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Transcribed Will of Alice (Blackburn) Ellzey

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Loudoun, Virginia, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Blackburn Ellzey
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Will of Alice (Blackburn) Ellzey, Loudoun County, Virginia, 6 Jul 1814

Transcribed Text

In the name of God amen I Alice Ellzey of the County of Loudoun & State of Virginia Knowing the uncertainty of human life and being willing to prevent all disputes concerning the worldly goods of which I am possessed after my death and also to secure a comfortable maintenance to the persons hereinafter named, do make and ordain this my last will and testament.

First is my will and desire that all my just debts shall be paid, in order to do which my executor herein after named is empowered to sell any part of my estate he shall think best.

Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Ellzey the following slaves that is to say Cynthia, Hannah, James, Stephen, Ally, [Motatte? unclear if describing person as "mulatto" or if this is someone's name], George, & Ben;

Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Ellzey the following slaves that is to say Milly, Motatte [again, not clear if this is a descriptor or a name], Tom, Winny, [illegible], Willoughby, Harry, Moses, Bob, Phillis, Elijah & Tom.

Item I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Alice Ann Ellzey one mulatto girl named [Joanna?].

Item I give and bequeath to my daughters Elizabeth, Mary, & Sally Ellzey all my stock & household furniture to be equally divided amongst them.

It is my will and desire that my executor herein after named shall execute this my last will and testament without entering into bond and security as customary and lastly I do hereby appoint my son William Ellzey, executor of this my last will & testament with full power and authority to do all things necessary to carry the same into effect. In witness thereof I have set my hand seal this 16th day of February 1808. -Alice Ellzey

Signed sealed delivered in presence of John Tyler At a court held for Loudoun County, September 5th 1811. This last will & testament of Alice Ellzey, dec’d, was proved by the oath of John Tyler the subscribing witness theretoo, and ordered to be recorded.

And at another court held for said county the 11th day of February 1812 William Ellzey the executor qualified agreed to law and the [directing in?] said will. Permission is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.

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