
Towns Name Study

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: towns_name_study Towns
Profile manager: Karen Herndon private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 1,705 times.


Welcome to the Towns Name Study

One Name Study: Towns


The purpose of this study is to research the Towns surname and some variants within the United States, and if possible, any immigration to the United States.

Name Variants for use in this Study

For the purpose of this Study, only the following name variations will be included in this Study. The use of the surname "Towns" on this page, includes the following:

Towns, Town, Towne, Townes


  • Categorize current profiles properly within this Study.
  • Add profiles to this Study.
  • Source any unsourced profiles.
  • Connect any unconnected profiles to one of the oldest Towns lineages in the United States.
  • Discover the relationship between the oldest Towns individuals within the United States and any immigration to the United States.

To Join this Study

1. Do one of the following:

  • Send a private message to the Study Coordinator, Karen Herndon.
  • Add a message in the public comment box at the bottom of this page.
Include details of how you can help with this Study.
Provide the name of your oldest known ancestor in your Towns lineage.

2. Follow the Surname tag (TOWNS, TOWN, TOWNE, or TOWNES) to see new G2G activity in your daily Wiki Genealogy Feed e-mail update.

3. Follow the tag one_name_studies and/or towns_name_studies to see new G2G activity in your daily Wiki Genealogy Feed e-mail update.

4. Add the Towns Name Study Member Category to your profile: [[Category:Member, Towns Name Study]]

5. Review the Towns Name Study Task List

6. Review the Towns Name Study Helpful Hints regarding Categorization, Sourcing, and Connections.

Active Members


Study Coordinator: Karen Herndon
Study Category Page: Towns Name Study
Study Project Page: Towns Name Study Page
Study G2G Tag: Towns_Name_Study
Study GSG Team: Towns Name Study Genealogists
Towns Activity Feed: Activity for the Past Week

Surname Index Lists

Towns: Towns Index
Town: Town Index
Towne: Towne Index
Townes: Townes Index

Unsourced Index Lists

Towns: Unsourced Index
Town: Unsourced Index
Towne: Unsourced Index
Townes: Unsourced Index

Orphaned Index Lists

Towns: Orphaned Index
Town: Orphaned Index
Towne: Orphaned Index
Townes: Orphaned Index

Unconnected Index Lists

Towns: Unconnected Index
Town: Unconnected Index
Towne: Unconnected Index
Townes: Unconnected Index

About the Study Coordinator | Task List | Helpful Hints | Profile Improvement Hints

The text on this page was last updated by Karen Herndon on 2 Mar 2019.



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