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Transcription of Chancery Court Record - Johhn Endecott b.1616

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Devon, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Endecott Endacott
This page has been accessed 43 times.

Line numbers are included to aid reference to the copy made of the original document found at the National Archives.

To the right Honourable Thomas Lord Coventry Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England

1. Humbly complaining herewith unto your Lordship you orator John Endeacott of Stokeintynhead in the county of Devon yeoman that whereas Henry

2. Endacott your orators great grandfather was in his lifetime long since lawfully seized in his demesne as of fee and of one messuage or tenement & diverse lands meadowlands

3. And pastures and other heridiments thereunto belonging called thereafter in the parish of Chagford in the county of Devon of the yearly value of fourty pounds on thereabout

4. And being so thereof seized upon the marriage of John Endacott eldest son of the said Henry and grandfather to your orator the said Henry did by deed excuted lawfully convey

5. The said lands unto the said John Endacott your orators said grandfather & to heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such issue to the right heirs of the said

6. Henry Endacott or in some other manner entail the same the said John Endacott the grandfather was of the said messuage or 7. Tenement & premises lawfully seized in his demesne as of fee tale is to pay to him & his heirs of his body lawfully begotten or otherwise And being so

8. Thereof seized the said John Endacott had issue Thomas Endacott his oldest son your orators father who died in the lifetime of the said John his father

9. Leaving your orator his eldest son of his body lawfully begotten & after whose the said John Endacott the grandfatherdeath the said lands & premises

10. Did descend & come of right they ought unto your orator as cousin & heir of the said John Endacott the grandfather And your orator further

11. Showeth that the said John Endacott the grandfather being also in his lifetime seized of diverse other messuages lands & tenements called by the formal names of Pafford Crambrook & Middlecott

12. In the several parishes of Moretonhampstead & Chagford of some estate of inheritance either in fee tale to him & his heirs general or to him & his heirs males or else was thereof seized in fee

13. Simple and after did by some sufficient and Lawful conveyance or conveyances in the convey the premises whereby the said lands & tenements lost before mentioned in such sort as that thereby they should after his the said

14. John Endacott the grandfathers death come unto his heirs and did never intend that the same or part thereof should comme or be unto any other person or persons else he the said

15. John Endacott the grandfather did die seized of the said lands & tenements specific premises whereby the said lands ought of right to descend & come by some or one of the

16. Ways & means before mentioned unto your orator as being his next heir descended from the said John the grandfather as is before specified but so it as may it please your

17. Lordship that Robert Endacott of Chagford afore said yeoman Henry Hooper of Chagford aftoresaid yeoman and Johane Endacott of Chagford beforesaid widow the relict of the said

18. John Endacottthe grandfather which said Robert Endacott and Johane pretendeth to be executors of the last will & testament of the said John Endacott the

19. Grandfather combining and confederating together to defraud & deceive your orator of the said lands & tenements & to gain the same or some long estate therein to them

20. Selves or unto some or one of them have either lately before the death of the said John Endacott the grandfather in his old or weaker age or in the time of his last sickness or smce

21. His death or otherwise indirectly gotten into their or some or one of their custody or possession or into the hands custody or possession of some other person or persons to the their or one of their

22. uses & with them or one of their delivery consent privety or knowledge of the writings deeds evidences & charters which do concern the said lands & tenements and your orators

23. Title thereunto and detain the same from your orator against all equity and conscience And by colour thereof they the said Robert Endacott Henry Hooper & Johane Endacott have

24. Contrived & made amongst themselves & others of their confederacy who your orator kno􀅚th not secret estates of the said lands & tenements or of some part thereof and by like

25. colour thereof have made secret entries into the said lands & tenements and now claime the said lands as their own or some estate therein whereby your orator cannot partake

26. The benefit & profit of the said lands & tenements as otherwise he might have consideration wherof and for that your orator knoweth not the certain contents nor dates

27. Of the said deeds writings evidences & charters nor of any of them nor whether they are in box or chest sealed or unsealed locked or unlocked and so hath no remedy to recover the same by

28. The rule of the common law And for that also the said Robert Endacott Henry Hooper & Johane Endacott may set forth what tithe or estate they or either of them

29. Any other to their or either of their use have or do make or claim unto all or any of the said lands & tenements & discover what is become of the said deeds & evidence and that your orator

30. May be relieved in the premises as to _____ shall appertain may it therefore please your Lordship the premises being ___ to grant unto your orator his majesties most gracious writ ___ to be diverted unto the

31. Said Robert Endacott Henry Hooper & Johane Endacott commanding them or either of them at a certain day & under a certain penalty therein to be limited to be & personally

32. To appear before your lordship in his Majesties honorable court of chancery then and there premises the premises upon their oaths to set forth what tithe they or either of them any other

33. With their or either of their use benefit or behoof do make or claim of in unto all or any of the said lands & tenements and why they or either of them or any ( folded page) who

34. (folded page) with their or either of their privity knowledge or consent doth detain the seals & evidences and to specify in particular & tender the said deeds evidences writings charters

35. (fold) said orator and to make full & direct answer to all the premises __ your orator in all duty ___ ( under fold) [1]


  1. Chancery Court record of case Endacott v Endacott. Records created, acquired and inherited by Chancery, and also of the Wardrobe, Royal Household, Exchequer and various commissions. l January 1625-31 December 1660. C2/Chasl/E30/53



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