Location: Union, Kentucky, United States

Surname/tag: Luckett
Kentucky, Union County, Will Book A, pp. 520-521, County Court. Digital image 350 of 363, FamilySearch ([1] : accessed 14 April 2021)
Summary of inventory, quotes were replaced by words and $ symbols were added for clarity. Columns are noted in brackets.
Admr Settlement
Dr. Aloysius Luckett & Robert Luckett Admers of Benjn Lucket Dec’d. In ??? with said Estate
[column 1]
To amount of Inventory after deducting therefrom $1375 the value of slaves as Appraised $1208.37½
To Note on Recd E. J. Durbin $350.00
To Hire of Charles 1833 $70.25
To Hire of Bill 1833 $35.00
To Hire of Mary 1833 $25.06¼
To Hire of Charles 1834 $81.00
To Hire of Bill 1834 $52.00
To Hire of Mary 1834 $34.00
To Hire of Charles 1835 $52.00
To Hire of Mary 1835 $44.00
To Hire of Bill 1835 $51.00
Flr Cost recvd of Johnson $9.82½
Flr Cost recvd of Mellen tc $8.39
[total] $2020.90¼
to Balance due the Estate $1488.03¾
[column 2]
By this sum for which personal property sold for less than it was appraised including $351.37½ taken by widow at appraised value $399.11¾
By cash pa N. F. Givens No 1 $10.00
By cash pa Joseph Hay Shff 2 $4.00
By cash pa ????? J. W. K. Delany 3 $13.25
By cash pa Henry Hardy 4 $13.75 (or $0.75)
By cash pa W. G. Hughes Lot 5 $4.59¾
By cash pa J. R. Hughes clk 6 $2.76
By cash pa Ditto 7 $2.56½
By cash pa Joseph Hevy shff 8 $2.75½
By cash pa Lewis Greenwell 9 $6.00
By Cash pa Sheriff 10 $0.62½
By Cash pa Ditto 11 $0.62½
By Cash pa clk Henderson 12 $2.61
By Cash pa Chas R. Amsay 13 $2.00
By Cash pa Igns Mills 14 $30.50
By Cash pa Shff for Tax 15 $3.50
By Cash pa T. B. Mills 16 $16.00
By Cash pa clerk Union 17 $8.26½
By Cash pa Sheriff 18 & 19 $2.37½
By Cash pa J. R. Hughes Clk 20 $2.50
By Cash pa T. B. Mills 21 $4.00
By Cash pa Comrs two days each $6.00
Commission on $135.61 at six percent $8.13
By bal. due Estate $ 1488.03¾
Total $2020.90¼
Union County Sct. We the undersigned Commissioners appointed by the County Court of Union County being called on by some of the heirs of Benjamin Luckett deceased by our summons caused Aloysius Luckett one of the Administrators of Benjamin Luckett deceased to come before us at the Clerks Office of the Union County Court in Morganfield on the 7th day of January 1837 and proceeded to make a settlement with hern. When upon the application of the Administrater the settlement is as continued until this day when and where we proceeded to make the foregoing Settlement by which it appears there is in the hands of the Administrator not administered the sum of one thousand Five hundred Eighty Eight Dollars three and three fourth cents- All which is respectfully submitted
Given under our hands this 13th day of January 1837.
James K. Hughes
W. G. Hughes Comrs
At a County Court holden for Union County at the Courthouse in Morganfield on the 16th day of January 1837. This Settlement of the accounts of the Administration of the Estate of Benjamin Luckett deceased was returned in Court by the Commissioners and was by the Court ordered to be filed.
And afterwards to wit at a further Term of the said Court holden on the 20th day of February 1837. The said settlement being examined and approved was by the Court ordered to be recorded.
Att James K. Hughes clerk
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