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Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Bransby
Will of Robert Bransby of Harleston 1700
Archdeaconry of Norfolk will
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In the name of God Amen the twelfeth daie of July in the yeare of our Lord Christ one thousand and seven hundred and in the yeare of
the reigne of our sovereigne Lord William the third by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King defender of the faith
and the twelfeth I Robt. Bransby of Harleston in the countie of Norff gent hereby revoking and makeing void all other wills by me
formerly made doe ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following That is to saie Imprimis I give and devise
unto Mary my loveing wife all her wearing apparell both lynnen and woollen and all her rings and all such goods household stuff
and implements of household as were her owne goods at the time of my intermarriage with her and all bonds and securities taken in her
name since the time of our intermarriage in satisfaction and discharge of a bond or obligation I entered shortlie before the marriage had and
solemnized between me and my said wife. Item I further give to my said wife tenne pounds of lawful money of England to buy her mourning
and twentie shillings to buy her a ring and soe such of my household stuff good and chattells (my bookes lynnen and plate onely
excepted) as shalbe worth thirtie pounds of lawful money of England she my said wife to take the same at her elevation as the
same shalbe apprised after my death by the Apprisors of my goods chattells and personall estate and I give further to my said wife all the
cole and firewoods that I shall have at my death and I will my said wife shall hold and enjoy the mesuage or tenement wherein I nowe
dwell with the yards orchard and garden belonging to the same and also the inclose of meadowe and pasture now in my occupation in
Harleston aforesaid and Redenhall in the said Countie of Norff until the Michaelmas next after my death paying such rent for the same
as shall accrue or growe due after my death Item I further give and devise to the said Mary my wife and to her assignes for and during the terme
of her natural life in lieu and satisfaction of and for her jointure or estate for life which I made her before my intermarriage with her
one annuity or yearlie sume of twentie pounds of lawful money of England to be issuing and .goeing out of all my mesuages lands
tenements and hereditaments in N. Mendham in the said Countie of Norff which I purchased of John Grater gent and to be paid without anie
abatement deduction or defalkation for taxes or otherwise howsoever upon the five and twentieth daie of March and the nyne and twentieth daie of
September [1] by even and equal portions yearlie and every yeare during the naturall life of the said Mary my wife the first payment thereof to be made
and begin upon such of the said daies of payment as shall first next happen after my decease and in default of such payment I will that it shall and maie be
lawful to and for my said wife and her assignes to enter into my said mesuages lands and tenements in Mendham aforesaid and there to distraine and the
distresse and discharges there found to take leade drive chase and carry away and the same to impound withhold deteyne and keepe until the said yearlie rent
or such part hereof as shall not be paid according to the intent and true meaning of this my will together with all damages costs and charges shalbe unto
my said wife or her assignes fullie satisfied contented and paid Item I give unto Elizabeth Goldson my daughter sixty pounds of lawful
money of England to be paid within six months after my death and I give more to the said Elizabeth my daughter and to John Goldson
her husband tenne pounds a peece for mourning and twentie shillings a peece for rings Item I give to Robt. Bransby my grandchild twenty
pounds. Item I give to John Richards, Frances Gibbs and Sarah De Gays [2] my said wives children by her former husband and Elizabeth Browne
her grandchilde twentie shillings a peece to buy them rings and I give to John Hogan the elder gent and my brother Thomas Sayer
twentie shillings a peece for rings. Item I give to the poore people of Redenhall cum Harleston fortie shillings to the poore of Wortwell
twentie shillings to the poore of Mendham in Norff twentie shillings and to the poore of Mendham in Suff twentie shillings and to
every hired servant that shall be dwelling with me at my death twentie shillings Item I name make and appoint Thomas Bransby my son
sole executor of this my last will and testament to whome I give all the residue of my personall estate goods and chattells unbequeathed to his
owne use for ever. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale and published and pronounced the same for my last will and
testament the daie and yeare first above written.
Signed Robt. Bransby (his seal)
Signed sealed published and pronounced by the said Robt Bransby for his last
will and testament in the presence of these who have attested the same in the
presence of the said --isor [3]
Henry Youell
Nicholas Cordy
Henry Tubby
In the margin is written:
Item I give to Mary Goldson my granddaughter
twenty pounds to be paid unto Mr John Goldson
her father within twelve months after my decease
On reversed of will
(In Latin) Probate granted 22 November 1700 to Thomas Bransby, gent., son and sole executor of the said testator Robert Bransby deceased.
- ↑ 25 March, Lady Day, the start of the old new year and the start of the financial year, and 29 September, the Feast of St Michael the Archangel (also known as Michaelmass
- ↑ best guess
- ↑ may be Supervisor
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