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Transcription of James Spalding Deed Z-375

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 24 Feb 1873 [unknown]
Location: Union, Kentucky, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Spalding, Drury
This page has been accessed 40 times.


1873 Martin F. & Mary C. Drury to James Spalding Deed. Kentucky, Union County, Deed Book Z, pp. 375-376, County Clerk. 24 February 1878, Digital images 200-201 of 338, FamilySearch.org, ([1]: accessed 29 May 2021)

Transcription of Deed

This Indenture made and entered into the 24th day of February 1873 Between Martin F. Drury and his wife Mary C. Drury of the first part, and James Spalding colored of the second part both parties of the County of Union and State of Kentucky. Witnesseth the parties of the first par for and in consideration of the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars cash in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged hat this day granted bargained and sold and by these presents hereby convey unto the said James Spalding a certain piece or parcel of land Situated in Union County Kentucky joining the farm of Dr. J. E. Bunn containing two acres and is Bounded as follows to wit Beginning at the Stone corner of George Randolph in James Buckman’s line thence with said Randolph’s line North 31½ East 18 poles to a Stone and ash thence South 59 east 17-8/10 poles to a Stone and two dogwoods thence South 81½ West 18 poles to a Stone poplar and hickory in James Buckmans line Thence North 59 west 17-8/10 poles to the Beginning and the said parties of the first part covenants to warrant the Title to the two acres herein conveyed unto the said James Spalding his heirs or assigns together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging against all claims whatsoever, the two acres herein conveyed being the same two acres of Land conveyed to the parties of the first part by J E Brown on the 14 day of April 1870
In testimony where of the said Martin F. Drury and his wife Mary C. Drury have hereuto subscribed their names the day and date first herein written.
Martin Drury
Mary C. Drury

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