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Transcribed Bible of Benjamin & Tacy Davis

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
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Surnames/tags: Davis Garrigues
This page has been accessed 61 times.

[Note: the following was written on the inside cover]

"Benjamin Davis Gave to Tacy Davis"

[ 678 ]

Genealogical data transcribed verbatim:



Samuel Davis Senr was born the 2nd day of the 3rd month (Old Style) 1725.
Mary Davis Senr wife of Samuel Davis was borne the 11th day of the tenth month (Old Style) 1728.
Abraham Davis son of Samuel Davis & his wife Mary was borne the 10th day of the 2nd month (Old Style) 1749.
Hannah Davis was borne on the 17th day of the 2nd month (New Style) 1752.
Abiathar Davis was borne 19th day 2nd mo 1754.
Tacy Davis was born the 24th of 3rd month 1756.
Benjn Davis was born the 13th day of 12th month 4th day of the week 8 o'clock in the morning 1758.
Sarah Davis was born the 22nd day of 3rd month 1761.
Ruth Davis was born the 15th day of 8th month 1763.
Samuel Davis Junr was bron the 23 day of 7th month 1766 [Note: date 1766 is written twice]
Mary Davis Junr was born the 27th day of 10th month 1768 in Louden County, Virginia.
Ralph Dunn was born the 2nd day of 10th month 1716.
Anna Dunn wife of Ralph Dunn was borne the fifth day of 7th month 1726

[Note: The relationship of Ralph and Anna Dunn to the Davis family is not yet known. Based on the birth dates these may be the parents of Mary wife of Samuel Davis, Sr. but this is only my supposition.][1]

[ 679 ]



Anna Davis daughter of Benjamin and Frances Davis was born the 5th day of the 8th month 1781.
Lydia Davis was born the 5th day of the 5th month 1784.
Mary Davis was born the 13th day of the 12th month 1786.
David Jones Davis was born the 17th day of the 10th month 1789.
Ralph Davis was born the 3d day of the 3d month 1792.
Tacy Davis was born the 13th day of the 9th month 1794.
Hannah P. Davis daughter of Philip and Rachel Price was born the 26th of 3d month 1787.

[Note: The entries in this bible could not have been entered contemporary with the events depicted as they all precede the date of publication of the book. However, the author believes that the death entries for Samuel P. Garrigues and his wife Tacy Davis were likely entered when the event occurred.]


Samuel P. Garrigues departed this life the 18th day of the 8th month 1835 in the 42 year of his age.
Tacy Garrigues departed this life on 7th day eve 9 o'clock 18th of August 1866 in the 72nd year.

[Note: no other entries follow]

Source: The Genealogy of a Garrigues Family, Electronic Library, online (http://www.garrigus-family.com), Robert Garrigus, rgarrigus@hotmail.com (9579 Sea Shadow, Columbia, MD 21046), downloaded (add date). Mr. Garrigus further cites: Family Data, Tacy Davis Family Bible, (Philadelphia, PA: Mathew Carey, 1814), p. 678 & 679, This bible was given to Tacy Davis by her father Benjamin. In May 2004 this bible was in the holdings of Samuel Yake of Paoli, PA. Mr. Yake's father was a dentist and book collector who obtained this bible adding it to his collection either by way of purchase or as a gift when he lived in Philadelphia, PA. The trail of ownership between Tacy Davis and the Yake family is not known. The entries in this bible could not have been entered contemporary with the events depicted with the exception of the death entries for Samuel P. Garrigues and his wife Tacy Davis.

End Notes

  1. This can't be so because Mary was born in 1728 but Anna was born in 1726. Could be her sister, but definately not her mother.

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