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Transcribed Will of Sarah (Smith) Corey (1726-1816)

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Date: 11 Feb 1815 to 14 Dec 1816
Location: Gagetown, Queens, New Brunswick, Canadamap
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The purpose of this page is to share the transcribed will and related documents belonging to Sarah (Smith) Corey (1726-1816). This transcription preserves the non-standardized spelling of the original. Names have been highlighted in bold.

I transcribed these documents from images of the originals obtained from the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.[1]

The Widow Sarah Cory Will

New Brunswick Queens County To Be Remembered that on the Fourteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen personally came and appeared before me Nathaniel Hubbard Deveber Esquire Surrogate for the said County of Queens in his Majestys province of New Brunswick with Morris Corey one of the Executors in the aforesaid will named and was duly sworn to the true execution and performance of the said will by taking the Oath of an executor as by law appointed. N.H. Dereber Surrogate Queens

In The Name of God amen I Sarah Cory of gage town Queens County and Province of New Brunswic widdow being far advanced in years but in perfect mind and memory thanks be to god Calling to mind the mortality of my boddy and knowing that it is appointed for all people to Die do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty god that gave it and Body I Recommend Unto the Earth to be buried in a Christian Burial at the Direction of my Executors Nothing Doubting but at the last General Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the mighty Power of God and as touching such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to Bless me with which I Give and Dispose of in the following manner and form that is to say –

I first: give and bequeath unto my son griffin and Daughter hannah to them, their heirs and assigns my lot of land in grimross neck known by lot number sixteen fronting the River saint John

Secondly I give and Bequeathe unto my eldest son Thomas Cory the sum of fifty Pounds to him heirs and assigns and unto Elizabeth story the sum of forty pounds to her heirs and assigns to be paid in manner hereafter mentioned

Thirdly I give and Bequeathe unto my son Morris Cory my lot of land a farm in Gagetown to him his heirs and assigns with paying the sum of money above mentioned unto my son and Daughter Thomas and Elizabeth and I give unto my son Gilbert and my son morris Each of them one bed a piece and I give unto Daughter hannah all my wairing apparel

fourthly I give and direct my servant girl Dorithy with all her Children to be free from slavery with her bed and beding and wairing Clothing without any Demands of my Children above mentioned

And lastly I appoint ordain and Constitute my sons Griffin and Morris Cory to be my Executors in testamony where by I have hereunto Set my hand and fix't my Seal this Eleventh day of february one thousand Eight hundred and fifteen and in fifty fourth year of his majestys Reign

Sarah Cory X her Mark

Signed Sealed and Delivered In the presence of Sam'l R Clarke, Nathaniel Vail, Edward S Cory

New Brunswick County of Queens: Be it Remembered that on the Fourteenth day of December in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and Sixteen personally came and appeared before me Nathaniel Hubbard Deveber Esquire Surrogate for the County of Queens in his Majestys Province of New Brunswick Samuel R Clarke Esquire and Nathaniel Vail both of Gage Town in the County aforesaid and being duly sworn made oath that they saw Sarah Corey sign and Seal the within written testament purporting to be the Last Will of the said Sarah Corey bearing date the eleventh day of February in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen and herd her publish the same as her last Will and Testament that at the Same time thereof she the said Sarah Corey was of sound disposing mind and Memory to the best of the knowledge and belief of them the deponents and that these _____ Subscribed to the said Will are of their own proper hands wasting (?) and that they subscribed their names thereunto in the testators presence, and that they saw Edward Corey sign his name to the said Will N. H. Dereber Surrogate Queens

The Widow Sarah Cory's Will

New Brunswick Queens County: Be it Remembered that on the Fourteenth day of December the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and Sixteen personally came and appeared before me Nathaniel Hubbard Deveber Esquire Surrogate for the said County of Queens in his Majestys province of New Brunswick Morris Corey one of the Executors in the aforesaid will named and was duly sworn to the true execution and performance of the said will by taking the Oath of an executor as by law appointed. N.H. Deveber Surrogate Queens An Inventory of the Estate of the Late Sarah Corey of Gage Town 14th December 1816 -

An Inventory of the effect of Sarah Corey late of the Parish of Gage Town in Queens County and province of New Brunswick deceased taken and appraised this fourteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and sixteen by the subscribers. A Lot of Land lying and being in the Parish of Gage Town _____ £700- [or possibly 70.0 there are some stray marks on the page] Thomas Cory Solomon Dingee

Queens : Be it Remembered that on the fourteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen personally came and appeared before me Nathaniel Hubbard Devebe Esquire Surrogate for the County of Queens Thomas Corey and Solomon Dingee both of Gage Town in the County aforesaid who being duly sworn deposeth and Solemnly declared that the foregoing inventory by them appraised and valued contains a just and fair appraisement (?) of the estate which Sarah Corey late of Gage Town aforesaid deceased died possessed of in the said County of Queens as far as were thereon shewn unto them by Morris Corey one of the Executors in the last Will of the said Sarah Corey according to the best of their skill and judgment. Nathaniel H. Dereber Surrogate Queens


  1. Wallace Hale's Early New Brunswick Probate, 1785-1835. Reference #7741, Microfilm F10441 https://archives.gnb.ca/Search/MC3706/Details.aspx?culture=en-CA&abstract=7741&section=NameIndex

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