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Thomas Lee Sandbox

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For review:
  • Thomas Lee Sandbox
All editing must have documented citations. We are trying to untangle and correct all irrelevant information on this line. Thank you so much for cooperating.



1776 Project
Capt ... ... ... served with North Carolina Militia during the American Revolution.
1729 - Capt. Thomas Lee was born 3 Dec 1729 in Nottaway Parish, Isle Of Wight County, Virginia, the son of John Lee, Esquire and Mary W. Bryan. This researcher has found no evidence of Capt. Thomas Lee having a middle name of Greenberry or having any connection to the Lees' of Ditchley.
1755 - Thomas Lee owned a plantation on the southern border of Fishpond Creek (and now of the Appomattox River) which was adjacent to Richard Jr.'s Who is Richard Jr
1759-1780 - Thomas Lee appeared many times in the Pleas and Quarter Court Minute Records from 1759 until 1780. Needs Citation
1776 - Thomas was a middle-aged man when he formed a company of men for the militia in Johnston County, North Carolina in 1776. [1] During the American Revolutionary War he served from the Watauga District, in the North Carolina Militia and became a Captain under General John Sevier.
1776 - 1778 - Captain Thomas Lee received his commission on 21 Nov 1776 and resigned on 23 Jun 1778.
1787 - For his military service he received two land tracts in 1787 which were in Greene County, Tennessee, totaling 1,060 acres (grants #464 and 562).
29 Jun 1816 - Thomas Lee made nuncupative Will, telling his sons Needham and William Lee that he wanted to bequeath slaves to his wife Mary and son James, with the rest of his property to be sold.
02 Jul 1816 - He died on 02 Jul 1816 in Hawkins County, Tennessee and was buried at Lees Valley Cemetery in Rogersville, Hawkins County, Tennessee. [2]
4 Jul 1816 - His sons Needham and William wrote down his nuncupative Will on 04 July 1816. [3] [4] [5]


Thomas Lee was the son of John Lee, Esquire of Johnston County, North Carolina - (b: c1690-1700 d: 1766-1768 Johnston County, North Carolina) and Mary W. Bryan (daughter of William Bryan and Alice MacLand.[6] The issue of the parentage of Capt. Thomas Lee of Johnston County, North Carolina and Hawkins County, Tennessee, has been adequately resolved via a strong document trail by a number of Lee researchers.


1747 - Thomas Lee first married on 09 Apr 1747 in Virginia to Mary Griffin. Needs Citation
  1. Samuel Lee 1748 – 1762 Unsourced
  2. Thomas G Lee Jr. 1749–1784 Parents unproven

1761 - Thomas Lee married [7] secondly on 15 Mar 1761 in Johnston County, North Carolina to Mary Bryan who was born on 04 Nov 1745 in Johnston, North Carolina and died in 1821 in Hawkins County, Tennessee. She should not be confused with a different Mary W. Bryan who was Capt. Thomas Lees' mother.
  1. John Lee 1763-1842
  2. James Bryan Lee 1768 - 1837
1772 - Thomas Lee married [8] thirdly about 1772 in Johnston County, North Carolina to Mary Ingram Rains. She was a daughter of Richard Ingram and widow of John Rains (with son Henry Rains). She was born on 4 Nov 1729 in Johnston County, North Carolina and died on 03 Mar 1824 in Hawkins County, Tennessee.
Capt. Thomas Lee andMary Ingram Rains had the following children. Thomas also adopted Mary's son, Henry Rains from her previous marriage to John Rains.
  1. Needham Lee 1770 - 1821 m. Susan Bailey - DAR A068774 Mary Ingram Rains Lee Proven on Thomas Lee's DAR # A068774 Mary Ingram Rains Lee, mentioned Needham as being one of the eight children she had with Thomas Lee.
  2. Zilpha Lee 1773 - 1842 m. Thomas Bailey - DAR A068774 Mary Ingram Rains Lee, mentioned Zilpha as being one of the eight children she had with Thomas Lee.
  3. John Lee 1776 - 1842 Unsourced, Mary Ingram Rains Lee, mentioned John as being one of the eight children she had with Thomas Lee.
  4. Winifred Lee 1778 - 1815 m. William Bailey - DAR A068774 Mary Ingram Rains Lee, mentioned Winifred as being one of the eight children she had with Thomas Lee.
  5. William Lee 1784 - 1849 m. Susannah Pangle - Mary Ingram Rains Lee, mentioned William as being one of the eight children she had with Thomas Lee.
  6. Edward Lee 1788 - 1873 m. Sarah Tinsley - DAR A068774 Mary Ingram Rains Lee, mentioned Edward as being one of the eight children she had with Thomas Lee.
  7. James Lee b. 1790 d. 1821 m. Mary Hall - Mary Ingram Rains Lee, mentioned James as being one of the eight children she had with Thomas Lee.
  8. Mary Elizabeth Lee 1794 - 1871 Mary Ingram Rains Lee, mentioned Mary as being one of the eight children she had with Thomas Lee.

Known Children

These are the known children of Thomas Lee for which there is strong evidence to support the parent-child relationship.

Disputed Children

These are the proposed children of Thomas Lee for which there is no (or unreliable) evidence that proves the parent-child relationship. These relationships are considered questionable.
Possible parents Thomas and Mary Griffin Lee, married 9 Apr 1747
  1. Lucy Lee 1752 - 1851 Unsourced
  2. Nicholas Lee 1755 – 1799 Unsourced
  3. Elizabeth Lee 1761 - 1842 Unsourced
Possible parents Thomas and Mary Bryan Lee, married 15 Mar 1761 DAR states that Mary Bryan is not the mother of any of Thomas Lee's children.
  1. Edith Lee 1764 Unsourced,DOB would indicate Mary Bryan as mother
  2. Eleanor Lee 1765 Shows Mary Griffin as mother but she was deceased at the time of Eleanor's birth.
  3. Richard Bryan Lee 1766 - Has sources, parents unproven, DOB would indicate Mary Bryan as mother
  4. Lewis Lee 1772 - 1845, DOB would indicate Mary Bryan as mother
  5. Mary Agnes Lee 1773 - 1839 No parental documentation, DOB would indicate Mary Bryan as mother
  6. Micajah Lee 1769 - 1854 FAG says mother is Mary Ingram Rains Lee, DOB would indicate Mary Bryan as mother
  7. Willis Lee 13 Feb 1775 Sourced Mary Bryan
  8. Samuel G Lee 1780 - m. Polly York He is not the son of Mary Ingram as stated on his profile. He was not mentioned in Mary Ingram's Will which listed all nine of her children.
  9. Leeanna Lee 1781 - 1782 Sourced Sort of Mary Bryan

Research Notes

Readers of this posting should note ... DNA Discussions
It appears that DNA testing has proven that this Lee lineage is not part of the Famous Virginia Lees [9] It also appears that the line of Capt. Thomas Lee and Col. Greenberry Lee may be unrelated and are being confused.
Capt. Thomas Lee # A068774 www.DAR.org
Y-Chromosome DNA has established that John Lee, Esquire, does not descend from, nor does he share a common Lee ancestor with Richard Lee, The Immigrant, progenitor of the famous Lees of Virginia.
As of 16 March 2007: The Lee DNA Genealogy Project is awaiting the participation of a proven Lee male descendant of Captain Thomas Lee of Johnston County, NC / Hawkins County, TN. Contact M. Clint Lee (MClintLee@aol.com) for project details.
Rebecca Foote Smith Owens, primary author of this posting and Lee researcher, of NC, descends from two separate Lee lineages 1) John Lee, Esquire & 2) Hugh Lee.
Richard Lee, 1691-1740, married Judith Steptoe. He was a son of Hancock Lee, and grandson of Richard Lee, The Immigrant. No record has come forth proving that Richard Lee and Judith Steptoe ever had a son named Thomas.[10]

Erroneous Information

Some researchers have incorrect data concerning parentage of Thomas Lee. This Thomas is not a descendant of Richard Lee and Judith Steptoe. He is also not a descendant of Sir Thomas Leigh of South Carolina. Please be careful with incorrect data and check your sources before inputting bad material.
Captain Thomas Lee is one of the most researched of the Lees of Virginia, East Tennessee Lee heirs often wish to find a family tie with the Great Lee Family of Virginia. As result some zealous early 20th Century researchers placed erroneous information in circulation. A lady from Alabama, Mrs. Boyle placed fake Bible records in certain genealogical publications in Virginia claiming that Capt. Lee was the son of Richard and Judith (Steptoe) Lee then spread the information, far and wide. Based on the information spread by Mrs. Boyle Wm. F. Franke made and distributed a family chart showing how Capt. Thomas Lee was the son of Richard Lee, grandson of Hancock Lee and so on. In a letter written to Mrs. Kate Lee on 21 Feb 1955 Wm. F. Franke recanted the chart stating that, the information given me by others ... was proved to be wrong. [11]

Additional Notes

"First Census" of Kentucky 1790 [p.1] History Of The First United States Census Of Kentucky [p.5] Kentucky Counties in 1790 page 57 Lee, James Fayette 7/ 1/1789 "First Census" Of Kentucky 1790 [p.1] History Of The First United States Census Of Kentucky [p.5] Kentucky Counties in 1790 page 57 Lee, Wm Fayette 1/11/1790

  • Botetourt County, Virginia, Genealogy Tax List For 1780 and 1790 Phillip, James, James, Andrew, Lee Citation/Proof needed


  1. "As We Remember Rome, North Carolina" by Julia Stanley from her memories and from family papers about the Lee-Smith-Peacock-Johnson family connections.
  2. U.S. Veterans Gravesites c1775-2006 on ancestry.com citing National Cemetery Administration & Nationwide Gravesite Locator; for Thomas Lee b: 3 Dec 1729 (Capt. US Army in Revolutionary War) d: 2 Jul 1816 buried: Lees Valley Cemetery, Rogersville, TN 37857.
  3. Land & Family: 12 Jan 2000
  4. Hawkins County, Tennessee Will Records Book #1 p311 for Thomas Lee on 29 June 1816.
  5. Tennessee, Wills and Probate Records, 1779-2008 for Thomas Lee
  6. [DAR.org Thomas Lee's # A068774]
  7. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Name: Thomas Lee, Gender: Male, Birth Place: VA, Birth Year: 1729, Spouse Name: Mary Bryan, Spouse Birth Place: NC, Marriage Year: 1761, Number Pages: 1 Source Citation: Source number: 146.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BSF. Source Information: Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie.
  8. RootsWeb Marriage Records Index Name: Thomas (Capt.)(widower) Lee, Spouse: Mary (widow of John Rains) (dau. of Richard Ingram) Ingram, Marriage Date: 1772, Marriage Place: Johnston, NC. Source Information: Ancestry.com. Web: RootsWeb Marriage Records Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: Marriage Records. RootsWeb. http://userdb.rootsweb.ancestry.com/marriages/.
  9. Rootsweb broken link
  10. Lee's Research
  11. Geni Discussions
DAR A068774 Proven Line of Son Needham Lee
DAR 2349
DAR 211490
DAR 224984
DAR 525388
DAR 643084
DAR 617834
DAR 807051.

  • Whitley County Kentucky Court Records. ABBR Whitley County Kentucky Court Records. Mary Pennington was born in Tennessee; her parents were both born in Tennessee. Mary was 21 years old on 30 March 1870 Abbr Whitley County Kentucky Court Records.
  • Before the gap Census data Abbr before the gap Census data Text Name: Benjn Cox Township: Not Stated County: Abbeville State: South Carolina Year: 1790 Roll: M637_11 Page: 59 Image: 0273 Name: Jno Cox Township: Not Stated County: Abbeville State: South Carolina Year: 1790 Roll: M637_11 Page: 59 Image: 0273 : Source Citation: "Pedigree Resource File," database, Family Search (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SGK8-9WG : accessed 4 January 2012), entry for James Bryan /Lee/.

(1) Latter Day Saints IGI Record British Isles has born in Ireland ABT 1765.
(2) Notes from Carol Golden have Londonderry as town of birth in Ireland.
(3) Knox Co KY Marriage Record for James Lee, Jr. Show his Father's Place of birth as Ireland.

(5) Knox County Survey Book A
Transcript of Survey Book submitted by Janet Foster. Page 386, leaf 140, Knox County Sect. Jan. 6th, 1817’ Surveyed for James Lee, Assee. of Joshua Tye, 40 acres of land by virtue of part of a Kentucky Land Office Warrant No. 1269 and bearing date, Nov., the 4th, 1816. Situate Lying in Knox County on Poplar Creek: (see next page), (Page 387, leaf 140 continued), Benijah Harp} H.C.M., Pearce D. Hamlin, JAS. Lee, Marker, Jo. Gillis, D. S. For George W. Craig, S.K.C.

Children James B Lee
  1. James Lee b: 1806 in VA,
  2. Sarah "Sally" Lee b: abt 1800 in VA,
  3. Nancy Ann Lee b: 1801 in VA,
  4. Hannah Lee b: 11 Feb 1802 in VA,
  5. Rebecca Lee b: abt 1795 in VA,
  6. Caroline Lee b: 1804 in VA,
  7. George Lee b: 1810 in KY,
  8. Benjamin Lee b: abt 1815 in KY,
  9. Ferraby Lee b: 1814 in KY,
  10. Mary "Polly" Lee b: abt 1800 in VA,
  11. Catherine "Kitty" Lee b: abt 1816 in KY

Marriage 1 Nancy Mayes b: Abt 1786 in Henry Co., VA
  1. Hannah Lee b: 11 Feb 1802 in Knox Co., KY
  2. Catherine Lee
  3. Benjamin Lee
  4. Mary "Polly" Lee
  5. Rebecca Lee b: Abt 1795 in VA
  6. Sarah "Sally" Lee b: 1800 in VA
  7. Nancy Ann Lee b: Abt 1801 in VA
  8. James Lee b: Abt 1806 in VA
  9. Ferraby Lee b: Abt 1814 in Knox Co., KY
  10. Caroline Lee


  • Lee-7459 was created by Michelle Brooks on 21 Oct 2013
  • Lee-10269 was created by Linda Weishahn on 24 Sep 2014.
  • Lee-11101 was created by Vick Miles through the import of Vicktory_Lap_2014-03-06_01_FULL.ged on 04 Jan 2015.
  • Lee-12711 was created by Elizabeth Howie on 23 May 2015.

  • "History of Knox County Kentucky" by Elmer Decker......States that James Lee was a Revolutionary War Veteran from Virginia
  • Virginia Colonial Militia, 1651-1776 Certificates. Rank - Induction: PRIVTE Roll Box:123 Roll Description: Continental Troops James Lee received land grants totaling 640 acres in Knox County
  • James Lee, Sr. Grant of land for revolutionary services 17 2 Petition 21 Rev. Pensions Lee, Jas & Wm. Acres:160 Book: 5 Survey Date: County: watercourse: Page: 304 Township: N W Qr Sec 21 Range: T-2 R-1 W Reference: The Kentucky Land Grants Volume 1 Part 1 Chapter VII Grants West Of Tennessee River (1822-1858) The Counties Of Kentucky page 841 http://www.geocities.com/bourbonstreet/Delta/7003/pgtax1787b.html Broken Link

History Regarding the Thomas Lee's


There were two men named Thomas Lee who appear to have been confused in a number of internet pedigrees and elements of each may have been incorporated into this profile ...
Capt. Thomas Lee (son of John Lee, Esq.) and
Thomas Greenberry Lee (son of Richard Lee).
Col. Thomas Greenberry Lee
son of Richard Lee and Judith Steptoe [12] This is not proven and questionable since Richard Lee's death is said to have occurred c1735/40. He is not included in the sketch on Richard Lee of Ditchley by by Mrs. Merillat Moses. [13]
born 1750/52 Guilford County, North Carolina
died 1784 Richmond, Georgia, USA
married 1774, Wrightsboro, GA to Elizabeth Few
said to have been a descendant of Richard Lee, the Immigrant. Unproven and questionable. Despite asertations from family researchers and online family trees, there is no proof that (Thomas) Greenberry Lee is a son of Richard Lee. In fact, the 7 known children of Richard Lee do not include Granberry Lee.
  • However, the myth of a connection of Capt. Thomas Lee to Richard Lee, The Immigrant, and progenitor of the famous Virginia Lees continues today. Much of this myth arises from a Bible that was altered many decades ago. It appears that it is again prudent to revisit the reasons why this record is incorrect.
  • The gist of the Bible record, still repeated to this day, is that Capt. Thomas Lee was a son of a Richard Lee, 1691-1740 and his wife Judith Steptoe. This Richard Lee was a son of Hancock Lee and a grandson of Richard Lee, The Immigrant. An obviously altered Bible record is available from the Virginia State Library & Archives, 11 Street at Capital Square, Richmond, VA 23219, “Needham Lee, Sr. Bible record” (Record #24415, VSL:AD). This Bible record represented the family for Capt. Thomas Lee’s son Needham Lee who married Susan Bailey. Other Bible records may have also been altered to perpetuate this obviously false connection for Capt. Thomas Lee. In the past, these records have been used as “proof” of a connection to the famous Lees of Virginia by those wishing to obtain membership in Lineage Societies. National lineage societies have since closed this lineage and no longer accept applicants who use the claim of Capt. Thomas Lee being a son of Richard Lee. [14]

To be Deleted Old Profile

1776 Project
... ... ... ... served with North Carolina during the American Revolution.
Link to Thomas Lee Sanbox


For review:
Readers of this posting should note ... DNA Discussions
It appears that DNA testing has proven that this Lee lineage is not part of the Famous Virginia Lees [15] It also appears that the line of Capt. Thomas Lee and Col. Greenberry Lee may be unrelated and are being confused.
All editing must have documented citations. We are trying to untangle and correct all irrelevant information on this line. Thank you so much for cooperating.
1. Y-Chromosome DNA has established that John Lee, Esquire, does not descend from, nor does he share a common Lee ancestor with Richard Lee, The Immigrant, progenitor of the famous Lees of Virginia.
2. Richard Lee, 1691-1740, married Judith Steptoe. He was a son of Hancock Lee, and grandson of Richard Lee, The Immigrant. No record has come forth proving that Richard Lee and Judith Steptoe ever had a son named Thomas; the Society of the Lees of Virginia maintains that they did not.
As of 16 March 2007: The Lee DNA Genealogy Project is awaiting the participation of a proven Lee male descendant of Captain Thomas Lee of Johnston County, NC / Hawkins County, TN. Contact M. Clint Lee (MClintLee@aol.com) for project details.
Rebecca Foote Smith Owens, primary author of this posting and Lee researcher, of NC, descends from two separate Lee lineages 1) John Lee, Esquire & 2) Hugh Lee.
IMPORTANT NOTE for Captain Thomas Lee ...
Some researchers have incorrect data concerning parentage of Thomas Lee. This Thomas is not a descendant of Richard Lee and Judith Steptoe. He is also not a descendant of Sir Thomas Leigh of South Carolina. Please be careful with incorrect data and check your sources before inputting bad material.
Captain Thomas Lee is one of the most researched of the Lees of Virginia, East Tennessee Lee heirs often wish to find a family tie with the Great Lee Family of Virginia. As result some zealous early 20th Century researchers placed erroneous information in circulation. A lady from Alabama, Mrs. Boyle placed fake Bible records in certain genealogical publications in Virginia claiming that Capt. Lee was the son of Richard and Judith (Steptoe) Lee then spread the information, "far and wide". Based on the information spread by Mrs. Boyle Wm. F. Franke made and distributed a family chart showing how Capt. Thomas Lee was the son of Richard Lee, grandson of Hancock Lee and so on. In a letter written to Mrs. Kate Lee on 21 Feb 1955 Wm. F. Franke recanted the chart stating that, "the information given me by others ... was proved to be wrong". [16]


There were two men named Thomas Lee who appear to have been confused in a number of internet pedigrees and elements of each may have been incorporated into this profile ...
Capt. Thomas Lee (son of John Lee, Esq.) and
Thomas Greenberry Lee (son of Richard Lee).
Capt. Thomas Lee
son of John Lee, Esq. and Mary W Bryan [17]
born 03 Dec 1729 in Nottaway Parish, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
died 02 July 1816 at Hawkins County, Tennessee
no evidence supporting a middle name of "Greenberry"
said to have married three times
YDNA evidence seems to rule out a connection to the famous LEE's of Virginia (including Gen. Robert E. Lee and descended from Richard Lee, the Immigrant).
Col. Thomas Greenberry Lee
son of Richard Lee and Judith Steptoe [18] This is not proven and questionable since Richard Lee's death is said to have occurred c1735/40. He is not included in the sketch on Richard Lee of Ditchley by by Mrs. Merillat Moses. [19]
born 1750/52 Guilford County, North Carolina
died 1784 Richmond, Georgia, USA
married 1774, Wrightsboro, GA to Elizabeth Few
said to have been a descendant of Richard Lee, the Immigrant. Unproven and questionable. Despite asertations from family researchers and online family trees, there is no proof that (Thomas) Greenberry Lee is a son of Richard Lee. In fact, the 7 known children of Richard Lee do not include Granberry Lee.
Parental Notes
Additional Information regarding Thomas Lee's parents. The issue of the parentage of Capt. Thomas Lee of Johnston County, North Carolina and Hawkins County, Tennessee, has been adequately resolved via a strong document trail by a number of Lee researchers. This proof occurred as early as 1975 and clearly established that Thomas Lee was the son of John Lee, Esquire of Johnston County, North Carolina - (b: c1690-1700 d: 1766-1768 Johnston Co, NC)
However, the myth of a connection of Capt. Thomas Lee to Richard Lee, The Immigrant, and progenitor of the famous Virginia Lees continues today. Much of this myth arises from a Bible that was altered many decades ago. It appears that it is again prudent to revisit the reasons why this record is incorrect.
The gist of the Bible record, still repeated to this day, is that Capt. Thomas Lee was a son of a Richard Lee, 1691-1740 and his wife Judith Steptoe. This Richard Lee was a son of Hancock Lee and a grandson of Richard Lee, The Immigrant. An obviously altered Bible record is available from the Virginia State Library & Archives, 11 Street at Capital Square, Richmond, VA 23219, “Needham Lee, Sr. Bible record” (Record #24415, VSL:AD). This Bible record represented the family for Capt. Thomas Lee’s son Needham Lee who married Susan Bailey. Other Bible records may have also been altered to perpetuate this obviously false connection for Capt. Thomas Lee. In the past, these records have been used as “proof” of a connection to the famous Lees of Virginia by those wishing to obtain membership in Lineage Societies. National lineage societies have since closed this lineage and no longer accept applicants who use the claim of Capt. Thomas Lee being a son of Richard Lee. [20]


Thomas Lee was born 3 Dec 1729 in Nottaway Parish, Isle Of Wight County, Virginia, the son of John Lee, Esquire and Mary W. Bryan (daughter of William Bryan and Elizabeth Smith).
In 1755 he owned a plantation on the southern border of Fishpond Creek (and now of the Appomattox River) which was adjacent to Richard Jr.'s
Thomas Lee appeared many time in the Pleas and Quarter Court Minute Records from 1759 until 1780.
It is believed that he was married three times to women named Mary (as was his mother too). Potential wives: Mary Griffin, Mary Bryan, Mary Ingram Rains.
Thomas Lee first married on 09 Apr 1747 in Virginia to Mary Griffin.
Thomas Lee married [21] secondly on 15 Mar 1761 in Johnston County, North Carolina to Mary Bryan who was born on 04 Nov 1745 in Johnston, North Carolina and died in 1821 in Hawkins County, Tennessee. She should not be confused with a different Mary W, Bryan who was Capt. Thomas Lees' mother.
Thomas Lee married [22] thirdly about 1772 in Johnston County, North Carolina to Mary Ingram Rains. She was a daughter of Richard Ingram and widow of John Rains (with son Henry Rains). She was born on 04 Nov 1745 in Johnston County, North Carolina and died on 03 Mar 1824 in Hawkins County, Tennessee.
Thomas was a "delegate" to the Convention which sought to establish the state of Franklin. [23]
Thomas was a middle-aged man when he formed a company of men for the militia in Johnston County, North Carolina in 1776. [24] During the American Revolutionary War he served from the Watauga District, in the North Carolina Militia and became a Captain under General John Sevier.
Capt. Thomas Lee # A068774 www.DAR.org
For his military service he received two land tracts in 1787 which were in Greene County, Tennessee, totaling 1,060 acres (grants #464 and 562).
On 29 June 1816 Thomas Lee made nuncupative Will, telling his sons Needham and William Lee that he wanted to bequeath slaves to his wife Mary and son James, with the rest of his property to be sold.
He died on 02 Jul 1816 in Hawkins County, Tennessee and was buried at Lees Valley Cemetery in Rogersville, Hawkins County, Tennessee. [25] [26]
His sons Needham and William wrote down his nuncupative Will on 04 July 1816. [27] [28][29]

Known Children

These are the known children of Thomas Lee for which there is strong evidence to support the parent-child relationship.
Thomas and Mary Griffin Lee marriage date 9 Apr 1747
  1. Thomas G Lee Jr. 1749–1784 Parents unproven
Thomas and Mary Bryan Lee marriage date 15 Mar 1761
  1. John Lee 1763-1810 Sourced Mother Mary Bryan
  2. James Bryan Lee 1768 - 1837 Sourced DAR Mary Bryan
Thomas and Mary Ingram Rains Lee marriage date before 1774
  1. Needham Lee 1770 - 1821 m. Susan Bailey - DAR A068774 Mary Ingram Rains Lee Proven (DOB before marriage of Thomas and Mary Ingram Rains Lee)
  2. Zilpha Lee 1773 - 1842 m. Thomas Bailey - DAR A068774 Mary Ingram Rains Lee Proven (DOB before marriage of Thomas and Mary Ingram Rains Lee)
  3. Willis Lee 13 Feb 1775 Sourced Mary Bryan ?
  4. Winifred Lee 1778 - 1815 m. William Bailey - DAR A068774 Mary Ingram Rains Lee Proven
  5. Samuel G Lee 1780 - m. Polly York Proven on his profile ?
  6. Leeanna Lee 1781 - 1782 Sourced Sort of Mary Bryan (It does not make sense that Mary Bryan would be her mother, dob is after the marriage of Thomas and Mary Ingram Rains Lee) ?
  7. William Lee 1784 - 1849 m. Susannah Pangle - DAR A068774 Mary Ingram Rains Lee Proven
  8. Edward Lee 1788 - 1873 m. Sarah Tinsley - DAR A068774 Mary Ingram Rains Lee Proven
  9. James Lee m. Mary Hall - DAR A068774 Mary Ingram Rains Lee Proven
  10. Mary Elizabeth Lee 1794 - 1871 Sourced Mary Ingram Rains Lee

Disputed Children

These are the proposed children of Thomas Lee for which there is no (or unreliable) evidence that proves the parent-child relationship. These relationships are considered questionable.
Possible parents Thomas and Mary Griffin Lee, married 9 Apr 1747
  1. Samuel Lee 1748 – 1762 Unsourced
  2. Lucy Lee 1752 - 1851 Unsourced
  3. Nicholas Lee 1755 – 1799 Unsourced
  4. Elizabeth Lee 1761 - 1842 Unsourced
Possible parents Thomas and Mary Bryan Lee, married 15 Mar 1761
  1. Edith Lee 1764 Unsourced,DOB would indicate Mary Bryan as mother
  2. Eleanor Lee 1765 Shows Mary Griffin as mother but she was deceased at the time of Eleanor's birth.
  3. Richard Bryan Lee 1766 - Has sources, parents unproven, DOB would indicate Mary Bryan as mother
  4. Lewis Lee 1772 - 1845, DOB would indicate Mary Bryan as mother
  5. Mary Agnes Lee 1773 - 1839 No parental documentation, DOB would indicate Mary Bryan as mother
  6. Micajah Lee 1769 - 1854 FAG says mother is Mary Ingram Rains Lee, DOB would indicate Mary Bryan as mother
Possible parents Thomas and Mary Ingram Rains Lee, married before 1774
  1. John Lee 1776 - 1842 Unsourced No parental documentation, DOB would indicate Mary Ingram Rains Lee as mother


  1. "As We Remember Rome, North Carolina" by Julia Stanley from her memories and from family papers about the Lee-Smith-Peacock-Johnson family connections.
  2. U.S. Veterans Gravesites c1775-2006 on ancestry.com citing National Cemetery Administration & Nationwide Gravesite Locator; for Thomas Lee b: 3 Dec 1729 (Capt. US Army in Revolutionary War) d: 2 Jul 1816 buried: Lees Valley Cemetery, Rogersville, TN 37857.
  3. Land & Family: 12 Jan 2000
  4. Hawkins County, Tennessee Will Records Book #1 p311 for Thomas Lee on 29 June 1816.
  5. Tennessee, Wills and Probate Records, 1779-2008 for Thomas Lee
  6. [DAR.org Thomas Lee's # A068774]
  7. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Name: Thomas Lee, Gender: Male, Birth Place: VA, Birth Year: 1729, Spouse Name: Mary Bryan, Spouse Birth Place: NC, Marriage Year: 1761, Number Pages: 1 Source Citation: Source number: 146.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BSF. Source Information: Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie.
  8. RootsWeb Marriage Records Index Name: Thomas (Capt.)(widower) Lee, Spouse: Mary (widow of John Rains) (dau. of Richard Ingram) Ingram, Marriage Date: 1772, Marriage Place: Johnston, NC. Source Information: Ancestry.com. Web: RootsWeb Marriage Records Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: Marriage Records. RootsWeb. http://userdb.rootsweb.ancestry.com/marriages/.
  9. Rootsweb broken link
  10. Lee's Research
  11. Geni Discussions
  12. Seeking Family Info on Lee & Alford, by Dennis Lee July 28, 2001
  13. "The Lost Child of Richard Lee of Ditchley" Re: Lucy Lee who married Baldwin Matthews Smith.
  14. Johnston County, North Carolina, Wills 1760-1830 v2 p95 on ancestry.com citing State Dept. of Archives and History in Raleigh, NC; transcription of Last Will and testament of Jon. Lee Esq.
  15. Rootsweb broken link
  16. Geni Discussions
  17. Re: Thomas LEE (1729-1816) of Ditchley Hall, VA - A SELF-FULFILLING PROPHESY; Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000; Subject: (LEE-L) <KLWRAGEG@aol.com>
  18. Seeking Family Info on Lee & Alford, by Dennis Lee July 28, 2001
  19. "The Lost Child of Richard Lee of Ditchley" Re: Lucy Lee who married Baldwin Matthews Smith.
  20. Johnston County, North Carolina, Wills 1760-1830 v2 p95 on ancestry.com citing State Dept. of Archives and History in Raleigh, NC; transcription of Last Will and testament of Jon. Lee Esq.
  21. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Name: Thomas Lee, Gender: Male, Birth Place: VA, Birth Year: 1729, Spouse Name: Mary Bryan, Spouse Birth Place: NC, Marriage Year: 1761, Number Pages: 1 Source Citation: Source number: 146.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BSF. Source Information: Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004. Original data: This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie.
  22. RootsWeb Marriage Records Index Name: Thomas (Capt.)(widower) Lee, Spouse: Mary (widow of John RAINS)(dau. of Richard INGRAM) Ingram, Marriage Date: 1772, Marriage Place: Johnston, NC. Source Information: Ancestry.com. Web: RootsWeb Marriage Records Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: Marriage Records. RootsWeb. http://userdb.rootsweb.ancestry.com/marriages/.
  23. DAR #218683; Johnston Journal, Fall 1996, Thomas R. Lee.
  24. "As We Remember Rome, North Carolina" by Julia Stanley from her memories and from family papers about the Lee-Smith-Peacock-Johnson family connections.
  25. U.S. Veterans Gravesites c1775-2006 on ancestry.com citing National Cemetery Administration & Nationwide Gravesite Locator; for Thomas Lee b: 3 Dec 1729 (Capt. US Army in Revolutionary War) d: 2 Jul 1816 buried: Lees Valley Cemetery, Rogersville, TN 37857.
  26. Find A Grave: Memorial #49503296
  27. Land & Family: 12 Jan 2000
  28. Hawkins County, Tennessee Will Records Book #1 p311 for Thomas Lee on 29 June 1816.
  29. Tennessee, Wills and Probate Records, 1779-2008 for Thomas Lee
DAR A068774 Proven Line of Son Needham Lee
DAR 2349
DAR 211490
DAR 224984
DAR 525388
DAR 643084
DAR 617834
DAR 807051.


"First Census" of Kentucky 1790 [p.1] History Of The First United States Census Of Kentucky [p.5] Kentucky Counties in 1790 page 57 Lee, James Fayette 7/ 1/1789 "First Census" Of Kentucky 1790 [p.1] History Of The First United States Census Of Kentucky [p.5] Kentucky Counties in 1790 page 57 Lee, Wm Fayette 1/11/1790
Name: James Lee Township: Big Poplar Creek County: Knox State: KY Year: 1820 Roll: M33_23 Page: 300 Image Number: 169 Image: James Lee over 45 female over 45 male 16, female 10, female 16, female 26 Name: Lee, James, Sr. Township: Unknown Townships County: Knox State: Kentucky Year: 1830 Roll: M19_38 Page: 249 Image: 489 Name: Lee, James Township: Unknown Townships County: Knox State: Kentucky Year: 1840 Page: 310 Name: Lee, James Year: 1850 County: Knox Township: Unknown Townships State: Kentucky Page: 355 1)Source Information: Film Number: 170659 2C180 Page Number: 1079 Reference number: 23608 FHL US/CAN Film 170650
2) Proof of the birth of James Lee was found through the application of Celia Faith Bollich who was accepted into The Daughters of The American Revolution with Revolution with the affidavits she submitted to her ancestry to James Lee. She being the descendent of James Lee and Nancy Mayes. Her certification was done using James Lees' pension papers that proved his service in the American Revolutionary War. Stating his birth date and place as 1770 Prince William County Virginia. National number 470 050 approved and accepted October 1, 1984
3) Virginia Colonial Militia, 1651-1776 Certificates. Rank - Induction: PRIVTE Roll Box:123 Roll Description: Continental Troops James Lee received land grants totaling 640 acres in Knox County
4) Botetourt County, Virginia, Genealogy Tax List For 1780 and 1790 Phillip, James, James, Andrew, Lee
5) Family Search™ Pedigree Resource File Pedigree Resource File - Compact Disc #33 1392962-0723101194749 Parents: Father: Thomas Lee Capt Disc #33 Pin #296172 Mother: Mary Bryan Disc #33 Pin #296173 Birth: 20 Oct 1768 Place: Virginia
6) "History of Knox County Kentucky" by Elmer Decker......States that James Lee was a Revolutionary War Veteran from Virginia
7) James Lee, Sr. Grant of land for revolutionary services 17 2 Petition 21 Rev. Pensions Lee, Jas & Wm. Acres:160 Book: 5 Survey Date: County: watercourse: Page: 304 Township: N W Qr Sec 21Range: T-2 R-1 W Reference: The Kentucky Land Grants Volume 1 Part 1 Chapter VII Grants West Of Tennessee River (1822-1858) The Counties Of Kentucky page 841 http://www.geocities.com/bourbonstreet/Delta/7003/pgtax1787b.html
1. 1790 Census Abbr 1790 Census Text Name: Jno Mays Township: Not Stated County: Burke State: NC Year: 1790 Roll: M637_7 Page: 108 Image: 0061 Name: James Lee Township: Not Stated County: Burke State: NC Year: 1790 Roll: M637_7 Page: 109 Image: 0064 Name: James B Lee Township: Not State
2. Whitley County Kentucky Court Records. ABBR Whitley County Kentucky Court Records. Mary Pennington was born in Tennessee; her parents were both born in Tennessee. Mary was 21 years old on 30 March 1870 Abbr Whitley County Kentucky Court Records.
3. Before the gap Census data Abbr before the gap Census data Text Name: Benjn Cox Township: Not Stated County: Abbeville State: South Carolina Year: 1790 Roll: M637_11 Page: 59 Image: 0273 Name: Jno Cox Township: Not Stated County: Abbeville State: South Carolina Year: 1790 Roll: M637_11 Page: 59 Image: 0273 : Source Citation: "Pedigree Resource File," database, Family Search (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SGK8-9WG : accessed 4 January 2012), entry for James Bryan /Lee/.
Powers/Lee Family - Entries: 1798 Updated: 2010-03-06 17:45:14 UTC (Sat) Contact: Joyce Riley. ID: I30498171. Name: James LEE, Given Name: James, Surname: Lee, Sex: M, Birth: abt 1770 in Londonderry, Ireland ???, Death: 25 Dec 1837 in Knox Co, KY
(1) Latter Day Saints IGI Record British Isles has born in Ireland ABT 1765.
(2) Notes from Carol Golden have Londonderry as town of birth in Ireland.
(3) Knox Co KY Marriage Record for James Lee, Jr. Show his Father's Place of birth as Ireland.
(4) "Irish Identity
English but most Irish bearing this name are native. Usually the Anglicization of Maclaoidhigh or Mac an Leogha. Connected to the Galway O’Flaherty’s and other identified locations include north Connacht and the Limerick-Cork sector." Source: Lee name origin
(5) Knox County Survey Book A
Transcript of Survey Book submitted by Janet Foster. Page 386, leaf 140, Knox County Sect. Jan. 6th, 1817’ Surveyed for James Lee, Assee. of Joshua Tye, 40 acres of land by virtue of part of a Kentucky Land Office Warrant No. 1269 and bearing date, Nov., the 4th, 1816. Situate Lying in Knox County on Poplar Creek: (see next page), (Page 387, leaf 140 continued), Benijah Harp} H.C.M., Pearce D. Hamlin, JAS. Lee, Marker, Jo. Gillis, D. S. For George W. Craig, S.K.C.
(6) 1820 U S Federal Census for Knox County, KY
James Lee Males 1 under 16 1 over 45; Females 1 under 10; 1 under 16; 1 under 26; 1 over 45
(7) 1830 U S Federal Census for Knox County, KY, James Lee, Sr. Males one age 5-10; one age 10-15; and one age 60-70. Females one age 20-30; one 60-70. Marriage 1 Nancy Mayes b: abt 1770 in England,
  1. James Lee b: 1806 in VA,
  2. Sarah "Sally" Lee b: abt 1800 in VA,
  3. Nancy Ann Lee b: 1801 in VA,
  4. Hannah Lee b: 11 Feb 1802 in VA,
  5. Rebecca Lee b: abt 1795 in VA,
  6. Caroline Lee b: 1804 in VA,
  7. George Lee b: 1810 in KY,
  8. Benjamin Lee b: abt 1815 in KY,
  9. Ferraby Lee b: 1814 in KY,
  10. Mary "Polly" Lee b: abt 1800 in VA,
  11. Catherine "Kitty" Lee b: abt 1816 in KY
Father: Thomas Greenberry Lee b: 03 DEC 1729 in Ditchley, Northumberland, Virginia
Mother: Mary Bryan b: 14 Nov 1745 in Johnson Co., NC
Marriage 1 Nancy Mayes b: Abt 1786 in Henry Co., VA
  1. Hannah Lee b: 11 Feb 1802 in Knox Co., KY
  2. Catherine Lee
  3. Benjamin Lee
  4. Mary "Polly" Lee
  5. Rebecca Lee b: Abt 1795 in VA
  6. Sarah "Sally" Lee b: 1800 in VA
  7. Nancy Ann Lee b: Abt 1801 in VA
  8. James Lee b: Abt 1806 in VA
  9. Ferraby Lee b: Abt 1814 in Knox Co., KY
  10. Caroline Lee


  • Lee-7459 was created by Michelle Brooks on 21 Oct 2013
  • Lee-10269 was created by Linda Weishahn on 24 Sep 2014.
  • Lee-11101 was created by Vick Miles through the import of Vicktory_Lap_2014-03-06_01_FULL.ged on 04 Jan 2015.
  • Lee-12711 was created by Elizabeth Howie on 23 May 2015.

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Thomas Lee and Mary Ingram both b 1729 dob of children?

Thomas G Lee 1749 approx age of parents 20 John Lee 1763 approx age of parents 34 James B Lee 1768 approx age of parents 39 Needham Lee 1770 approx age of parents 51 Zilpha Lee 1773 Willis Lee 1775 Winifred Lee 1778 Samuel Lee 1780 approx age of parents 61 Leanna Lee 1781 William Lee 1784 Edward Lee 1788 James Lee _____ Elizabeth 1794 approx age of parents 65 Not likely!

posted by Loretta (Leger) Corbin