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To-Do Lists Team Utrecht

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 28 Nov 2021 [unknown]
Location: Nederlandmap
Surnames/tags: Utrecht Dutch Roots Netherlands
Profile manager: Mar Beers private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 273 times.

Nederlands Engels
Dit is een teampagina bestemd voor de vrijwilligers die zich bezighouden met het connecten, opschonen en voorzien van juiste bronnen voor de nederlandse profielen van mensen die geboren zijn in de provincie Utrecht. Dit team is een onderdeel van het Project Dutch Roots Nederlands.This is a teampage created for the volunteers that would like to help with connecting, cleaning and sourcing profiles with correct sources for people that are born in the province Utrecht. This team is part of the Project Dutch Roots Nederlands.
Maak je eigen lijsten via WikiTree+, zie voor uitleg Info WikiTree+: Tips Dutch Roots [1] Create your own lists via WikiTree+, see for explanation Info WikiTree+: Tips Dutch Roots [2]

Standard lists provided by: Data_Doctors [3]




Unconnected profiles for Utrecht.

610 Unconnected Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 New
Utrecht, Unconnected 417 7 3 180 192 6 29 2
Utrecht, Unlinked 193 35 37 36 56 29 4
Tree size Trees
43Hughes-28961 T S,
29VanGorden-12 T S,
24Cornelisdochter-1 T S,
23Promper-691 T S,
20Nonna-4 T S,
18Stolwijk-1237 T S,
15Quick-3541 T S,
14Stiermans-7 T S,
11Van Deursen-28 T S,
show more unconnected trees

Table prepared at 03.12.2024 13:20:40 (Slovenian time). Condition to prepare list (Country is Netherlands and Region is Utrecht). Profiles: 66628



Unsourced profiles for Utrecht.

2629 Unsourced Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 New
Category:Utrecht, Unsourced Profiles 0
Location: Utrecht, Category:Unsourced Profiles 2613 8 23 650 923 752 257
Location: Utrecht, Suggestion 802 & 803 0
Location: Utrecht, Suggestion 131-134 16 1 4 10 1

Table prepared at 03.12.2024 10:10:05 (Slovenian time). Condition to prepare list (Country is Netherlands and Region is Utrecht). Profiles: 66628



Suggestion report for Utrecht. There were 4882 suggestions for 66628 profiles on 1 Dec 2024.


Suggestions suggestions on 20241201 Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Total 3017 67 31 540 951 1036 234 0 158 181 12
Date Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Error 104: Too old 1 1 1
Error 131: No Dates - No Dates on relatives - Open - Unknown Status
Play the video.
2 2
Error 133: No Dates - Dates on relatives - Open - Unknown Status
Play the video.
27 27
Warning 134: No Dates - Dates on relatives - Open - Status Died 13 13
Error 205: Father is too young or not born
Play the video.
9 4 2 3
Error 206: Father is too old 1 1
Error 210: Father was dead before birth 11 8 1 2
Error 305: Mother too young or not born
Play the video.
22 1 6 11 4
Error 306: Mother is too old 1 1
Error 310: Mother was dead before birth 9 1 3 3 2 1
Error 404: Marriage before birth 6 2 2 2
Error 406: Marriage after death 3 1 2
Error 413: Marriage too long 1 1
Error 415: Marriage End too old 2 2
Error 416: Marriage End after death 14 1 1 3 9 1 1
Relationship Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Hint 105: Duplicate sibling 0 1
Hint 408: Multiple marriages on same day 4 2 1 1 1
Hint 409: Marriage to duplicate person 1 1 2
Warning 419: Unmarried parents with no marriages 5 4 1 2
Warning 420: Unmarried parents with other marriages 6 1 2 3 1
Name Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Warning 711: Separators in Prefix 0 1
Warning 721: Separators in First Name 2 2
Warning 723: Prefix in First Name 6 2 2 2 57
Warning 724: Wrong word in First Name 1 1
Warning 733: Prefix in Preferred Name 0 9
Warning 743: Prefix in Middle Name 0 1
Warning 749: Middle Name used in some areas 542 4 119 273 50 96 17 2
Warning 753: Prefix in Nicknames 1 1 7
Warning 771: Separators in Last Name at Birth 10 1 6 3 2
Warning 778: Period in Last Name at Birth 6 2 2 2
Warning 781: Separators in Current Last Name 1 1
Warning 784: Wrong word in Current Last Name 0 1
Gender Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Error 203: Father is Female
Play the video.
1 1
Warning 403: Single sex marriage
Play the video.
0 1
Warning 501: Wrong gender (male)
Play the video.
2 2 1
Error 502: Missing gender (male)
Play the video.
2 2
Warning 503: Probably wrong gender (male)
Play the video.
1 1
Warning 505: Wrong gender (female)
Play the video.
13 1 2 8 1 1 22 1
Warning 507: Probably wrong gender (female)
Play the video.
2 1 1 3
Error 508: Missing gender (probably female)
Play the video.
1 1
Warning 509: Missing gender
Play the video.
12 1 3 3 5 22
Warning 510: Unique name without gender 2 1 1
Location Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Error 602: Separators in Birth Location 3 1 1 1
Error 604: Birth location too short
Play the video.
3 3
Error 607: Misspelled word in birth location 1 1
Error 608: Misspelled country in birth location 6 4 2 1
Warning 611: Birth location in lowercase 1 1
Warning 615: Birth Location Country not recognized 24 7 14 3 1
Warning 617: Ambiguous Birth location Country not recommended 2 2
Warning 618: Birth Location Country not preferred by project 1 1
Error 631: Wrong word in death location 2 1 1
Error 632: Separators in Death Location 1 1
Error 634: Death location too short
Play the video.
5 3 1 1
Error 635: Number in death location 1 1
Error 638: Misspelled country in death location 4 2 1 1
Error 639: Wrong character in death location 1 1
Warning 645: Death Location Country not recognized 7 1 3 2 1 2
Error 661: Wrong word in marriage location 1 1
Error 662: Separators in Marriage Location 1 1
Error 663: USA too early in marriage location 1 1
Error 664: Marriage location too short
Play the video.
6 2 4
Error 668: Misspelled country in marriage location 3 2 1
Warning 675: Marriage Location Country not recognized 11 3 3 5 6 1
Warning 677: Ambiguous Marriage Location Country not recommended 2 2
Warning 678: Marriage Location Country not preferred by project 10 7 3
Privacy Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Warning 109: Profile should be open (birth date)
Play the video.
1 1
Error 922: PPP With Project Account and without ProjectBox 1 1
Error 931: ProjectBox Without Project Account 11 1 9 1
Error 933: Project Account Without ProjectBox 74 3 28 41 1 1
Error 935: Unpaired Project Account and ProjectBox 1 1
Biography Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Warning 811: Uncleaned profile after merge
Play the video.
15 2 3 1 9
Error 822: Heading doesn't end with =
Play the video.
1 1 1
Warning 831: Multiple duplicated lines
Play the video.
33 3 6 22 2 6
Warning 835: Local file reference
Play the video.
5 2 2 1
Warning 851: GEDCOM uncleaned Interpret date
Play the video.
5 1 1 1 1 1
Warning 852: GEDCOM uncleaned Parse Lastname
Play the video.
2 2
Warning 853: GEDCOM Junk
Play the video.
6 1 1 4
Error 952: Not recommended tag SPAN STYLE= 2 1 1
Template Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Error 841: Template doesn't start with double {
Play the video.
1 1
Error 844: Out of use template 3 2 1
Error 845: Direct usage of base templates 1 1
Error 848: Error in template parameters 18 5 12 1 2
Error 894: Missing Required parameter in template 1 1
Error 896: Unknown parameter in template 11 1 9 1
Error 897: Error in template parameters 5 4 1
Category Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Error 885: Using Top Level category 2 2
References Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Error 862: Inline citation doesn't end with </ref>
Play the video.
1 1
Error 863: Missing <references /> tag
Play the video.
1 1
Warning 864: Almost empty <ref/> tags
Play the video.
7 5 2 1 1
Error 868: Inline citations after <references /> tag
Play the video.
18 3 5 7 2 1
Error 869: Duplicated named Inline citations
Play the video.
63 18 23 19 2 1
Error 870: Missing named Inline citations
Play the video.
8 4 2 2 1
Error 872: Named Inline citation error 7 4 3 1
Error 943: Duplicated span Anchors 30 7 11 10 2
Error 944: Missing span Anchors 53 18 16 15 1 3
Warning 945: Unused Span Anchors 227 1 21 57 119 29
DNA Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Warning 213: Missing fathers DNA confirmation 3 1 1 1
Warning 313: Missing mothers DNA confirmation 4 2 2
Links Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Error 961: Invalid domain name in link 4 1 3
Error 962: Domain name in link not resolved 126 3 21 43 51 7 1 1
Error 965: Link error 404 Not Found 985 12 25 167 274 362 137 8 5 1
Error 966: Link error various 296 2 64 78 129 17 6 1 2
Error 967: Link error in domain 142 3 22 48 61 7 1 1
Error 971: Missing image 3 1 2

Unique Names

Unique Names suggestions on 20241201 Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Total 764 14 11 216 331 166 24 0 2 229 4
Unique Names Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Warning 717: Unique name in Prefix 0 1
Warning 727: Unique name in First Name 97 2 1 34 42 14 4 33 3
Warning 737: Unique name in Preferred Name 46 2 1 10 16 12 5 13
Warning 747: Unique name in Middle Name 22 11 7 2 2 2
Warning 757: Unique name in Nicknames 67 4 33 19 10 1 31
Warning 777: Unique name in Last Name at Birth 179 2 1 30 84 53 9 25
Warning 787: Unique name in Current Last Name 84 1 15 36 28 4 21 1
Warning 797: Unique name in Other Last Names 269 7 4 83 127 47 1 103


WikiData suggestions on 20241201 Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Total 442 8 13 74 216 125 6 0 0 18 2
WikiData Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Hint 541: Wikidata - Clue for Father 88 2 17 52 17 1
Hint 542: WikiData - Possible Father on WikiData 11 2 5 4 1 1
Hint 543: Wikidata - Clue for Mother 97 2 2 17 58 18 3
Hint 544: WikiData - Possible Mother on WikiData 19 4 7 8 2 1
Warning 546: Wikidata - Possible spouse 1 1
Warning 553: Wikidata - Empty birth date 3 3
Error 554: Wikidata - Imprecise birth date 17 1 10 6
Error 555: Wikidata - Different birth date 84 6 17 39 21 1 7
Warning 556: Wikidata - Empty death date 44 5 15 24
Error 557: Wikidata - Imprecise death date 3 1 1 1
Error 558: Wikidata - Different death date 49 1 3 7 19 16 3 4
Warning 559: Wikidata - Missing birth location 3 2 1
Warning 561: Wikidata - Missing death location 18 2 6 8 2
Warning 563: Wikidata - Possible duplicate by father 1 1
Warning 564: Wikidata - Possible father 2 1 1
Warning 565: Wikidata - Possible duplicate by mother 1 1
Warning 566: Wikidata - Possible mother 1 1


FindAGrave suggestions on 20241201 Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Total 39 0 0 9 3 21 4 0 2 14 0
FindAGrave Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Warning 571: FindAGrave - Link without Grave ID
Play the video.
3 3
Warning 572: FindAGrave - Linked grave not matching profile
Play the video.
6 3 1 2 1
Error 574: FindAGrave - Imprecise birth date
Play the video.
3 1 2
Error 575: FindAGrave - Different birth date
Play the video.
13 5 7 1 7
Error 577: FindAGrave - Imprecise death date
Play the video.
5 4 1 1
Error 578: FindAGrave - Different death date
Play the video.
3 1 2 3
Hint 585: FindAGrave - Multiple profiles link to same grave ID
Play the video.
1 1
Hint 587: FindAGrave - Link to nonexisting Grave ID
Play the video.
1 1
Hint 591: FindAGrave - Possible father 1 1 1
Hint 592: FindAGrave - Possible mother 3 1 1 1 1

Profile Completeness

Profile Completeness suggestions on 20241201 Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Total 178 0 0 0 96 74 8 0 0 0 0
Profile Completeness Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 Private Hidden New
Warning 452: Profile completeness - Father Status not set 28 14 12 2
Warning 454: Profile completeness - Mother Status not set 28 14 12 2
Warning 456: Profile completeness - Birth date Status not set 4 1 3
Error 457: Profile completeness - Birth Location not set 5 5
Warning 458: Profile completeness - Birth Location Status not set 22 10 10 2
Error 461: Profile completeness - Death date not set 34 19 14 1
Warning 462: Profile completeness - Death date Status not set 1 1
Error 463: Profile completeness - Death Location not set 37 21 15 1
Warning 464: Profile completeness - Death Location Status not set 5 2 3
Warning 467: Profile completeness - Short Biography (<500) 14 9 5

Table prepared at 02.12.2024 20:20:20 (Slovenian time). Condition to prepare list (Country is Netherlands and Region is Utrecht).



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Categories: Netherlands Project