Location: Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

Surname/tag: Betteridge
This page has been accessed 108 times.
Transcript of the Last Will and Testament of William Betteridge who died 30th November 1851 at Arle, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. Will dated 1st July 1850. Proved 17th April 1852.[1]
- I William Betteridge of Arle in the parish of Cheltenham in the County of Gloucester Labourer do revoke all Wills and other testamentary dispositions by me heretofore made and do publish this to be my last Will and Testament I appoint my son Richard Betteridge and my son in law John Wicksey of Arle aforesaid Labourer to be the Executor of this my Will I bequeath all my growing crops and my furniture and all other my personal estate whatsoever to my daughter Elizabeth the wife of the said John Wicksey, my funeral and the expenses of proving this my Will being first thereout paid and satisfied. I bequeath the legacy or sum of Ten pounds sterling to my daughter Mary Ann to be paid to her at the expiration of six calendar months next after my decease and I direct that the same legacy shall be paid to my said daughter by her five brothers and sister namely William, Richard, Joseph, John and Elizabeth, in equal shares I devise all the messuage or tenement lands and other hereditaments which at a court this day held in and for the Manor of Cheltenham in the County of Gloucester but previous to the execution of this my Will were surrendered to the use of me my heirs and assigns on a partition between my brother Richard Betteridge and myself with the appurtenances unto my daughter the said Elizabeth Wicksey and her assigns during the term of her natural life and after her decease unto the said John Wicksey and his assigns during the term of his natural life and after the decease of the survivor of them the said Elizabeth Wicksey and John Wicksey unto the said Elizabeth Wicksey her heirs and assigns for ever And as to my piece of Land situate in Townsend Field in Arle aforesaid containing one acre and twenty five perches or thereabouts and which is distinguished by the Nos 94. and 95. in the map of or belonging to the Award of the commissioner appointed for inclosing lands in the Tythings of Arle and Arlestone otherwise Adstone in the parish of Cheltenham aforesaid having a frontage next to Townsend Lane leading out of the Arle end road into Townsend field aforesaid of three hundred and thirty eight feet or thereabouts I direct may be divided into four equal parts of eighty four feet six inches each or as near thereto as can be Now I hereby give and devise All that piece or parcel of land part of my said piece of land in Townsend Field aforesaid and
- (end of sheet 1)
- lying next to and on the south side of my other piece of land in Townsend Field aforesaid which has been this day surrendered to the use of me my heirs and assigns by my brother Richard Betteridge as aforesaid and which I have by this my Will devised to my daughter Elizabeth Wicksey and containing in front next Townsend Lane aforesaid eighty four feet and six inches and extending in depth to land belonging to the Devisees of Thomas Packer Butt unto my son John Betteridge his heirs and assigns for ever I give and devise all that piece or parcel of land other part of my said piece of land in Townsend Field aforesaid and lying next to and on the south side of the piece of land I have by this my Will given and devised to my son John Betteridge and containing in front next Townsend Lane aforesaid eighty four feet and six inches and extending in depth to the said land belonging to the Devisees of Thomas Packer Butt unto my son Joseph Betteridge his heirs and assigns for ever I give and devise All that piece or parcel of land other part of my said piece of land in Townsend field aforesaid and lying next to and on the south side of the piece of land I have by this my Will given and devised to my son Joseph Betteridge and containing in front next Townsend Lane aforesaid eighty four feet six inches and extending in depth to the said land belonging to the Devisees of Thomas Packer Butt unto my son Richard Betteridge his heirs and assigns for ever And I give and devise All that piece or parcel of land being the remaining part of my said piece of land in Townsend field aforesaid and lying next to and on the south side of the piece of land I have by this my Will given and devised to my son Richard Betteridge and containing in front next Townsend Lane aforesaid eighty four feet and six inches or thereabouts and extending in depth to the said land belonging to the Devisees of Thomas Packer Butt unto my son William Betteridge his heirs and assigns for ever. I
- (end of sheet 2)
- devise All the residue of my real estate whatsoever with the appurtenances unto my daughter the said Elizabeth Wicksey her heirs and assigns for ever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand by making my mark this First day of July – One thousand eight hundred and fifty.
- This paper writing purporting to be
- the last Will and Testament of the above
- named Testator William Betteridge and
- to which he has set his mark was
- read over to him in our presence and
- was signed published and declared by The Mark of
- him to be his last Will and Testament
- in the presence of us who at his request +
- in his presence and in the presence of
- each other have hereunto subscribed our William Betteridge
- names as witnesses
- Walter Jessop Solr. Cheltenham
- Thos Jones Solr. Cheltenham
- (end of sheet 3)
- 17th April 1852
- Appeared personally John Wicksey of Swindon near Cheltenham in the County of Gloucester Labourer and Richard Betteridge of Arle in the parish of Cheltenham Labourer and alleged that this paper writing contained the last Will and Testament of William Betteridge late of Arle aforesaid Labourer deceased who died on the 30th day of November 1851. That they were the joint Executors therein named. That they would well and faithfully Administer the Goods of the deceased and perform the Trusts of his said Will and pay his Debts and render an Inventory and account when required. That the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased were under the value of twenty pounds and that he had no Leasehold Estate. Wherefore they prayed probate.
- Probate decreed.
- Sworn under £20 W. L. Coghlan
- Surrogate
- In the Consistory Court of Gloucester.
- We Richard Betteridge of the parish of Swindon in the County of Gloucester and John Wicksey of Arle in the parish of Cheltenham in the same County Labourers Executors named in the last Will and Testament of William Betteridge late of Arle aforesaid Labourer deceased who died on the Thirtieth day of November 1851 make Oath and say that We have made diligent search and due enquiry after and in respect of the Personal Estate and Effects of the said deceased, in order to ascertain the full amount and value thereof; and that to the best of our knowledge, information, and belief, the whole of the Goods, Chattels, and Credits, of which the said deceased died possessed, within the jurisdiction of the Consistory Court of Gloucester, in the Diocese of Gloucester and Bristol, (exclusive of what the deceased may have been possessed or, or entitled to as a Trustee for any other person or persons, and not beneficially, and without deducting any thing on account of the debts due and owing from the deceased), are under the value of twenty pounds.
- And We the sd. Deponents further make Oath and say that the said deceased had no Personal Estate and Effects at the time of his decease within the Province of Canterbury, to which We the sd. Deponents need to administer, save as aforesaid : and that the said deceased was not possessed of, or entitled unto, any Leasehold Estate or Estates, for years, absolute, or determinable on a life or lives, to the best of our knowledge, information, and belief.
- (signed) Richard Bettridge
- (signed) John Wicksey
- Sworn at Gloucester }
- on the 17th day of April }
- 1852 before me, }
- (signed) W. L. Coghlan
- Surrogate
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Gloucestershire, England, Wills & Inventories, 1541-1858 > database with images > Will > 1852 > images 370-374 of 1110 > William Betteridge.
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