Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Hampden
TRANSCRIPT OF WILL OF JOHN HAMPDEN MADE 21 June 1553 / PROBATE 6 November 1554 https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D953819
In the name of god the father the son and the holy ghost Amen The xxi day of June in the year of our Lord god a thousand five hundred fifty and three And in the vii year of the reign of our sovereign lord Edward the sixth by the grave of god king of England France and Ireland defender of the faith, And of the church of England and also of Ireland in earth the supreme head I John Hampden of Great Hampden in the county of Buckinghamshire knight being in good health perfect mind and good memory laud and thanks be unto Almighty god considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the ower (hour) of the same and the rallying of Almighty god hereunto willing therefore by the assurance of his merciful goodness to prevent the same and to set in order such things as it hath pleased him to commit unto mine administration and disposition First I bequeath and give my soul unto Almighty god my creator saviour and redeemer, my body to be buried in the chancel of the parish church of Mary Magdalyen of Great Hampden aforesaid in the southside of the same chancel nigh unto my Lady Elizabeth Hampden my late wife deceased Item I bequeath to the reparations of the cathedral church of Lincoln four pence Also for divers consideration moving my conscience I give and bequeath by this my testament and last will To my loving cosyn John Hampden of Great Kymbell in the county of Buckinghamshire Esquire my cosyn and next heir male apparent and to the heirs male of the said John Hampden my cosyn All my manors of Great Hampden and Bledlowe in the said county of Bucks and all my manors lands tenements and hereditaments in Great Hampden and Bledlowe in the said county of Bucks with all their members and appurtenances with all and singular evidences charters muniments and writings concerning the said manors and other the premisses or any part or parcel thereof And for lack of such issue the remainder thereof to my right heirs Item I will that my executrix shall receive the rents of all my lands and tenements that I have in Little Kymbell, Westbury in the parish of Shenley in the county of Bucks which lands of Westbury in Shenley be now in the tenure of Edmond Asshefeld Esquire in the right of his wife And also of all my lands in Kydlington on the Grene in the county of Oxon now in the tenure of Stephen Crusleye yeoman by the space of five years next immediately ensuing after my death And with the said rents so coming of the same lands and tenements within the said five years to pay my debts and legacies as [?far] as it will extend Item I will to Margaret Hampden my daughter twenty pounds of lawful English money to be delivered unto her at the day of her marriage towards her preferment Item I give and bequeath to every of my household men servants (except John Goffes and Wiilyam Saunders) twenty shillings of lawful English money over and besides their yearly wages for such service as they have done to me Item I will and bequeath to the said John Goffes my servant in consideration of his good service for the term of his natural life one close called Ocleye Close in the parish of Ocley in the county of Bucks with the appurtenances paying for the same yearly unto mine heirs only vi s viii d of lawful English money Item I will and bequeath to the forenamed Willyam Saunders my servant in consideration of his honest service done unto me a […] […] […] in the parish of Hampden aforesaid with the appurtenances now in the tenure of Launcelot Hardinge To have and to hold unto the said Willyam Saunders and his assigns for the term of his natural life yielding and paying therefore yearly unto mine heirs five shillings of lawful English money for the same Item I give and bequeath to every one of my women servants in consideration of their service vi s viii d a piece over and besides their yearly wages Item I will a marble stone to be bought for me and to lie upon my grave and to engrave upon the same my picture and the picture of my two wives with a scripture about the same for a memorial and for no worldly pomp Item I will my executrix on the day of my burying to bestow amongst poor people of Great Hampden aforesaid and other five pounds of lawful money and likewise at the months day after my said burial other forty shillings of lawful English money The residue of all my goods and chattels my debts paid and this my last will and testament performed I give and bequeath to Lady Phillipp my well beloved wife whom I make and ordain my only and sole executrix: to see this my last will performed whom I put in trust for the execution of the same And I ordain and make Sir Robert Drurye knight and Mr Edmunde Asshefeld esquire supervisors of this my last will and testament praying them to aid and assist my said wife and executrix Lady Phillipp concerning the same as my trust is in them And I give to each of them xl s of lawful English money And in declaration that this is my full will and last testament I have set hereto my hand and seal These also being witnesses the day and year above said - John Hampden - By me Christopher West… - Christopher Asshefeld - R. Hampden - per me William Smythen cleric
Probate …. vi die mensis Novembris Anno dm 1554 … Phillipp relicte et executrix …
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