Transcription of Divorce Proceedings between George Frederick Knight v Elizabeth Knight nee Woods and James Ashworth
Location: London, England, United Kingdom

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- Knight (George Frederick) v Knight (Elizabeth) & Ashworth (James) COURT MINUTES Petition Filed 23rd Mar 1896
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- Knight (George Frederick) v Knight (Elizabeth) & Ashworth (James)
HD §Ledgard Street & Co Johnston Weatherall &Co
- 1896 Mar 23rd Ledgard Street & Co of 138 Fleet Street EC field Petition for Dissolution of Marriage & affidavit & issued 2 citations
- April 18th Johnson Weatherall & Sturt of 7 King’s Bench Walk Temple appeared for Co.Respondent
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- 1777
- In the High Court of Justice probate Divorce ne Admirally Division (Divorce)
- Damages
- Knight George Frederick v Knight Elizabeth and Ashworth James
- Petition filed 23 MAR 1896
Ledgard Street Atkinson & Smith Agent for Ledgard Street & Atkinson Manchester Petitioners Solicitors
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- In the High Court of Justice Probate Divorce and Admirally Division (Divorce)
- To the Right Honorable the President of the said Division
- The 20th day of March 1896
- The petition of George Frederick Knight of 13 Pickering Street Hulme Manchester in the County of Lancaster Private with the Second Batallion East Yorkshire Regiment
- 1. That your petitioner was on the 24th day of December 1892 lawfully married to Elizabeth Knight then Elizabeth Woods spinster at the Parish Church in the Parish of StbGabriel Hulme Manchester in the County of Lancaster aforesaid:-
- 2. That after the said marriage your petitioner lived and co-havited with his said wife at No.4 Chesnut Street Hulme Manchester aforesaid and that your petitioner and his said wife have had no issue of their said marriage
- 3. That in the month of October, November and December 1894 the said Elizabeth Knight committed adultery with James Ashworth at Bridgewater Place High Street Market Street Manchester aforesaid
- 4. That your petitioner claims from the said James Ashworth as damages in respect of such adultery the sum of £500 or such sum as may be assessed by a jury
- 5. That on the 28th day of August 1895 the said Respondent Elizabeth Knight gave birth to a child of which your petitioner is not the father but of which the said co-respondent is the father
- Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays:-
- That your lordship will be pleased to decree that the marriage of your petitioner with the said Elizabeth Knight be dissolved
- That your lordship will be pleased to ascertain by the verdict of a jury the amount of damages to be paid by the co-respondent and to direct how such damages shall be applied
- That the co-respondent May be condemned in the costs of these proceedings
And that your petitioner May have such further and other relief as to your lordship May seem fit. George Frederick Knight
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- 1777
- In the High Court of Justice Probate Divorce and Admirally Division (Divorce)
In the matter of the petition of George Frederick Knight for a dissolution of marriage -affidavit in support of petition-
- Filed 23 MAR 1896
- Edward Street Atkinson & Smith 138 Fleet Street E.C. Agents for Legdard, Street & Atkinson Manchester Petitioners Solicitors
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- In the High Court of Justice Probate, Divorce and Admirally Division (Divorce0
In the matter of the petition of George Frederick Knight for a dissolution of marriage-
- I George Frederick Knight of 13 Pickering Street Hulme Manchester in the County of Lancaster Private in the Second Batallion East Yorkshire Regiment the Petitioner Male path and say:-
- 1. That I was on the 24th day of December 1892 lawfully married to Elizabeth Knight then Elizabeth Woods Spinster atbthe Parish Church in the Parish of St Gabriel Hulme Manchester in the County of Lancaster aforesaid.
- 2. That after the said marriage I lived and cohabited with my said wife at No 4 Chesnut Street Hulme Manchester aforesaid and that there has been no issue of our said marriage
- 3. That in the months of October, November and December 1894 as I am informed and verily believe the said Elizabeth Knight committee adultery with James Shworth at Bridgewater Place, High Street Market Street Manchester aforesaid.
- 4. That on the 28th day of August 1895 as I am informed and verily believe the said Elizabeth Knight gave birth to a child of which I am not the father but of which the said James Ashworth is the father.
- 5. That there is not any collusion or connivance between me and my wife Elizabeth Knight in any way whatever
- Sworn at Manchester in the County of Lancaster this 20th day of March 1896 before me W Arnold Linnell a Commissioner for oaths
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- [No dates were filled in for Decree Nisi or Final Decree]
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