
Thomas Thrower Marrow House

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1890 [unknown]
Location: 305 Burwell Ave, Henderson, North Carolinamap
Surnames/tags: Marrow Burwell Hargrove
Profile manager: Larry Leach private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 180 times.

Thomas T Marrow and Susan Caroline Burwell were married on July 21, 1886 in Granville County North Carolina and built this house and moved in by 1890. They had three Children, Henry (1887-1938), Carrie (1890-1984), and Alice (1895-1945).

Carrie lived in the house with her parents. When they had passed she continued living here as an "old maid" until unable when she was placed in an Ohio nursing home by a great niece.

Carrie's passing led to uncaring relatives to empty out the house and sell. It had two previous owners before me. Neither seemed to have much interest in keeping it well maintained. Termites and water damage was everywhere.

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