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Thomas Milton (1595 - abt. 1670)

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Date: 2024 [unknown]
Location: Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Milton
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Virginia Arrivals for Thomas Milton

  • 1619 Age 24 Sails on Margaret of Bristol on 15 Sept 1619.
  • 1619 Arrived in Jamestown, Virginia Colony on Dec 4, 1619
  • 1622 Age 27 Thomas arrived in 1622 in Virginia
  • 1624 Age 25 Thomas arrived in 1624 in Virginian birth date 1599 (same Thomas?)
  • 1625 Age 30 Thomas arrived in 1625 in Virginia
  • 1637 Thomas arrived in 1637 in Virginia
  • 1638 Thomas arrived in 1638 in Virginia

Timeline for Thomas Milton

Timeline for Thomas Milton [Milton-2210]

  • 1595 b. 7 Dec 1595 in Gloucestershire County, England
  • 1619 [Age 24] Sails on Margaret of Bristol on 15 Sept 1619

https://www.packrat-pro.com/ships/margaret1619.htm The Margaret of Bristol approved to leave Sept 15, 1619, and arrived in Jamestown with Master Capt. John Woodleefe and 36 settlers on Dec 4, 1619. Margaret sources: Coldham page 13 & 14 per Virginia Company Records http://www.jamestowne.org/Jamestowne_Society_Chronology.htm [link no longer active] If you choose to use this information or copy this page, please have the courtesy to include an acknowledgment that the work, research and compilation was done by Anne Stevens of packrat-pro.com. Alphabetical: • Blanchard, John gent • Bourton, Christopher, tailor • Clement, William, cook and gardener, alive 01 Aug 1622 • Cley James, joiner, died • Cole John, died • Cole, William • Coopy, Samuell • Coopy, Thomas, carpenter, smith, fowler, and turner, died • Coyfe, Charles, gunmaker and smith, died • Davis, Thomas, cooper and shingler, died • Denton/Deinton, Thomas, died • Felgate, Toby gent • Godfry Richard, joiner, drowned • Hampton, Walter • Hurd, John • Jones John, gardener and smith, died • Molton, Thomas, cook and gardener, alive 01 Aug 1622 • Nelme, Christopher, shoemaker, died • Osborne, Humphrey, died • Painter/Paynter, Rowland, died • Parker, William • Patche, William • Paynter, Edward, slain • Peerse/Peers, Henry gent, died • Peirse, Thomas, for hops and oade, died • Plant, Humphrey, sawyer and carpenter, died • Sandford, Thomas, died • Sherife, Richard the elder, carpenter, died • Sherife, Richard the younger, cooper, alive 01 Aug 1622 • Singer, John • Stone, William • Taylor, John alias Stokeley, died • Thorpe, Thomas, slain • Torset, Stephen, died • Yate, Ferdinando gent, returned 20 Mar 1620 Notes about the men by John Smyth After landing, and as instructed by the London Company, Woodlief prayed: “We ordaine that this day of our ships arrival, at the place assigned for plantacon, in the land of Virginia, shall be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God”. The settlers celebrated Thanksgiving, two years and seventeen days before the Mayflower Pilgrims. Note: There are 35 settlers on the list. Of the 35, 20 died. That is a 57% death rate. Smith-21192 Capt. Roger Smith When Capt. Roger Smith was born about 1572, in England, his father, John Smith, was 29 and his mother, Tomsina Mannynge, was 25. He married Joane Peirce in 1620. They were the parents of at least 2 sons and 2 daughters. He lived in James City, Virginia, British Colonial America in 1625. He died after 30 November 1629, in Jamestown, Virginia, British Colonial America, and was buried in James Fort Burial Ground, Jamestown, James City, Virginia, United States. b. 5 Mar 1587 Gloucestershire, England https://www.smithsworldwide.org/tng/getperson.php?personID=I118725&tree=tree1 Captain Roger Smith's Plantation In 1625 Captain Roger Smith had the following persons resided on his plantation (which he had transported) Francis Fowler, age 23 Christopher Lawson and Alce, his wife Christopher Redhead, age 24 Stephen Webb, age 25 John Butterfield, age 23 William Baker, age 24 Richard Alford, age 26 Thomas Harvie, age 24 Thomas Molton, age 25 This would be a small settlement near Jamestown. Listed at James City with the corporation in 1624.

  • 1619 Age 24 Arrived in Jamestown, Virginia Colony on Dec 4, 1619.Passenger List:

"U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s" Place: Virginia; Year: 1619; Page Number: 14 Ancestry Record 7486 #4055202 (accessed 30 April 2024) Name: Thomas Molton; Arrival Year: 1619; Arrival Place: Virginia; Primary Immigrant: Molton, Thomas; Source Publication Code: 1219.4; Source Bibliography: COLDHAM, PETER WILSON. The Complete Book of Emigrants: A Comprehensive Listing Compiled from English Public Records of Those Who Took Ship to the Americas for Political, Religious, and Economic Reasons; of Those Who Were Deported for Vagrancy, Roguery, or Non-Conformity; and of Those Who Were Sold to Labour in the New Colonies. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. 1607-1660. 1988. 600p.; Household Members (Name): Thomas Molton. </ref>

  • 1622 Age 27 Thomas arrived in 1622 in Virginia Passenger List:

"U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s" Place: Virginia; Year: 1622; Page Number: 28 Ancestry Record 7486 #4055203 (accessed 30 April 2024) Name: Thomas Molton; Arrival Year: 1622; Arrival Place: Virginia; Primary Immigrant: Molton, Thomas; Source Publication Code: 1219.4; Source Bibliography: COLDHAM, PETER WILSON. The Complete Book of Emigrants: A Comprehensive Listing Compiled from English Public Records of Those Who Took Ship to the Americas for Political, Religious, and Economic Reasons; of Those Who Were Deported for Vagrancy, Roguery, or Non-Conformity; and of Those Who Were Sold to Labour in the New Colonies. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. 1607-1660. 1988. 600p.; Household Members (Name): Thomas Molton. </ref>

  • 1622 Age 27 Survives the Indian massacre at Berkeley Hundred March 22
  • 1622 George arrived in 1622 in Virginia
  • 1622 Clement Melton arrived in 1622 in Virginia Passenger List:

"U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s" Place: Virginia; Year: 1622; Page Number: 489 Ancestry Record 7486 #4810177 (accessed 30 April 2024) Name: Clement Melton; Arrival Year: 1622; Arrival Place: Virginia; Primary Immigrant: Melton, Clement; Source Publication Code: 4916; Annotation: Date and port of arrival or date and place of mention. Place of origin, name of ship, name of spouse and children, occupation, living conditions, ownership of land, dates and circumstances of death, and other historical information may also be provided.; Source Bibliography: MCCARTNEY, MARTHA W. Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers 1607-1635: A Biographical Dictionary. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2007.; Household Members (Name): Clement Melton.</ref>

  • 1624[ Age 25] Thomas arrived in 1624 in Virginian birth date 1599 Passenger List:

"U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s" Place: Virginia; Year: 1624; Page Number: 232 Ancestry Record 7486 #4055958 (accessed 30 April 2024) Name: Thomas Molton; Age: 25; Birth Year: about 1599; Arrival Year: 1624; Arrival Place: Virginia; Primary Immigrant: Molton, Thomas; Source Publication Code: 3283; Annotation: Standard work. Includes lists of ships to Bermuda, Barbados, and continental North America. Indexes family names. Names of Jews are excerpted in Adler, no. 61. Care should be taken when using Hotten. There are two versions, one with accurate text and index; Source Bibliography: HOTTEN, JOHN CAMDEN, editor. The Original Lists of Persons of Quality; Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels; Serving Men Sold for a Term of Years; Apprentices; Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed; and Others Who Went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700. With Their Ages, the Localities Where They Formerly Lived in the Mother Country, the Names of the Ships in Which They Embarked, and Other Interesting Particulars. From MSS. Preserved in the State; Household Members (Name) Age: Thomas Molton 25. </ref>

  • 1625 [Age 30] Thomas arrived in 1625 in Virginia Passenger List:

"U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s" Place: Virginia; Year: 1625; Page Number: 59 Ancestry Record 7486 #4055959 (accessed 10 April 2023) Name: Thomas Molton; Age: 25; Birth Year: about 1600; Arrival Year: 1625; Arrival Place: Virginia; Primary Immigrant: Molton, Thomas; Source Publication Code: 1219.4; Source Bibliography: COLDHAM, PETER WILSON. The Complete Book of Emigrants: A Comprehensive Listing Compiled from English Public Records of Those Who Took Ship to the Americas for Political, Religious, and Economic Reasons; of Those Who Were Deported for Vagrancy, Roguery, or Non-Conformity; and of Those Who Were Sold to Labour in the New Colonies. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. 1607-1660. 1988. 600p.; Household Members (Name): Thomas Molton. </ref>

  • 1626 [Age 27] Testifies at a witch trial.
  • 1628 [Age 33] Gains freedom from indenture after nine years of servitude.
  • 1629 [Age 34] Son William born 5 Jul 1629 in London, England
  • 1632 [Age 37] Son George born in England** Passenger List:

"U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s" Place: Virginia; Year: 1622; Page Number: 489 Ancestry Record 7486 #4810178 (accessed 30 April 2024) Name: George Melton; Arrival Year: 1622; Arrival Place: Virginia; Primary Immigrant: Melton, George; Source Publication Code: 4916; Annotation: Date and port of arrival or date and place of mention. Place of origin, name of ship, name of spouse and children, occupation, living conditions, ownership of land, dates and circumstances of death, and other historical information may also be provided.; Source Bibliography: MCCARTNEY, MARTHA W. Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers 1607-1635: A Biographical Dictionary. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2007.; Household Members (Name): George Melton. </ref>

  • 1635 [Age 40] Capt. Thoroughgood 50 acres on 24 June 1635 for Thomas
  • 1635 Milton brings Cowin Lancaster to Virginia on the ship Transport
  • 1637 Thomas arrived in 1637 in Virginia Passenger List:

"U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s" Place: Virginia; Year: 1637; Page Number: 110 Ancestry Record 7486 #4062157 (accessed 30 April 2024) Name: Thomas Moulton; Arrival Year: 1637; Arrival Place: Virginia; Primary Immigrant: Moulton, Thomas; Source Publication Code: 6219; Annotation: Date and place where land was patented and the record was created listing those transported/imported. Only the names of those to be transported were indexed. Abstracted from Land Office records located at the Virginia State Library. See also source numbers 62; Source Bibliography: NUGENT, NELL M. Cavaliers and Pioneers: A Calendar of Virginia Land Grants, 1623-1800. Vol. 1:1-6. Richmond, VA: Dietz Printing Co., [1929-1931. Although vol. 6 ends with the year 1695, no other volumes were published.]; Household Members (Name): Thomas Moulton.</ref>

  • 1637 Milton brings Edward Cooper to Virginia on the ship Blessing
  • 1638 Thomas arrived in 1638 in Virginia Passenger List:

"U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s" Place: Virginia; Year: 1638; Page Number: 150 Ancestry Record 7486 #4119876 (accessed 10 April 2023) Name: Thomas Melton; Arrival Year: 1638; Arrival Place: Virginia; Primary Immigrant: Melton, Thomas; Source Publication Code: 6219; Annotation: Date and place where land was patented and the record was created listing those transported/imported. Only the names of those to be transported were indexed. Abstracted from Land Office records located at the Virginia State Library. See also source numbers 62; Source Bibliography: NUGENT, NELL M. Cavaliers and Pioneers: A Calendar of Virginia Land Grants, 1623-1800. Vol. 1:1-6. Richmond, VA: Dietz Printing Co., [1929-1931. Although vol. 6 ends with the year 1695, no other volumes were published.]; Household Members (Name) Relationship: Thomas Melton Hannah Melton Wife.</ref>

  • 1638 Headrights of Lower Norfolk 21 November for Thomas Melton
  • 1638 Son Anthony Milton was born in 1638 in Virginia.
  • 1647 Thomas Melton born Yorkshire, England md Elizabeth Watkins
    • William and George may not be their children born in England. They may have married in Virginia and had sons Anthony and Thomas.

Chipstone Foundation https://www.chipstone.org/article.php/736/Ceramics-in-America-2016/George-Thorpe Article by Martha W. McCartney, photo essay by Beverly Straube George Thorpe's Inventory of 1624: Virginia's Earliest Known Appraisal, with photo essay Ceramics in Early Virginia

Thomas Melton arrived in Virginia in 1635.[1] https://www.genealogy.com/ftm/l/e/i/Vera-M-Leisure/GENE2-0014.html More About THOMAS MELTON, SR.: Fact 1: 1635, Thomas Melton had land in Accomack District that was in Norfolk Fact 2: 1638, Thomas Melton and his wife Hannah had land in Lower Norfolk (see scrapbook) The issue of Thomas Melton and his wife Anna are not of record, but they surely included a son named Thomas Melton/Milton, Jr. who received land from Phillip Chefly on 21 January 1669, married Elizabeth Watkins, and died in present Surry County, VA. Another likely son was Anthony Melton of Lower Norfolk and York Counties, VA who married Rachel, widow of William Shortrike of York Olde Fields by 1669 and died there by October term of court, 1675. Issue of both Thomas Melton, Jr. and Anthony Melton went to northeastern NC. Children of THOMAS MELTON and HANNAH WALLINGSTON are: 27. i. WILLIAM13 MILTON, b. Abt. 1628, England; d. Westmorland Co., VA. 28. ii. GEORGE MILTON, b. Abt. 1632, England; d. Abt. 1678, Surry Co., VA. 29. iii. ANTHONY MELTON, b. Abt. 1638, England/Lower Norfolk Co., VA; d. Bef. October 25, 1675, York Co., VA. 30. iv. THOMAS MELTON, JR., b. Abt. 1640, Isle of Wight/Lower Norfolk Co., Virginia; d. Bef. March 08, 1737, Surry Co., VA. Jamestown Fort James Cemetery Memorials Margaret was mentioned on a memorial at Jamestown Fort James Cemetery, Jamestown, James City County, Virginia, United States with a death date of 1642.[2] Thomas was mentioned on a memorial at Jamestown Fort James Cemetery, Jamestown, James City County, Virginia, United States with a death date of 1640.[3]

Jamestown Fort James Cemetery Memorials Margaret was mentioned on a memorial at Jamestown Fort James Cemetery, Jamestown, James City County, Virginia, United States with a death date of 1642.[1] Thomas was mentioned on a memorial at Jamestown Fort James Cemetery, Jamestown, James City County, Virginia, United States with a death date of 1640.[2]

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