Location: Alton, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom
Transcription from: Reading Mercury (Reading, England)
Volume: 131
July 23, 1853
ELIGIBLE ESTATES, ALTON, Hants, with immediate possession.
At the Swan Inn, Alton, on Friday, the 29th July, 1853, at Three for Four o'clock precisely,
A VERY CAPITAL ESTATE, known at "TRUNCHEAUNT'S FARM", at Alton, Hants, comprising One Hundred and Twenty Acres of Freehold and Ninety-five Acres Copyhold Arable, Meadow Wood, and Hop Land, with a capital DWELLING HOUSE and requistie Farm Buildings; also, several detached pieces of Land, in seperate Lots, amounting in all to Three Hundred and Two Acres; a Hop Kiln, Labourers' COTTAGES, &c., in the hands of Mr. John Langrish, the proprietor.
The Estate is situate nearly central in the Hampshire Hunt, about half a mile from the Railway Station, and combines unusual advantages of malm chalk and clay soils, with some superior hop land, good trout fishing, &c.
For further particulars. apply to Messrs, C. and H. Trimmer, Solicitors, Alton; E. J. Hellis, Alton; or the Auctioneer. Odiham, Hants.
Transcription from: Reading Mercury (Reading, England)
Volume: 131
Advertisement and Notices
Oct. 8, 1853
FARMING STOCK, Clover, Sainfoin and Meadow Hay, Capital Corn and manure Drill, Thrashing and Winnowing Machines, superior IMPLEMENTS, Horses, Cows, Pigs, &c.; TRUNCHEAUNT'S FARM, ALTON, Hants.
By Mr. Hellis,
on the premises, on Friday, the 21st October, 1853 at Eleven.
THE VALUABLE Live and Dead STOCK on Truncheaunt's Farm, the property of Mr. John Langrish, who is relinquishing the Farming Business.
The LIVE STOCK comprises nine powerful young cart horses, cart mare and foal, a chestnut blood mare, handsome entire colt rising two years old, useful grey pony four years old, four milch cows in calf , two handsom Jersey heifers, a prime short-horn bull, two steers, three fat calves, two fat hogs, two sows and pigs, six store hogs.
The DEAD STOCK includes six capital market wagons, two with iron arms, nine dung carts, two rave carts, water carriage, poll frame, heavy iron roller, two wood rollers, land presser, ploughs, harrows, drags, scarifiers, hop harrows, horse-hoe, capital corn and manure drill by Gower, hand thrashing machine, two horse-power winnowing machine and blower. turnip cutters, corn and oil cake bruisers, seed machine, bean and peas drills. excellent cart and plough harness, the usual implements, corn bins, ladders, wheel-barrows, new grindstone, carpenter's tools, repair timber, fifty larch firs, iron fencing, &c. Three ricks of superior Meadow Hay, about 50 tons, two ricks of Clover, twenty tons, two ditto of sainfoin about twenty-four tons.
Refreshments at Eleven, and the sale to commence punctually at Twelve, on account of the number of Lots.
Catalogues to be had at the neighbouring Inns, place of sale, and of the Auctioneer, Odiham.
Truncheaunts Farm Location
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