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Thomas Morton Plantation, Abbeville County, South Carolina

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Abbeville, South Carolina, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Morton Slavery Black_Heritage
This page has been accessed 375 times.

Plantations Index South Carolina Plantations



The Thomas Morton Plantation was started about 1829 when Thomas W. Morton purchased property from Martin Burress.[1] For a time Thomas lived on and was enumerated at his property in Edgefield County, but near the end of his life (as mentioned in his will) he was living in Abbeville County, South Carolina.[2]

By 1845 Thomas W. Morton owned 2550 acres in Abbeville County, South Carolina,[2] that he gave to his wife at his death. He also owned 1569 acres in Edgefield County, South Carolina, that he bequeathed to his son Augustus H. Morton who was living on that property at the time.[2]

This page contains the enslaved of both properties, as neither property was specified in Thomas Morton's will or probate papers in relation to the slaves.


In 1845 the slaves of Thomas W. Morton were named in his will[2] and in his probate papers. There were two personal property inventories, one in July and one in Aug 1845. The following are the enslaved listed in those papers:[3]

NameWillJuly 1845 InventoryAug 1845 InventoryValueNotesto Lucinda Mortonto Augustus Morton
MosesXX$1,650 Valued with Jinny, Betsy, Loura, and America at $1650X
Lora, LouraXX$1,650 Valued with Moses, Jinny, Betsy and America at $1650X
TomXX$2,500 Tom, Matilda, Dinah, Becky, Felix, Barry, Aaron, Leucretia valued together at $2500X
Matilda & their childrenXX$2,500 Tom, Dinah, Becky, Felix, Barry, Aaron, Leucretia valued together at $2500X
DinahX$2,500 Tom, Matilda, Becky, Felix, Barry, Aaron, Leucretia valued together at $2500
BeckyX$2,500 Tom, Matilda, Dinah, Felix, Barry, Aaron, Leucretia valued together at $2500
FelixX$2,500 Tom, Matilda, Dinah, Becky, Barry, Aaron, Leucretia valued together at $2500
BarryX$2,500 Tom, Matilda, Dinah, Becky, Felix, Aaron, Leucretia valued together at $2500
AaronX$2,500 Tom, Matilda, Dinah, Becky, Felix, Barry, Leucretia valued together at $2500
LeucretiaX$2,500 Tom, Matilda, Dinah, Becky, Felix, Barry, and Aaron valued together at $2500
James, JimXX$1,100 Valued with Rach and child at $1100X
Rachel and child, RachXX$1,100 Valued with Jim and her child at $1100X
PeterXX$1,000 Valued with wife at $1000X
Hanna and childXX
yellow JessXX$500 Valued with Frank and family at $1500X
Lucy and family of childrenXX
Lila and her childrenXX
Abram, AbrahamXX$550 Valued with Bill, John, and Anthony, at $1875X
BenXXValued with his wife and child at $1100X
Mary and childXX
PegXXValued together with Reuben, Sarah, Viny & child at X
Antony, AnthonyXX$550 Valued with Bill, John, and Abraham, at $1875X
JakeXXValued with his wife at $950X
BobXX$800 a Blacksmith, valued with Dick at $1500X
JacksonXX$550 Valued with Jerry and Bill for $1450X
Big Jim, GimXXJim valued with his family, Milly, Francis, Amos, Fletcher, and Berry for $1450X
Milly and four childrenXJim valued with his family, Milly, Francis, Amos, Fletcher, and Berry for $1450X
FrancisXJim valued with his family, Milly, Francis, Amos, Fletcher, and Berry for $1450
AmosXJim valued with his family, Milly, Francis, Amos, Fletcher, and Berry for $1450
FletcherXJim valued with his family, Milly, Francis, Amos, Fletcher, and Berry for $1450
BerryXJim valued with his family, Milly, Francis, Amos, Fletcher, and Berry for $1450
Chap, ChapmanXXChapman and Hulda & Amanda and Mayson, Chesley, Ann, Dick, & Caroline $2500X
Hulda and six childrenXXChapman and Huldah & Amanda and Mayson, Chesley, Ann, Dick, & Caroline $2500X
LewisXX$1,525 Louis valued with wife Narsis, Doctor, Cathran, Margaret $1525X
NarsisX$1,525 Louis valued with wife Narsis, Doctor, Cathran, Margaret $1525
DoctorX$1,525 Louis valued with wife Narsis, Doctor, Cathran, Margaret $1525
CathranX$1,525 Louis valued with wife Narsis, Doctor, Cathran, Margaret $1525
MargaretX$1,525 Louis valued with wife Narsis, Doctor, Cathran, Margaret $1525
Caroline and four childrenXX
Edmond, EdXXValued with Mary, and children Cato and Sarah at $1250X
Mary and one childXXValued with Edmond, and children Cato and Sarah at $1250X
CatoXValued with parents Edmond and Mary, and sibling Sarah, at $1250
SarahXValued with parents Edmond and Mary, and sibling Cato, at $1250
IsaacXX$600 X
Lid and one child, LydiaXX$600 Lydia valued with child ChaneyX
ChaneyXChaney valued with mother Lydia
SimonXXSimon valued with wife Frankey and child Butler at $1150X
FrankeyXXSimon valued with wife Frankey and child Butler at $1150X
ButlerXSimon valued with wife Frankey and child Butler at $1150
CharlesXX$600 X
RufusXX$375 boyX
SquireXXValued with his wife at $1000X
Vina (wife of Squire)XXValued with her husband at $1000X
BetsyXXValued with Moses, Jinny, Loura, and America at $1650X
AmericaXXValued with Moses, Jinny, Betsy, and Loura at $1650X
Janey, JinnyXXValued with Moses, Betsy, Loura, and America at $1650X
JerryXX$450 Valued with Bill and Jackson for $1450X
Black JessXX
DickX$700 Valued with Bob at $1500X
NelsonXX$600 Valued with Jake and Ben at $2650X
Big BillXX$450 Valued with Jerry and Jackson for $1450X
Louisa, LuizaXX$1,250 Lock valued with family Fereby, Louisa, Shed, and Sol at $1250X
ShedXX$1,250 Lock valued with family Fereby, Louisa, Shed, and Sol at $1250X
Solomon, SolXX$1,250 Lock valued with family Fereby, Louisa, Shed, and Sol at $1250X
FrankXX$1,000 Valued with wife and child, and with Jesse, at $1500X
LockXX$1,250 Lock valued with family Fereby, Louisa, Shed, and Sol at $1250X
FerebyXX$1,250 Lock valued with family Fereby, Louisa, Shed, and Sol at $1250X
RuebenX$1,200 Reuben and wife and children, valued with Sarah, Peg & child, Viny and child, at $1200
BillX$225 Valued with Abraham, John, and Anthony, at $1875
JohnX$550 Valued with Bill, Abraham, and Anthony, at $1875
HenryX$1,100 Valued with wife Mary at $1100
MaryX$1,100 Valued with husband Henry at $1100
JesseX$2,500 Jesse and Winey valued with children Shilow, Josiah, Blan, Permilia, Emeline, at $2500
WineyX$2,500 Jesse and Winey valued with children Shilow, Josiah, Blan, Permilia, Emeline, at $2500
ShilowX$2,500 Jesse and Winey valued with children Shilow, Josiah, Blan, Permilia, Emeline, at $2500
JosiahX$2,500 Jesse and Winey valued with children Shilow, Josiah, Blan, Permilia, Emeline, at $2500
BlanX$2,500 Jesse and Winey valued with children Shilow, Josiah, Blan, Permilia, Emeline, at $2500
PermiliaX$2,500 Jesse and Winey valued with children Shilow, Josiah, Blan, Permilia, Emeline, at $2500
EmelineX$2,500 Jesse and Winey valued with children Shilow. Josiah, Blan, Permilia, Emeline, at $2500
LyleX$1,200 Lyle, Ama, Shep, Josh, Safrona valued together at $1200
AmaX$1,200 Lyle, Ama, Shep, Josh, Safrona valued together at $1200
ShepX$1,200 Lyle, Ama, Shep, Josh, Safrona valued together at $1200
JoshX$1,200 Lyle, Ama, Shep, Josh, Safrona valued together at $1200
SafronaX$1,200 Lyle, Ama, Shep, Josh, Safrona valued together at $1200


1820 Census

In 1820 Thomas Morton is listed in Edgefield County, South Carolina with 33 slaves.[4]

  • 16 males to age 14
  • 3 males ages 14-26
  • 3 males ages 26-45
  • 1 male age 45 and up
  • 6 females to age 14
  • 2 females ages 14-26
  • 1 female age 26-45
  • 1 female age 45 and up

1830 Census

In 1830 Thomas W. Morton is listed on the census in Edgefield County South Carolina with 80 slaves.[5]

  • 13 males under age 10
  • 18 males ages 10-24
  • 13 males ages 24-36
  • 5 males ages 36-55
  • 1 male age 55-100
  • 17 females under age 10
  • 8 females ages 10-24
  • 4 females ages 24-36
  • 1 female age 55-100

1840 Census

Thomas is listed on the 1840 census in Edgefield County, South Carolina showing his family and 84 slaves.[6]

  • 12 males under age 10
  • 10 males ages 10-24
  • 12 males ages 24-36
  • 3 males ages 36-55
  • 1 males ages 55-100
  • 14 females under age 10
  • 12 females ages 10-24
  • 18 females ages 24-36
  • 2 females ages 36-55

At his property in Abbeville County there are no white persons listed on this 1840 census, only 16 slaves.[7]

  • 6 males ages 10-24
  • 7 males ages 24-36
  • 1 male age 36-55
  • 2 females ages 10-26

1850 Census

By the 1850 census these slaves had been split between Mrs. Lucinda Morton,[8] the widow of Thomas W. Morton, and their son Augustus H. Morton.


  1. Deed: "Deeds, 1787-1866; index to deeds, 1787-1869"
    Catalog: Deeds, 1787-1866; index to deeds, 1787-1869 Deeds, v. 42-44 1826-1830
    Film number: 007856785 > image 639 of 728
    FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CS7S-B9P9-8 (accessed 22 December 2022)
    • Deed Bk 44 p.278 & 279
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 South Carolina Probate Re...d Loose Papers, 1732-1964: "South Carolina Probate Re...d Loose Papers, 1732-1964"
    Catalog: Miscellaneous estate papers (Abbeville County, South Carolina), 1782-1958
    Image path: South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964 > Abbeville > Probate Court, Probate records > 1782-1958 > Box 174, Packages 3276-3292 > image 159 of 594
    FamilySearch Image: 939L-FZ99-WG (accessed 22 December 2022)
  3. South Carolina Probate Re...d Loose Papers, 1732-1964: "South Carolina Probate Re...d Loose Papers, 1732-1964"
    Catalog: Miscellaneous estate papers (Abbeville County, South Carolina), 1782-1958
    Image path: South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964 > Abbeville > Probate Court, Probate records > 1782-1958 > Box 174, Packages 3276-3292 > image 163 of 594
    FamilySearch Image: 939L-FZ99-7J (accessed 22 December 2022)
    • 1845 probate inventory slaves, this page and the next. 31 Jul 1845
  4. United States Census, 1820: "United States Census, 1820"
    Image path: United States Census, 1820 > South Carolina > Edgefield > Not Stated > image 43 of 67; citing NARA microfilm publication M33, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 33SQ-GYYM-9RN9 (accessed 24 December 2022)
    • 1820 census Edgefield County, South Carolina.
  5. United States Census, 1830: "United States Census, 1830"
    Image path: United States Census, 1830 > South Carolina > Edgefield > Not Stated > image 196 of 208; citing NARA microfilm publication M19, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 33S7-9YYN-3SYF (accessed 24 December 2022)
    • 1830 census Edge
  6. United States Census, 1840: "United States Census, 1840"
    Image path: United States Census, 1840 > South Carolina > Edgefield > Not Stated > image 155 of 187; citing NARA microfilm publication M704, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 33S7-9YY1-SQKH (accessed 22 December 2022)
    • 1840 census Edgefield County, South Carolina
  7. United States Census, 1840: "United States Census, 1840"
    Image path: United States Census, 1840 > South Carolina > Abbeville > Not Stated > image 120 of 188; citing NARA microfilm publication M704, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: 33SQ-GYB7-KCT (accessed 24 December 2022)
    • 1840 census Abbeville County, South Carolina
  8. United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850 : "United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850"
    Image path: United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850 > South Carolina > Abbeville > Abbeville county > image 141 of 231; citing NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image: S3HT-62KH-Y7Y (accessed 24 December 2022)

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