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Trafalgar, Arrived, 27 Jun 1854

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Date: 5 Mar 1854 to 27 Jun 1854
Location: Focus on South Australiamap
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Fortune ship, 370 tons, to sail with Government emigrants about February 23

Taymouth Castle, to sail with Government emigrants Jan 25

Time and Truth, left Gravesend December 24 ; to embark emigrants at Plymouth

Trafalgar, loading in London February 1 ; to sail with Government emigrants March 6

from SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. in the South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) of Saturday 29 April 1854, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/48553698?


The tide of emigration is again setting in towards Australia, and your colony is receiving a good share of it. The Commissioners are filling four vesels for Adelaide. One of these, the Trafalgar, will leave Plymouth in a day or two ; one will sail about the 15th inst., and two others in the early part of next month. Your readers will be glad to learn that many of the emigrants by these ships will be Cornish miners of good character. An inprovement has re cently been made in the dietary of Government ships by allowing a portion of the flour issued to be made into bread twice a- week, a baker going in each vessel to attend to this as well as to the baking of pies, &c.

from HOME CORRESPONDENCE. in the South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) of Monday 15 May 1854, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/48552940?


THE TRAFALGAR. This Government emigrant ship, from Ply-mouth March 6th, arrived at the Lightship anchorage yesterday evening, with 305 emi-grants, who are reported to have enjoyed good health during the voyage. The following is the classification :—

English. Irish. Total.

Adults ... 120 ... 85 ... 203 sic - should total 205

Children under 14 years ... 54 ... 35 ... 89

Infants ... 7 ... 1 ... 8

181 121 303 sic - should total 302 depart

Married couples, 57 ... ... 114

Single — 14 males, 77 females ... 91

Children under 14 years— 31 males, 58 females ... ... ... 89

Infants under 1 year— 3 males, 5 females ... ... ... ... 8


Add 7 births, which have occurred during the voyage ... ... 7


Deduct 4 deaths (infants) ... ... 4

Total arrived ... ... ... 302 sic - should total 305 arrived

from THE TRAFALGAR. in the South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) of Thursday 29 June 1854, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/48553168?


Wednesday, June 28—The barque Trafalgar, 717 tons, Richardson, master, from Plymouth 6th March, with 805 Government emigrants. Beck and Co., agents.

Passengers: Mrs Richardson and Miss Lockwood in the cabin; Bennett, wife and 6 chil dren, Butcher, wife and child, Brien, wife and 2 children, Cass, wife and child, Curtin, wife and 5 children, Cornelius and wife, Dwyer, wife and 5 chil dren, Dooly, wife and 2 children, Daly and wife, Egan, wife, and 3 children, Franklyn and wife, Fitz simmons and wife, Glynn and wife, Gorman, wife and 8 children, Eurry, wife and 7 children, Hehir, wire and 8 children, Harris and wife, Hamm and wife, Hopkins and wife, Hobberd, wife and child, Kelly and wife, Kinnevane, wife and 4 children, Leggoe, wife and child, Lawrence and wife, Murphy, wife and 6 children, Mahon and wife, Nicholass and wife, Net- ting, wife and child, Norris, wife and 3 children, Pengelly and wife, Rope, wife and 3 children, Quin lan, wife and 5 children, Mary Brennan, Reid, wife and 3 children, Read 4, Robin, wife and child, Rutter, wife and 2 children, Rogers, wife and 4 children, Smith, wife and 5 children, Smythe and wife, Shede, wife and 3 children, Stevens and wife, Landow and wife, Stone and wife, Elivian and wife, Wells, wife and 2 children, North and wife, Yates, wife and 11 children, Yates 11; single women—Abrahams, Burn side, Boyd, Barry, Bottrell, Culgin, Crincon, Carly, Condon, Dunne, Enright, Fianagan, Fitzsimmons, Fry, Gibney, Grady, Gray, Pulom, Hoskin, Hayden. North, wife and 5 children, Hawke, wife and child, Hoare, wife and 4 children. Single women—Way, Carthy, Donovan, Flood, Fahy, Hawkes, Ivers, Lyons, Melford 3, Howard, Howley 2, Jorrin, Geff ney 3, Lennon, Leddy, Lore, Leary, Leahan, Lacky 2, Moore, Midlen, Meehan, O'Louchlin, Quin, Roche, Stephens, Saunders, Frevethan, Tonkin, Ferrell, Turner, Webb, Wholsham, Lower 2, Bray 5, Lower 2, Melford 2.

Cargo: 50 hhds, Acraman, Cooke, and Co; 1 case. Doughty, Howard, and Co; 19 pkgs, Glyde; 6 cases, 11 trunks, 2 pkgs samples, Scott; 20 baskets, Browne; 100 kegs, 1 hhd, Glyde; 150 cases, 365 deals, Order; 9 qr-casks, Dashwood; 3 cases, 1 cask, Beck and Co; 1 box, Acraman, Cooke, and Co; 3 ditto, Platts; 4 butts, 14 hhds, 48 qr-casks, Order; e73 bars iron, 110 bundles ditto, Scott; 34 cases, Morewood, Rogers, and Co; 110 cases,Thompson; 3 hhds, 4 bales, Strawbridge; 75 cases, Grierson; 112 barrels, Bround; 114 cases, 10 bales, 8 pockets hops, 7 tierces, Jacobs; 82 pots, 20 wheelbarrows, 20 bar row wheels, 3 barrels, 2 boxes, 8 pairs bellows, 4 casks, 76 kegs, 1 case, 11 bundles, Blyth Brothers; 1 box, Boothby; 1 pianoforte, Miss Lockwood; 1 box, Boothby Brothers.

from SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. in the Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858) of Thursday 29 June 1854, Page 3. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/207016255?


Same day — The barque Trafalgar, 717 tons, Richard-son, master, from Plymouth March 6. Passengers —

Miss Lockwood, and Mrs. Richardson, in the cabin ; Go- vernment emigrants — Bennett wife and 6 children, But- cher wife and child, Brien wife and 2 children, Cap wife and child. Cartin wife and 5 children, Cornelius and wife, Dwyer wife and 6 children, Dooly wife and 2 children, Egan wife and 3 children, Franklyn and wife, Fitzsim- mons and wife, Glynn and wife, Gorman wife and 3 chil- dren, Jury wife and 7 children, Howard wife and child, Hehir wife and 8 children, Hares wife and 2 children, Hopkins and wife, Hibberd wife and child, Kelley and wife, Kinnevane wife and 4 children, Leggoe wife and child, Lawrence and wife, Murphy wife and 6 children. Mahon and wife, Nicholas and wife, Netting wife and child, Norris wife and 3 children, Pengelley and wife, Pope wife and 3 children, Quinlan wife and 5 children, Brennan, Read wife and 3 children, Read wife and 2 children, Robin wife and child, Ruder wife and 2 children, Rogers wife and 4 children, Smith wife and 5 children, Smyth and wife, Sheede wife and 3 children, Stevens and wife, Sandow and wife, Stone and wife, Uvian and wife, North wife and 5 children, Hawke wife and child, Hoare wife and 5 children, Wells wife and 2 children, North and wife, Tates wife and 4 children, Constable and wife, Yates wife and 10 children ; Abrahams, Burnside, Boyd, Barry, Bottrell, Culgin, Crincon, Carsey, Conlon, Dunne, En- right, Flannagen, Fitzsimmons, Fry, Gibney, Gready, Gray, Galvin, Hoskin, Hayden, Way 2, Carthy, Donovan, Flood, Fahay, Hawkes, Ivers, Lyons, Milford 5, Howard, Hawley 2, Jorrin, Jeffrey 4, Lenon, Leddy, Love, Leary, Leddy, Leahan, Lackey 2, Moore, Medlen, Meahon, O'Loughlin, Quinn, Rachael, Stephens, Saunders, Trevethan, Tonkin, Terrell, Turner, Webb, Wholdhan, Lower 5, Bray 5.

Doutty, Heward, and Co., agents.

from SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. in the South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) of Thursday 29 June 1854, Page 2. at:


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