Location: Frome, Somerset, England
Will of George Hooper
In the name of god amen
The thirteenth day of July Anno Domini one thousand & six hundred ninety and eight
I George Hooper the elder of Ffroom Sillwood [sic] in the county of Somerset cardmaker being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory do hereby make and ordaine [sic] this my last will and testament in manner and forme [sic] following
Imprimus I remmit my soul to Almighty God and my body to the earth to be buryed [sic] at the discretion of my executrix hereinafter named
Item I give will devise and biqueath [sic] unto my loving wife Joane Hooper all my lands tenaments and h[???] soitate [sic] luing and being in district in the parish of Batrombe in the county of Somerset to have and to hold to my said wife Joane hir heirs and assignes forever
I give and bequeath to my said wife Joane the dwelling house which I now live in with the garden lands and apparenantes theirto belonging and all other lands which I purchased of Mr Cabell to hold to her my said wife Joane her heirs and assignes during all the [???] and remainder of hir days and states whith I have therin
Item whereas my sonn [sic] George Hooper borrowed of my the summe of seventy five pounds nineteen shillings and four pence and the summe of forty five pounds I doth hereby give the same unto my said sonn George Hooper and also give unto my said sonn George Hooper the fourth somme of fifty pounds to be paid him by my executrix.
And I also give and bequeath unto my said sonn George Hooper this tenement or dwelling house now in his possession with the appartences to hold to him in inheritors and assignes during all the [???] and remainder of the terme and estate which I have therin.
Item I give to each of my said sonn George Hooper's children /to wit/ George Hooper, Mary Hooper and Joane Hooper five pounds apeice
Item I give to my sonn Hugh Hooper the summ of five pounds and to each of his children /to wit/ John Hooper Joseph Hooper Benjamin Hooper Mary Hooper and George Hooper five pounds apeice.
Item I give to each of my daughters /to wit/ Joane Russell Susanna Allen Elizabeth May Sarah Hooper and Rachaill Cabell five pounds apeice
Item I give to my said daughter Elizabeth May's children /to wit/ Elizabeth May William May Mary May and Joseph May five pounds apeice.
Item I give to my sonn in law John Allen's children /to wit/ Joane Allen Mary Allen John Allen and Jopseh Allen five pounds apeice.
Item I give to each of my sonn in law Bertue(?) Dunn Imston's(?) children all to wit Susanna and William tenn pounds apeice.
Item I give twenty pounds to be distributed and disposed of by my executrix hereafter named and her assigns to charatable uses /to wit/ forty shillings per annum for tenn years
Item all the rest and residue of my goods that is debts and [???] whatsoever not before given and bequeathed I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife Joane Hooper whom I hereby make and ordaine my whole and sole executrix of this my last will and testament in winnessth whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare above written and my will and meaning is that the ligaryes given my said grandchildren shall not be paid them till they attained to their severall and respective ages of one and twenty years or their severall and respective dayes of marriage which shall first happen.
- George Hooper signed sealed and published in the presence of us and attested by his ^ in the presence of the said George Hooper the [??]'
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 449
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry ca Record 5111 #741695 (accessed 18 November 2023)
Will of Georgij Hooper, granted probate on 13 Feb 1698. Died about 1698 in Froom Sellwood, Somerset, England.
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