Location: Louisa, Virginia, United States

Surname/tag: Boxley, Duerson, Luck, Vaughan, Mason
Will of George Boxley
I George Boxley of the County of Louisa and State of Virginia do make this my last will & Testament in the following manner (to Wit)
Item 1st I lend unto my wife Drusillar Boxley during her natural life all the land that I possess, and the Negro named York, Charles, Lucy, Iverson, Jason, Spencer Peter: women Rose, Winny, Sofa her child & increas, all of the stock of Horses, Cows, Sheep, Hogs. Plantation Tools, Household and Kitchen furniture; all of the Crop on the plantation at my death together withe the bonds money in my possession for her use and benefit. Should she marry again she is only to have one third of the above named property.
Item 2nd I have given unto my daughter Elizabeth Duerson two negros (sic) named Morning and Sara, and property my son George Boxley died possessed of in the State of Kentucky; which I think is the full amount of a legatees part in my estate.
Item 3rd I have given unto my son Joseph C Boxley the tract of land I bought of Wm Mead negro woman Aggy and Jack.
Item 4th I have given unto my son Isaac G Boxley a negro man Bob and Three hundred and sixty dollars.
Item 5th I have given unto my daughter Sarah K Luck two Negros Louisa and Mary.
Item 6th I have given unto my daughter Catherine S Vaughan Negro woman Matilda and her children Frederick and Annis.
Item 7th I have given unto my son Oratio Boxley three negros Ned Liena and Malinda.
Item 8th I have given unto my daughter Drusillar W Mason two negros Hannah and Amelia.
Item 9th I give unto my daughter Jamima A Boxley two negros Clara and Maria and their increas forever one bed and furniture one Cow and Calf one horse or Sixty dollars.
Item 10th I give unto my son Luther R Boxley negro man John and boy George one bed and furniture one Cow and Calf;
Item 11th I give unto my Son Silas Boxley negro man Woller and Henry one bed and furniture one Cow and Calf and, Three hundred and fifty acres of Land, bounded on the North by the Main County roade leading from Louisa Court House to Fredericksburgh across the bridge over North Anna River bounded on the South by Contrary Creek; the lines to commence on the North where the road crosses the bridge on the South where the Creek emties in the river and run back to mak up Three hundred and fifty Acres; It is my wish and desire that my son Silas should live with his Mother during her life at her death he is to have the dweling house all the out houses and its improvements; And it is to be a home for my daughters that never was married Jamima A Virginia and Mary P Boxley as long as they live Single free of board.
Item 12th I give unto my daughter Virginia Boxley negro woman Pheby and her increas forever and boy Albert one bed and furniture one Cow and Calf One Horse or Sixty dollars.
Item 14th I give unto my daughter Mary P Boxley two negros girl Dolla and her increas and boy Billy one bed and furniture One Cow and Calf One Horse or Sixty dollars.
Item 15th All of the Land that I have not willed to my Son Silas Boxley; I wish it equally divided amongst my Children (to wit) Isaac G Boxley Sarah K Luck Catharine S Vaughn and Drusilla W Mason Jamima A Boxley Luther R Boxley Virginia Boxley Mary P Boxley.
Item 16th At the death of my wife, I wish all of the stock of Horses Cows Sheep Hogs; and household and kitchen furniture plantation tools Crop of every description & there on the premises; to be sold; and the Negros I have lone to my wife them and their increase to be equally divided with Sales of the products of the perishable property and with the money and bonds then on hand to be equally divided amongst my Children (to wit) Joseph C Boxley, Isaac G Boxley Sarah K Luck Catharine S Vaughn Oratio Boxley Drusilla W Mason Jamima A Boxley Luther R Boxley Virginia Boxley Mary P Boxley.
17 Item. Should any of my children die without an heir or intestate; it is my wish that what I leave them to go to the Survivors
Item 18th It is my wish that my Son Joseph C Boxley should administer on my estate and the Court of Louisa County not to require of him security.
Item 19th In testimony of the foregoing of this my last will and testament I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 28th day of June in the year of our Lord 1842
George Boxley (seal) Signed sealed and acknowledge In the presence
- Anderson Trice
- Meredith Trice
- Wm J Pendleton
At a Court of Quarterly Session held for the County of Louisa at the Courthouse thereof on Monday the 10th day of June 1844.
A paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of George Boxley decd. Was exhibited in Court by Joseph C Boxley and was proved by the Oaths of Anderson Trice and Meredith Trice subscribing witnesses thereto And by the Court ordered to be recorded. On the motion of Joseph C Boxley who made oath according to law, and entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of Twenty four Thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs, a certificate is granted him for obtaining a probat of the last will and testament of George Boxley decd. In due form, he being permitted to qualify without giving Security according to the said will.
Teste, John Hunter CLC A Copy. Teste, David M Hunter C
Transcribed by Molly Sokolow Hayden
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