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Surnames/tags: Thuringia Germany Thüringen
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Thuringia, Germany/Thüringen, Deutschland

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Overview of Thuringia

Flag and Coat of Arms:
State of the Federal Republic of Germany: 1990
Capital: Erfurt
English: Thuringia, Free State of Thuringia
German: Thüringen, Freistaat Thüringen
Thuringia location in Germany
Officially the Free State of Thuringia. It is the sixth smallest German state by area and the fifth smallest by population. Erfurt is the state capital and largest city, while other major cities include Jena, Gera, and Weimar. It is well known for its production of glass Christmas tree ornaments.


Located in central Germany and surrounded by the states of Bavaria, Hesse, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Saxony
Coordinates: 50°51′40″N 11°3′7″E


The group of people called the Germanic Thurigians appeared around 350 and were conquered by the Huns in the 5th Century and then in 531 the Franks took control of their lands. For the next several centuries various European and Germanic groups wrested control from one another. Then from 1265 until the 1800s it was in the control of the House of Wettins. During the 1800s there was more diving of territories among other Germanic states and after World War II it fell under Soviet control.
In 1952 Thuringia was divided between the Bezirke (districts) of Erfurt, Suhl, Gera, Halle, and Leipzig.
Following the reunification of Germany, Thuringia was comprised of the former East German districts of Suhl, Erfurt, and Gera and from small parts of Leipzig and Halle districts.


Germany has a number of different cultures. Thuringia has everything from castles, museums, symphonies, art galleries, to distinctive foods like bratwurst and unique shopping experiences.
It is the birth place of Christmas ornaments created by the Greiner and Mueller families and many familiar pieces of Christmas music and toys.
Enjoy natural healing springs, spas, thermal baths, and a diverse countryside of mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes and nature reserves.

Research Help and Regional Resources

Online Resource Compilations

Vital Records

Religious Facilities


Local Cemeteries


Colleges and Universities

They often have local records and have professors who are versed in local lore so can be a wonderful resource and many are multilingual.

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Last updated by Thiessen-117 19 Jul 2022

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I found a coat of arms for Thuringia and have it attached to Lotze-22 if you are interested.

Coat of arms of Thuringia.svg

posted by Mike Schindler
edited by Mike Schindler
Yes, thank you! Fantastic! I am interested very much.
posted by Kylie Haese