Location: South-Western Indiana and surrounding areas

» Turman, 1981
Short reference:
- Turman, Robert E. Genealogy Newspaper Columns of Robert E. Turman. Evansville, IN: Tri-State Genealogical Society, 1981.
Complete reference:
- Turman, Robert E. Genealogy Newspaper Columns of Robert E. Turman. (Ed. Bettie Anne Cummings Cook). Evansville, IN: Tri-State Genealogical Society c/o Willard Library, 1981.
This volume contains, in facsimile form, the newspaper genealogical newspaper columns published by Robert E. Turman in the Sullivan Union, from Aug 1953 to May 1955, and the Cynthiana Argus, from Feb 1956 to Oct 1964. It includes an extensive name index (p. 413-461).
It focuses "Early family histories from Gibson, Harrison, Knox, Montgomery, Perry, Pike, Posey, Sullivan, Washington, Vanderburgh and surrounding counties in Indiana, and including Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee and paths of migration to these general areas."
Printed by McDowell Publications, Owensboro, KY.
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