Location: Union, Kentucky, United States

Surname/tag: Gilchrist, Williams, Bland, Gibson, Gipson
- 1903 Winnie Gilchrist Will. Kentucky, Union County, Will Book G, p. 268, County Court. 27 June 1903, Digital images 425 to 615, FamilySearch.org, ([1]: accessed 30 April 2021)
- 1906 Winnie Gilchrist Will. Kentucky, Union County, Court Orders Book Q, p. 563, County Court. 1 April 1906, Digital images 286 to 654, FamilySearch.org, ([2]: accessed 30 April 2021)
Will Transcription
Winnie Gilchrist Will
I, Winnie Gilchrist (col) being of sound mind and memory and desiring to dispose of my property according to a fixed purpose of my own do make and publish this my last will and testament. I own a horse and buggy and some household goods and a little other personalty also a small track of land containing about fourteen acres in Union County Kentucky bounded by Wm. Eubanks on south and east sides north by Thomas Riggs this land is divided by Henderson and Sulphur Springs road I will that my executor hereafter named as soon after my death as practicable sell said land and he is hereby authorized and empowered to convey to the purchaser by deed of general warranty my real estate. I appoint Joe Puryear and John Brinson as appraisers of my estate and it is my will that my executor convey to Wm Eubanks at this appraised price the fourteen acres of land and should he desire to purchase it he has been a kind and good neighbor to me is why I do this if he should not want it at the appraised value my executor can sell public or private as he thinks best cut of the proceeds of same subject to the cost of administration, he will pay my just debts and burial expenses and the remainder I will and bequeath as follows;-
1st. To New Liberty Church I will fifteen Dollars that it may be used in repairing on in any way the church sees proper to use it they have been so good and kind to me.
2nd. I give devise and bequeath to Louis Gipson (col) my horse, buggy and harness to have and to hold the same and his heirs and assigns.
3rd. I give devise and bequeath to my three children Dorcas Williams, Clara Bland and Daniel Gilchrist my household apparel to be divided equally between them.
4th. I will that all money left after paying my just debts and burial expenses be divided equally between Louis Gipson and my three children Dorcas Williams Clara Bland, Daniel Gilchrist.
5th. And last I do appoint G. T. Denton my executor and request that no bond be required of him.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand this June 27, 1903.
Winnie (her X mar) Gilchrist
Witnesses John R. CLark
G. W. McMurray
At a county court held for Union County at the Court house in Morganfield Ky. on 2nd day of April 1906 the foregoing paper purporting to be the last will and testament of Winnie Gilchrist deceased was produced in open court and same having been proven by oaths of J. R. Clark and G. W. mcMurray the attesting witnesses thereto to be the act and deed of said Winnie gilchrist the Court having been sufficiently advised ordered said paper established probated and recorded as the last will and testament of said Winnie Gilchrist deceased.
Witness my hand this 2 day of April 1906.
Liston Talbott, Clerk.
By Del H. Cannon, D.C
Court Order Transcription
This day came G. T. Denton and produced in open Court a paper purporting to be the last will and testament of Winnie Gilchrist decd., and the Court upon the proof of Jno. R. Clarke and G. W. McMurray attesting witnesses thereto admitted same to probate and ordered it to be recorded as such last will and testament and G. T. Denton Exor named therein was duly qualified and sworn and J. E. Brinsoon appeared as agent for Dorcas Williams and Clara Bland and filed an instrument also appeared Louis Gibson one of the deivsees in the will and insisted upon the probate of said instrument and Joe Puryearand John Beinson named as appraisers in said will were appointed such appraisers by the Court all in due form of law.
Union County Court.
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