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Transcribed Will of Matthew Davis 1825, North Carolina

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Warren, North Carolina, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Davis Powell
Profile manager: Marci Abraham private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 9 times.

This is the transcribed will of Matthew Davis, found in some records as Matthew T. Davis, which includes the names of multiple enslaved individuals.

In the Name of God Amen - I Matthew Davis of Warren County state of North Carolina Being of Sound & Perfect mind & memory - do this 30th of March In the year of Lord one thousand Eight Hundred & Twenty ^five make and order this my Last will and testament in manner following that is to say - - - I Lend to my Beloved wife Mary Davis all my ____ estate lying on the North Side of the Great branch als I Lend to my Beloved wife Mary Davis the following Negroes to wit George Sealy Easter & Isham also Temperance & Seamus also the one half the Stock of Horses Cattle Sheep & hogs also all the Household furniture and Plantation utensils all the above named During her Natural Life - Item I Give & Bequeath to my son Peter R. Davis; the following Tract of Land being part of [multiple lines describing property boundaries] ...also the following Negroes John - Hannah Kinchen Jacob & Danniel the above named to him & his Heirs forever ------ Item I Give & Bequeath to my Daughter Nancy Powell that part of my Land lying on the south est side of the little rocky branch whereon Jno. B. Powell now has a plantation Also the following Negroes to wit Solomon Cicely Ned Pumus & Jane to her & her Heirs Forever ------ Item I Give & Bequeath to my son Stephen Davis the following tract of Land Bounded [multiple lines describing property boundaries] ...also the following Negroes to wit Lewis Isham Temp Meriah & hages to him and his Heirs forever ------

Turn over -------

2 p;- Item I Give & Bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Pitchford the Tract of land whereon she now lives which I purchased of Jno. Haranl also the following Negros to wit Richmond Ruth George Henry (son of Ned) Reamus & Dick to her and her Heirs forever Item I lend to Daughter Polley Kearney the land lying on Rudy creek which I purchased of Jno. T. Kearney during her life [then to her children] ...also I lend my Daughter Polley Kearney the following Negroes Tim Harry (son of Ruth) Mathilda Sandy & Marandy

I also lend to my son in Law Edward Kearney during his life the following Negroes which I bought from the S'd Edward Kearney - to wit Doctor Bill Lucy Fran Harrison Eveline John Mariah Mary Manerva & Julia also Clary & Tom and at the death of said Edward Kearney [them and their increase to his children] Item I Give to Daughter Rebecca Williams one Tract of Land bounded as follows which [about the land] ...and also the following Negroes to wit.. Frd Peter Ester Mary Charely & [L|S]ary

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