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This profile is part of the Torrey Name Study.

The Ancestry and Allied Families of Nathan Blake 3d and Susan Torrey Blake [1] " Torrey is a Baronial Norman name, and the English families of the name are descended from the De-Tury, Turi or Turri family of Normandy; Henry and Richard De-Tury were in Normandy in 1180-95; Barony and Castle of Tury in Normandy; Jordan and Simon Turri in England 1187 "God is a most strong Tower" [2] Norman People and their Existing Descendants in the British Dominions and the United States of America [3] [4]

And then again from the Oxford Dictionary of Family Names file:///C:/Users/amand/Desktop/Torrey%20-%20OXford%20Dictionary%20Family%20Names.pdf

Great Britain

Old Somerset Families

  • Integrate Combes
Genealogical Gleanings in England: Volume 1 Henry Fitz-Gilbert Waters Jan 1901 New England Historic Genealogical Society\ pp. 556 re: Havilands - Torreys
"A pedigree of the Havilands may be found in the Visitation of Gloucestershire Harl. Publ Vol 21 p. 78.) Jane, daughter of Robert Haviland by Elizabeth (Gyse) was the wife of William Torrey of New England. See Haviland and Torrey wills REGISTER vol 45 pp. 150-3; 298-302 (ante pp. 496-9 546-51) H.G.W.
  • Frye
  • Dunster

United States

  • Charles Henry Pope's Pioneers of Massachusetts says. "William, from Combe St. Nicholas , Somerset, came in 1640, settled at Weymouth. Captain, commissioner, town officer, deputy. A good penman and skilled in the Latin tongue, usually clerk of the deputies. His son Samuel, who came with him, became pastor of the church of Weymouth in 1664. He had life-lease of ground in Bristol, called The Torreys, in possession of John Hollister, whose will refers to it Sept. 12, 1690. [Reg. Xl, 62]."
  • Frederick C. Torrey The Torrey Families and their Children in America [5]
  • Torrey Botanist Society Series: On the Trail of John Torrey


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