter & Cooper Orphans(?) children(?) of John W. Thomas he acknowledging the same by his accepting of said appointment and Letters of Guardianship of this date, shall well and truly maintain and educate said ? according to their circumstances and shall take good and lawfull care of their person and property according to the laws of this state and shall annually make a just and true return of all of his acting and doing herein unto the said Ordinary and ? over all assets that ? remain in his hands(?) when said guardianship shall legally terminate - then this obligation to be void else to remain of full force,
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the day and year above written, John W Thomas (seal) John T. Thomas (seal)
Geo. D Stewart, Ordinary
- "Georgia, Probate Records, 1742-1990," images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1971-30448-19407-51?cc=1999178&wc=9SB9-J47:267652501,267652502 : accessed 13 February 2015), Clayton > Administration and guardian bonds 1859-1929 vol A-B > image 168 of 424; county probate courthouses, Georgia.
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