Location: [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Profile managers:
Canada Project WikiTree [send private message] and Brad Foley [send private message]
This page has been accessed 1,120 times.
Navigation: Trans Canada Orphan Trail Team > Level 2 Page
Contents |
When you're cleared to begin work on your selected profile, you should start by reviewing the help pages for this level. Then, you should review the profile as it exists now, before you start working on it.
- Review the location name fields. Are they spelled correctly? Do they match the time period for the profile? See your Geography 101 and Canadian History 101 links for help.
- Search for and confirm sources for birth, marriage and death, as well as any census during their lifetime, using the free resources listed below. Once you're certain you've got the correct source, add it to the profile, using a full source citation.
- Use a Research Notes section for any information that you are unable to confirm, find, or is disputed. This will allow others to perform futher research later.
- Review your profile for completeness. A basic profile should include enough information to prevent incorrect merging, a basic biography narrative, and a Research Notes section for any incomplete or unverified information on the profile.
- Submit your profile to your Guide, for review. They will provide you with feedback and you should make any further edits they recommend, before choosing your next profile to work on.
- After completing two profiles from this time period, you'll be eligible to graduate. You'll also be offered the opportunity to self-certify for pre-1700 profile work (this is strongly recommended) and continue through the final stage of the Trans Canada Orphan Trail.
Project Approved Free Resources
- FamilySearch website: This repository contains records for over 80 dataset collections.
- Library and Archives Canada: This government-run website contains searchable databases (usually with images) for:
- Censuses
- Military Records
- Canadian Archival Information Network
- Canada's Historic Places
Regional Resources
- Atlantic Canada Resources
- Ontario Resources
- Quebec Resources
- Western Canada Resources - pending
Checklist Level 2
- Data Section
- Is the data correct? Birth date and place should be the same in the data fields and in the biography. Parents should match sources. Marriage date and place should be the same in the data fields and in the biography. Death date and place should be the same in the data fields and in the biography. Are they marked as: before, after, estimate or exact?
- If no children, check this box. If there are no more known children, is the box checked?
- Certainty and confidence: Are the appropriate buttons selected?
- Biography Section
- Is there a good biography? Are the sentences clear and concise? Are the facts confirmed by sources? Does the biography agree with the sources? If a marriage is mentioned, is it also in the Data section with the spouse attached?
- Sources
- Are the sources considered reliable for Canadian Profiles? Family Trees, Millenium Files, Yates Publishing, Find a Grave indexes or memorials without photos are not considered acceptable.
- Are source citations formatted correctly? Did you use inline citations or standard sourcing citations? Inline citations are preferred as they document each fact in the biography, item by item and sentence by sentence.
- Children List
- Is there a list of known children? Is it sourced by at least one primary or secondary source?
- Are the children attached to the profile the same as the ones on the list? Do the facts agree?
- Categories
- Are the appropriate categories added for: Birth, Marriage, Death, Location, Cemetery and Occupation? Are any other categories needed?
- Templates
- Would any of the Research Note boxes be useful?
- Does the profile have any use for a Succession box?
- Would a Link Template be of use?
- Final Product
- Are there any duplicate profiles?
- Are the categories appropriate, or any missing?
- Are any stickers appropriate, or are there any that should be applied?
- Is a Disputed Section needed?
- Is a Research Notes Section needed?
- Check the Suggestions for the profile and correct any, if necessary
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Canada Project WikiTree and Brad Foley. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
Comments: 1
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Peggy Watkins
This would be a useful page to point people to:
by Peggy Watkins