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Thomas Throne 1656 Will 1737

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Date: 1737 [unknown]
Location: Hathern, Leicestershire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Throne
This page has been accessed 39 times.

A transcription of the will of Thomas Throne (1656-1737).

Note: This is an imperfect transcription so feel free to improve.

In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Throne of Hathern in the County of Leicester Yeoman being of sound and Disposeing mind and memory ( praised be God for the sames) Do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner following (That is to say) First give and devise unto my Kinsman Nicholas Loe of Hathern aforesaid Yeoman and to his Heirs and assigns forever all that one Quarter of a yard Land lying and being within the fields Liberties preunits and Territoryes of Hathern aforesaid which I heretofore purshased of Sir Ambrose Phillipps and wan the tenure or occupation of the said Nicholas Loe his Assignee or Assigns provided always and upon Condition nevertheless that he the said Nicholas Loe his Heirs Executer or administrators shall release and Distharge me my Heirs Executors and Administrators of and from one Bond or Obligation for the payment of Thirty pounds to him the said Nicholas Loe his Executors or Administrators And upon this further Condition that he pay the sume of Ten pounds unto my Kinsman Thomas Throne of Burton upon Trent in the County of Stafford Tanner within Six months next after my decease Also I- Give and devise unto the said Thomas Throne his Heirs and assigns for ever All that Close or ground inclosed stituate lying and being in the Liberties premists and Territoryes of Hathern aforesaid being near to any Dwelling house with the rights members and Appurtenance to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining whith I also purthased of the said Sir Ambrose Phillipps Upon Condition nevertheless That he the said Thomas Throne Shall pay thereout unto my Kinswoman Rachel Broaus wife of Samuel Broras of Austey in the County of Leicester Woman the sume of forty pounds at her respective Age of dwenty one years and I do hereby tharge the same with the payment thereof subsert to the provisoe hereaftermentioned But my Will and In this in Case the said Nathel Brocas shall depont this hhise before the attain her said Age Then and in such Case I lime and beguen i the same in tnr torm following (that is to say out of the said forty pounds I Give and bequeath unto my kinsman Joseph Throne of Thorp in the said County of Leiester Yeoman Twenty pounds and to my Kinswoman Elizabeth Boley of Hathern aforesaid Ten pounds and to my Kinsman John Thurman the sume of five pounds and the remaining sume of five pounds I give unto my kinsman Joseph Storer Provided always nevertheless and I do hereby declare that the Legaty of forty pounds so be queathed to the aforesaid Rathel Bustae as aforesaid is upon this Express Condition that the same shall be voidand of no Effert unless the Trustees for the said Rathel Brosas (to wit master seahewell of Dishley and Thomas Garrat of Thorp in the County of Leiester yeoman by and with the porsent and Direction of the said Rathel Brows and her Husband shall deliverupe to my Executor hereafter named my Bondto them forforty pounds in Trust for the said Rathel Brocas to be Cancelledor shall otherwise Logally release the same Also Iive and bequeath unto the said Thomas Throne till those my Cottage Lands etituate lying and being in the Liberties premises and Territoryes of Hathern aforesaid commonly called or reputed to be one half yard Landand all any right title property sanand Demand land to the same with their and every of their appurtenantes which therefefore purshased of Edward Hartshor upon rendition neverthelese that he the said Thomas Throne shall Annually by four Quarterly payments pay or cause to be paid to Elizabeth Throne of Loughborough in the said County widow the sume of six pounds for and during the term of her natural Life or in the form thereof pay to her the sume of sixty pounds in Discharge of my Bond given for the security thereofore by the said Bond referrence being thereto had may more fully appear Also I give and Devise unto the said Thomas Throne his Heirs and ressigns for ever all those my two houses stituate standing & being in Hathern aforesaid now or late in the tenures or occupation of Elizabeth Throne and Dorothy Shaw their Assignee or Assigns with the rights members ad Appurtenances to the same belonging or appertaining which I also purshaced of the said Sir Ambrose Phillipps Also I Givbeband bequeathunto Sarah Cumberland and wife of William Cumberland of Hathern aforesaid One Broad Brass Cheese pan a little Churnmortar and pestoll a little Trundle Bedstead with the bed lying upon the same Bolster and Willow and three Blankits and a hed Rugg and my further direction and will is that the said William Cumberland and Sarah his wife shall have the uise of the Copper Rathprom and stools and Ladders a fan Great Rake Horse Trough Ig Trough and steelhuill without paying any Atcknowledgment or any sume of money for the same so long only as he or she shall continue Tennant in possession of the House tey now Live and lastly all the rest and residue of my Reall or personall Estate of what nature soever or whereso ever after the payment of any just debts funerall Charges and regarys Ihive Devise and bequeath the same unto the said Thomas Throne his Heirs Execiters and Administrators for ever whem Ido hereby nominate and Appointmy sole Executor hereby hereahing and disanulling all former and other wills by me at any time or times made ceslaring this to be my lags In Wilness whereof have hereunto setmy hand and seal the nineteenth day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Thirty seven Sighed cealed published and declared by the above named Thomas Throne as his last will and & lament in the presente of ns wittnesses and byne signed in preserue Barnabus Howlet Godfrey Handle William Chamberlain

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