
Transcribed Will of Robert Dale

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Date: 25 Apr 1844 [unknown]
Location: Montgomery, Kentucky, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Dale Johnson
Profile manager: Pam Fraley private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 182 times.

Transcribed Will of Robert Dale

Aprile the 25th 1844, This is my last will and testament. After paying all my debts I leave my wife her third of all my estate her lifetime and at her decease it is to return to my heirs; Nancy Dale, Sarah Wilson, Thos Dale, Elizabeth Dale, Susan Dale, David Dale, James Dale, Johnson Dale, George W. Dale. I leave all my heirs an equal share of my estate and give to John Scott’s wife and heirs one hundred dollars when the decision of the estate takes place. I leave my wife my Negro girl Mary and child. The child is to be hired out when it comes to be 8 years old. She (my wife) is to have the negro woman and child during her natural life, But if the negro Mary becomes disobedient she is to be hired for the benefit of my wife.

My negroes Caroline and Bama is to be hired out until my youngest heir becomes of age.

I charge Sarah Wilson with seventy two dollars, I charge Mary Dale with sixteen dollars.

I leave my mother the house and lot that she now occupies her lifetime.

I am indebted to my sister Isabelle Dale fifteen dollars.

My wish is that my wife shall keep one black mare', one roan mare, one bay colt, 2 cows and the remainder of the horses is to be sold and all the mules, the cattle is to be sold and all the mules ___ of one white cow which is to be charged to Nancy Dale at ten dollars when she marries. The balance of the stock is to be sold.

I leave Johnson Wilson and William Dale to execute my will. Given under my hand this day and date first written.

'Robert (His mark) Dale (Seal)


Thos Colliver
Presley Colliver

State of Kentucky, Montgomery County SCt, May Term 1844.

A writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Robert Dale dec'd was this day produced in court by the oathes of Thomas Colliver and Presley Colliver the [?] testifies thereto to be his last will and testament which was examined, approved and ordered to be recorded which is accordingly done. A Copy Attest 'James Howard Clerk

Transcription by Pam Dale Fraley


  • Kentucky, Wills and Probate Records, 1774-1989 Wills, Estate Inventories, Appraisements, and Accounts, 1797-1874, of Montgomery County; Author: Kentucky. County Court (Montgomery County); Probate Place: Montgomery, Kentucky.
  • April the 25th, 1844 Montgomery County, Kentucky, United States. Signed with an X by Robert Dale and witnessed by Thos Colliver and Presley Colliver.
  • 10 May 1844 Probated Montgomery County SCourt, Kentucky, United States.

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I edited as requested by Pam. The wife would have been given use of 1/3 of the property in accordance with laws at the time. If I could not make out a word or it is still questionable, I placed brackets [ ] around the questionable word.
posted by Dreama (Morgan) Brower
Thanks, It’s Much appreciated!!!
posted by Pam (Dale) Fraley