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To Err Is Human To Correct It Takes A Genealogist

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
This page has been accessed 705 times.


Important Definitions

It is a basic WikiTree value to provide sources for our information, as expressed throughout WikiTree including in the Honor Code.

Collaboration is also an essential part of WikiTree.

Primary Sources are Birth, Marriage and Death Documents and Census Records.

Citation - The ideal citation format on WikiTree is Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS), generally following Elizabeth Shown Mills Evidence Explained. But don't get hung up on perfection. The important thing is citing the source, not how it's done.

Fundamentally, a good source citation enables others to:
  1. judge the accuracy of the information found on the profile, and
  2. independently verify the information by finding the source themselves.


  1. - nothing else listed, just the website name
  2. Personal knowledge of a person who passed away 150 years ago
  3. Unsourced Family Tree from anywhere

Are you Looking for Reliable Sources Pre-1700, look here!

Tools That Make Genealogy Easier

Please get on the list to take the Profile Improvement Project Voyage, I highly recommend it. The PIP Voyage is for not only those new to genealogy but for seasoned genealogists also.

Here is an extremely useful page of Tools, Apps and Extensions to make one's life easier!

And if you want to make someone else's life easier, try Steven Tibbetts's Spreadsheet and fix as many Suggestions as you want. We have a few million that need attention!

General Information Videos

Mr. E is an imaginary character. He explores different areas of WikiTree and the moderator explains these areas and how to use them.

Suggestions - How to Find Them

Every profile with a public family tree has a Suggestions Report. It shows one a list of suggested changes to profiles in the person's family line. Every genealogist makes errors of one kind or another, it is inevitable, so do not feel bad. Everyone should check their own Suggestion List (at least weekly) and make their own corrections, because nobody knows the profiles you manage better than you.

When logged-in to WikiTree you will see a set of navigation links in the upper-right quadrant of almost every page.

If you hover-over a menu item with your mouse/cursor, a set of links will appear below it. (If you're on an iPad or iPhone, you may need to click the menu item.)

These links enable you to go directly to important pages and tools.

While hovering over My WikiTree about three-quarters of the way down one will see Suggestions, click on that heading.

How to Find Your Suggestions.

When you click on Suggestions, a page like this will open up. As you will see, this page opens in WikiTree+, a companion website to WikiTree that aids members in finding and correcting errors in profiles they manage. (To get back to WikiTree, click on the green and gold WT logo at the top right of the page.)

This is Your Suggestion List.

How does one Correct Suggestions? WikiTree has several Educational Videos. Before I list them, look at your Suggestion List. If a suggestion has a red rectangle with a white arrow in it, click it and it will take you directly to the video for that particular suggestion. Unfortunately, not every Suggestion has a video that is why I added links to Written Documentation. There you will find information from others who have had the same questions and links for G2G.

The following lists are: (1) General Topic Videos, (2) Numerical List of Videos and written documentation by Suggestion #

Suggestions - What To Do With Them

Videos Discuss That Particular Suggestion; Written Documentation Is an In-depth Look At a Particular Suggestion

The list below is in numerical order. For a list of suggestions by type, with short descriptions, see this list on the Data Doctors project page.

Suggestion Series 100's

Suggestion Series 200's

Suggestion Series 300's

Suggestion Series 400's

Suggestion Series 500's

Suggestion Series 600's

Suggestion Series 700's

Suggestion Series 800's

Suggestion Series 900's



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