Location: Lebanon, Windham, Connecticut Colony
Surname/tag: Chappell
Caleb Chappel Sr. of Lebanon in the Connecticut Colony made his Last Will and Testament on 14 March 1733. He made bequests to his wife Ruth as well as the following children: Joshua, Jonathan, Noah, Caleb, Jabez, Mary, Abijah, and Debrah. Caleb Sr. mentioned an enslaved man named Petar, acquaintances from Boston (Mr. Hubbard and Mr. Lowring), and sons-in-law John Strong and Samuel Gillit. The Last Will and Testament was filed into court on 09 April 1733, approved on April 10th, and extracted (recorded) on June 8th. [1]
In The Name of God amen ye fourtenth day of march A.D. 1733 I Caleb Chappol of lebanon In ye County of Wendham and Colony of Connecticut In New England being sick and weak In body Tho of perfict mind and memory thanks be Given to God therefore Caling to mind ye mortality of my Body Knowing that It Is appointed to all men ones to dyd and ye do make and ordain this my last will and testament, That Is to say Princeaply and first of all I Give and Recomend unto ye Earth to be buried In deacant Christian burial according to ye discretion of my Executors Nothing doubling but that at ye General Resurection I shall Recover The same again by ye mighty power of God and as touching such worldly Estate where with It hath pleased God to bless me In this lif I Give demis and dispose of In ye following manor and form (viz)
Imp-I Give and bequeath to Ruth my dearly beloved Wife all ye Remaindar of hows hold Goods debts Chattels and moveable effects after all my debts and funaral charges are paidd out of them Except that debt dew to Mr. Hubbard and Mr. Lowring of boston wch Is to be paidd out of ye land I bought of them as heare after Is expressed and likewise ye use benefit and profit of all my dwelling howse and home lott barn and barn and barn lott and half of my 40 acre division that was formerly Samuel Calkins ye other half whereof I have already conveyed to my son Joshua by deed (?) and also my Negro man Peter Douring ye time of hur widowhood and no longer she paying to my son Jonathan twenty pounds money within a year after my decease.
Item-I Giveand bequeath unto my well beloved son Caleb and his heirs and assigns forEver ye Rows and land he now lives on with all that he hath already Receved of me which Is all that I will with to him as portion.
Item-I Give and bequeath to my well beloved son Jonathan twenty pounds money to be paidd by my wife as above sd as also my Negro man Petar If he shall out live ye term of my wifs widowhood as as above sd of her sd born togethar with all that he hath alredy Receved wch Is his portion.
Item-I Give and bequeath to my well beloved son Joshua Those lands ajoyning to my hoomsted and ye half of ye fourty acre division above sd which I have already Given him a deed aff together with what Ever he hath Receved of me alreeady which Is at his portion.
It-My will Is that so much of my 140 acre farm lying near ye north pond which I bought of Mr. Hubard and Mr. Lowring of Boston shall be sould as to pay what shall still Remain dew to them towards paying a part of sd farm I Give and bequeath to my well beloved son Noah and his male heirs for Ever so that It may Remain In ye Name of ye Chappels forEver and likewise all my pond Right after ye same Tenure only Reserve lebarty for my son In law John Strong to cut and carry off for his own use ten loads of hay yearly deuring his naturla life and ye same lebarty for my son in law Samuel Gillit to cut and cary off for his own use as aforesd ten loads of hay yearlydeuring his natural life and no longer from sd pond loft.
Item - I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Jabez and his malle heirs forEver so as to Keep ye same in ye name of ye Chappels forEver all my now dwelling hous and house lott barn and barn lott and ye half of sd fourty acres division abovementioned after ye term of my wifes widowhood as above sd.
Item-as to my three well beloved daughters Mary Abijah and Debrah my Wish Is that they should have what I have already Given them and I have likewis put ye more of my estate Into my wifs hands so that she may dispose theirsies distribute among them as she shall think fit convenant or best so that thay may each of Them have their shairs at her dewese according to her mind and will.
I likewise confide ordain and make my well beloved son Caleb my sole executor of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disalow Revoake and Disavowell all other or former Wills togasos Testaments and Executors by me before in any ways named willed or bequeathed Ratiefeing and Confirming This and no other to be my last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seall the day and year above writen.
Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by ye sd Caleb Chappel as his last will and testament in ye presents of us ye subcribers Aron Clark John Williams Susanna Clark
lebanon april ye 9th 1733 ye above Named Aaron Clark and John Williams and Susanna Clark all of them appeared before me and made sallowmn oath that they new Caleb by ye above Named Caleb Chappel to be Witnesis to his Will that they all herd him publish promise and declare ye above writeon to be his last will and Testament and they saw him sign ye same when ye seall was soft to it and ye sd Chappel was In a right and disposing mindd When he published and signed sd Will and that they all signed as witnesis to sd Will in ye presents of sd Chappell Testator to sd Will Test Ebenezar West Justice of ye Peace
A Court of Probate hold in Plainfiel april ye 10 1733 Present to me Peired Esqur Judg The last will and testament of Mr. Caleb Chappel of lebanon deceased was exhibited into sd court by sd Executor named in sd will wch will Is by sd Court proved approved alowed of (ESC) Test John Crery Clark of Probate
Extracted out of ye originl and recorded June ye 8 1733 Pr John Crery Clark of Probate
- ↑ Town of Windham, Connecticut Probate Records, Volume 1 (1718-1734), Caleb Chappel of Lebanon, 1733, pages 471-473, accessed online at Ancestry.com's "Connecticut, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999" on 24 November 2023.
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