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Thomas Joseph Considine Martin (Considine-490)

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Boston, Massachusettsmap
Surname/tag: wikigames
This page has been accessed 132 times.

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Thomas' profile
Also -- Considine-490 (ID)


Father: Thomas Joseph Considine 35 born in Massachusetts in the 1940 census. [1] FamilySearch Person: GJRM-4BX Family is buried at Saint Joseph Cemetery West Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA https://www.mapsonline.net/bostonma/holyhood.html#x=-7922638.213777,5204615.647964,-7922434.282174,5204706.864808 (search for Considine)

Mother: Anna (nee?) Considine then Martin. Ann Considine is listed as Ann T Considine 30 born in Massachusetts in the 1940 census.[2] Ann is 38 in the 1950 census.[3]

Mother Anna's second husband: William Martin He is 37, born in Massachusetts in the 1950 census. [4]

Wife: Thomas's marriage to June Tortorella was in June 1961? Marriage: "U.S., Newspapers.comâ„¢ Marriage Index, 1800s-current"
The Boston Globe; Publication Date: 17/ Dec/ 1961; Publication Place: Boston, Massachusetts, USA; URL: https://www.newspapers.com/image/433309750/?article=84f682f1-fda2-4dff-afd5-de8280c888a3&focus=0.747443,0.6044282,0.8593174,0.8278605&xid=3398
Ancestry Record 62116 #50131548 (accessed 23 August 2023)
June Tortorella marriage to Thomas J. Martin in Jun 1961. Her parents? Dominic & Margaret Tortorella Naturalization Petition: "Massachusetts, U.S., State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1798-1950"
National Archives at Boston; Waltham, Massachusetts; ARC Title: Petitions and Records of Naturalization , 8/1845 - 12/1911; NAI Number: 3000057; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 2361 #1728654 (accessed 23 August 2023)
Name: Domenic Tortorella [Domenico Tortorella]; Gender: Male; Race: White; Petition Age: 37; Birth Date: abt 1906; Record Type: Naturalization Petition; Departure Place: Naples, Italy; Arrival Place: New York, New York; Marriage Date: 7 Dec 1940; Marriage Place: Boston,Massachusetts; Petition Date: 21 Jun 1943; Petition Place: Boston, Massachusetts, USA; Ship: Moltke; Spouse: Margaret; Child: Emma. ""Margaret Tortorella Obituary"": https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/bostonglobe/name/margaret-tortorella-obituary?id=28267407 Tortorella's are buried at St. Michael's Cemetery https://www.stmichaelcemetery.com/locate.html (search for Tortorella) https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/143569091/josephine-tortorella (Domenic's brother John's wife) https://www.currentobituary.com/obit/21752 (Domenic's sister, Margaret)

Sibling: Ann Marie Larkin (deceased by 2017) acc to his obituary. Her husband was Michael -- still living in 2017. Ann Marie is age 9 born in Massachusetts in the 1950 with the last name of Considine, listed as a step-daughter. [5] https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/bostonglobe/name/ann-larkin-obituary?id=16301729 https://www.cotafuneralhomes.com/obituary/Ann-Larkin

Brother-in-law of Joseph Tortorella (deceased by 2017) https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/bostonglobe/name/joseph-tortorella-obituary?id=9809707 https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/30495580/joseph-j-tortorella

Note on the 1950 census there are more Considines on the same page (the adults born in Ireland).

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