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Thomas Hammond II (abt.1600-1675)
See also: Thomas Hammond Research Items
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James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England (Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1860-62), 4 vols., 2:346; digital images InternetArchive.
- THOMAS, Hingham 1636, younger br. of the first William, b. at Lavenham, Co. Suff k. where, it is said, he was bapt. 9 Jan. 1587, perhaps sev. yrs. bef. he was b. ; freem. 9 Mar. 1637, by w. Eliz. m. prob. in Eng. 12 Nov. 1623, wh. d. bef. him, brot. ch. Eliz. and Thomas, had Sarah, bapt. 13 Sept. 1640, and Nathaniel, 12 Mar. 1643; rem. to Watertown, thence across the riv. 1650, to Cambridge vill. purchas. large farm with Vincent Druce, and d. 30 Sept. 1675, aged 88 yrs. His Will names all these ch. Eliz. wh. m. 17 Aug. 1659, George Woodward, Thomas, and Nathaniel, all then m. and Sarah, prob. w. of Nathaniel Stedman, as dec. but her ch. Sarah and Eliz. to be heirs. He had very good est
Charles J. F. Binney, The history and genealogy of the Prentice, or Prentiss family, in New England, etc., from 1631 to 1883 (Charles James Fox, 1806-1888, pub. 1883. Appendix), p. 410-11 digital images, InternetArchive.
- Thomas Hammond, 2d, was of Hingham, Mass., in 1636, a freeman March 9, 1637. By wife Elizabeth, married probably in England, Nov. 12, 1623, and who d. before him and brought over children, Elizabeth and Thomas. Sarah, bapt. Sept. 13, 1640. Nathaniel, bapt. March 12, 1643. Removed to Watertown, Mass. and thence, in 1650, across the river to Cambridge Village (Newton). He purchased a large farm with Vincent Druce, and d. Sept. 3, 1685, ae. 88.
William Richard Cutter and William Frederick Adams, Genealogical and personal memoirs relating to the families of the state of Massachusetts {New York, Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1910), 4 vols., 2:1142-1146 (Hammond), in particular part, 1143; digital images, Hathi Trust.
- [Abstracted] He was one of the first settlers at Hingham, Massachusetts, and had land granted him there in 1636. He took the freeman's oath March 9, 1636-37. He was a member of the grand jury in 1637. With several others he removed to a site near the boundary line between what are now the towns of Newton and Brookline. He probably removed to Cambridge Village, now Newton, about 1650, but held lands in Hingham for some years after that date. His homestead in Newton was near the Brookline boundary near a sheet of water which has since been called Hammond's pond. This homestead remained in the family for many generations. Thomas Hammond was a large land owner and one of the wealthiest men of the town in his day. He died in 1675, leaving an unsigned will which was admitted to probate November 5, 1675. He married in Lavenham, England, November 12, 1623, ELIZABETH, born in Great Welnetham, daughter of ROBERT and PRUDENCE (HAMMOND) CASON, and granddaughter of ROBERT and ELIZABETH Hammond, of Great Welnetham. It is said that a silver coin is still in the possession of descendants which was stamped by her when on a visit to the mint in England when she was a young girl. Children: 1. Thomas, mentioned below. 2. ELIZABETH, born about 1633-34. 3. Sarah, baptized September 13, 1640. 4. Nathaniel, baptized March 12, 1643.
Charles Candee Baldwin, The Baldwin genealogy from 1500 to 1881 (Cleveland, O, [Leader printing company], 1881), p. 844; digital images, InternetArchive.
- Nathaniel Hammond was b. March 2, 1643, s. of Thomas and his wife Elizabeth, of Hingham, Mass. Thomas Hammond was b. in Lavenham, Suffolk, England, Jan. 9, 1587, and s. of Thomas of that Parish, by his wife, Rose Trippe, m. May 14, 1573.
Following excerpt from "History of NEWTON, MASSACHUSETTS, County of Middlesex, Massachusetts, From 1639 to 1800. With a Genealogical Register of its Inhabitants, Prior to 1800." By Francis Jackson, (of Boston,) A Native of Newton. Boston: Printed by Stacy and Richardson 1854.
I. HAMMOND, THOMAS, was one of the first settlers of Hingham, and had land granted to him there in 1636 ; took the freeman's oath there, March 9, 1636-7. Two of his children were baptized in Hingham. Thomas Hammond, Vincent Druce, John Parker, Nicholas Hodgen, and John Winchester, all had land granted to them in Hingham in 1636, and were probably there in 1635; They all removed from Hingham about the same time. The three first settled in Cambridge Village and the two last within the bounds of Boston, (now Brookline,) but all five were in the same neighborhood. Hodgen first purchased sixty- seven acres of land on Cambridge Hill, in Cambridge Village, but he and wife Elizabeth, then of Boston, (Brookline,) conveyed the same to Thomas Hammond and Vincent Druce, (then both of Hingham,) on the 4. 12, 1650; also, thirteen acres more, which was granted by the town of Cambridge to Robert Bradish; and also sixteen acres more, in Muddy river, next to Cambridge hill, adjoining John Parker's land N. N. W., and N. E. Hammond and Druce bought, 1658, of Thomas Brattle and others, six hundred acres at Muddy river, (Brookline,) called the Royton farm, for L 100, N. partly on the Roxbury line, and s. partly on the Cambridge line, surveyed by John Oliver. Hammond sold his place in Hingham to William Sprague, in March, 1656, for L 60. Hammond and Druce's purchases were held in common until 1664, when a division was made; " the dividing line was one hundred rods long, running over the great hill," the pond being in Hammond's part. Hammond also bought of Esther Sparhawk, dr. of Nathaniel Sparhawk, three hundred and thirty acres, for L 40, in 1656, being the same land granted by the town of Cambridge to her father, " bounding s. and W. on land of Robert Bradish, and N. by land of Elder Frost, now in the possession of John Ward and Lieut. Prentice." It is not known whether his W. Elizabeth came to this country with him, or whether he was m. at Hingham. Hobart's s Diary states that his dr. Sarah was baptized Sept. 13, 1640, and s. Nathaniel, March 12, 1643. His will is on record, but is neither signed nor dated; was exhibited to the Court by his wid. Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1675, and was in his own handwriting. It was set up, and Elder Wiswall and John Spring were appointed to appraise the estate; and their inventory, amounting to L 1,139, 16s. 2d., dated Oct. 25, 1675, states that lie d. Sept. 30,1675. His will names but two sons and two daughters, Thomas and Nathaniel, and Sarah Stedman and Elizabeth Woodward, w. of George Woodward, and divides his estate between these four, and his wid. Elizabeth, to -whom he gave his dwelling house and a portion of his land. To Thomas, the house he then lived in, and portions of land. To Nathaniel, the house he then occupied, with the land adjoining, and the cranberry meadow, from the corner of the pond to 11 Troublesome swamp." In his division of the farm, the orchards and the barn were put into his son Thomas' part, and so he added the following item, which is the last clause in his will: - I Furthermore, my will is that my son Nathaniel have one-third part of the fruit of the orchards with my son Thomas, year by year, till he have an orchard of his own, and use of the barn till his brother Thomas help him build one." Appoints his w. sole executrix, and his friends Jonathan Hyde and James Trowbridge, overseers. The maiden name of his w. Elizabeth was Cason, of Lavenham, Eng. There is a tradition in the family relative to this mother of the Newton Hammonds. It is said that when a young woman, in England, she took a walk with a party of young folks and went into the Mint, to see how money was coined. The master of the Mint was pleased with her appearance and chat, and gave her an invitation to try her hand in the operation. She had evidently made some impression upon him, and he was desirous to know if she could make as good an impression upon the coin; so he placed a piece of silver coin upon the die, about the size of half a crown, - she came forward and grasped the lever, and stamped a fair impression upon the coin, whereupon he presented her with the silver piece, which she bore off in triumph; and from her fair hand, it has passed through those of her descendants, to the seventh generation, and is now possessed by Stephen Hammond, of Roxbury, whose son William, of the eighth, is looking wishfully for it.
Hammond Family
From Thomas Hammond (abt.1603-1675) Reference was to http:/www.bellcolib.org/crm/hammonshistory.html
The origin of this family in England is said to have been traced to two kinsmen of William the Conqueror, who went into England with him in 1066. These young warriors were descended from a younger son of Rollo, the first Duke of Normandy, while William the Conqueror was descended from the eldest son. The eldest of the two early Hammonds in England, Sir Robert Fitzhamer, seventh Count or Earl of Coneile in Normandy, was a mighty man of valor, one of the most illustrious, of all the valiant knights that accompanied the Conqueror into England. Later he became Lord Cardiff in Wales, Lord of Tewkesbury, and Earl of Gloucester in England, and by King Rufus he was made a free Prince of Wales, styled by the King, Robert the Great, by the grace of God, Prince of Glamorgan, Earle of Coneile, etc. He was also commissioned general of the army against the French.
The second, Haimon, called Dapifer, from his having received the office of Lord Steward for the King. He died without children. Robert left four daughters.
Later members of this family became prominently identified with the Church, as Bishops, Abbots, etc. The oldest direct line in England, are the Hammonds of St. Albans Court, in Kent County, where this branch has been seated since the reign of Henry VIII, King of England, when John Hammond was tenant to the Abbot and Convent of St. Albans; his son Thomas purchased the manor in 1551; and married (first) Anne, daughter of Robert Haddle and (second) Alice, daughter of Edward Monnis of Waldershire, by whom he had ten children. Two of his grandsons, Francis and Robert became distinguished in the Army, each winning the title of Colonel; they accompanied Sir Walter Raleigh on his expedition to Guinea, and won the praise of that gallant soldier.
Sir William Hammond, of St. Albans, who received the honor of Knighthood, 1608, married Elizabeth, daughter of Anthony Archer, Esq., of Bishopsborne and had issue: Sir Anthoney, his eldest son and heir, who married Ann daughter of Sir Dudley Digges, Knight of Chillam Castle, Master of Rolls to King Charles I, and member of the Council of the Virginia Co., 1609.
Through this kinship, Ralph Hamor or Hammond, proved by foreign research to be one and the same, was one of the twelve gentlemen, to whom King James I, in 1624, granted a charter to proceed to Virginia to establish a colony, of which he appointed Sir Francis Wyatt, Governor; Sir George Yeardly, Knight, and the other ten gentlemen, Esq., to be his council. This Ralph Hamor the first of the name in America, was of the Hammonds of Aerin of Kent Co., England; he was a younger son of that house, whose lineage is the same as the Hammonds of St. Albans, but being the heir of a younger son, their arms are different.
During the reign of Charles I and II, the Hammonds, were high in office in England, Dr John Hammond, was Court Physician to King James I., and his son, was Chaplain to Charles I, and another son came to Virginia, and was a member of the House of Burguess, from Isle of Wight Co., 1635-1652; he then went to Maryland, where he remained a few years, before returning to England, where he wrote "Leak and Rachel" describing the Colonies of Maryland and Virginia. Yet another son of Dr. John Hammond, was a Lieut. Gen. in Cromwells Army, and his grandson, a son of Thomas Hammond, was Col. Robert Hammond, Governor of the Isle of Wight, England, and it was to this Col. Robert Hammond, that King Charles I, fled for protection when driven from his throne, Col. Robert being loyal to his King, gave him shelter beneath his roof, which act of loyalty cost him his office.
Sir William b.1579 d. 1650 grandson of Thomas Hammond was knighted by James I in 1607/8 and had a brother Thomas. To this Thomas the descendants of William of Watertown and Thomas of Newton have tried to trace their line of descent without avil. The present representative of the St. Albans family is William Oxenden Hammond, Nonington, County Kent, England.
There is quite a general impression and a strong probability that William of London is descended from one of younger sons of the family of St Albans Court, possibly from one of the brothers of Sir William of whom there are several, through the connection has not been traced as the English genealogies preserve full records of the first sons only. Later sons and daughters being usually merely alluded to. There are also reasons to believe that William of London and Thomas of Lavenham may have been related, maybe cousins.
There aren't any other noted families bearing the name in England, one of the later being that of Baron Edmond Hammond who was raised to the peerage in 1874. The Caplain and the keeper at the Isle of Wight and one of the judges of Charles I were Hammonds.
There are several distinct branches or lines of Hammonds in the USA. The following are some of them.
One, Philip Hammond the first ancestor of this line to come to the US, is said to have come from County Kent and landed in Ann Arundell County MD in 1607. His brothers Thomas and Rezin came soon after and settled in Jamestown BA in 1608, they were called Cavaliers because they favored Charles I. The puritans were called Roundheads because they favored Cromell.
There is another line whose ancestor is said to have settled in Kittery, ME. The family is Thomas of William of Kittery.
In 1632 William Hammond son of Thomas of Lavenham, referred to as William of Watertown, came to Boston and some years later settled in Watertown MA. Two years later his wife Elizabeth Payne Hammond, two sons Thomas and John, three daughters, Elizabeth, Anne, and Sarah rejoined him arriving in Boston in the ship Francis in April 1634. She was a sister of William Payne an extensive land owner in New England. This William did not have a son Benjamin.
In 1634 Elizabeth Penn Hammond, widow of William of London with three daughters Elizabeth, Martha, Rachel son Benjamin came on the ship Griffin landing at Boston. Sep 18, 1634. From Benjamin who married Mary Vincent and settled in Sandwich MA. This is still another family line.
The above two lines have caused genealogists much confusion. Both named William with wives named Elizabeth and both wives had brothers named William, and they both arrived in Boston in 1634. And one being William of London, who never came to the US, and William of Watertown being the other. Benjamin lived in Sandwich MA and had sons, Samuel, John, Benjamin and Nathan who settled in Rochester MA.
In 1636 Thomas, son of Thomas of Lavenham, with his wife Elizabeth Carson, daughter Elizabeth, son Thomas came to Boston and settled in Hingham MA. In 1640 he moved to Newton where lived and died was known as Thomas of Newton. Had a daughter Sarah and son Nathaniel born in Newton. Thomas and Nathaniel started yet another line.
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