
Tust (Thust) Name Study

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Location: Zdunska Wola, Polandmap
Surnames/tags: Tust Thusk Thust
This page has been accessed 388 times.


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This is a One Name Study to collect together in one place everything about the Tust surname and the variants of that name. The hope is that other researchers like you will join our study to help make it a valuable reference point for people studying lines that cross or intersect.


The Tust surname, also spelled Thust and Taust, was of German origin. According to a close family member, Edmund Tust stated that the name was longer in length before it was changed to Tust. I have not yet determined what that name was. They were Germans living in a Polish settlement. Edmund Tust was born in Zdunska Wola, Poland on 13 February 1891 to Edward Karl Thust and Amalia Julianna Hoppe. Amalia died 17 Mar 1917 in, Kalisz, Poland. She was found buried with her daughter Emma. Edward Karl died in 1951 in Islip, New York, USA. Edward and his sons were weavers. Zdunska Wola was known to be highly productive in the manufacturing of textiles. Edmund immigrated to Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, USA, arriving at Ellis Island on 1 June 1913 . Edward Karl, his two other sons Arnold and Adolf and his daughters Irene and Olga arrived on November 1922. Edmund married Rosina Mulczet from Kleinmurbisch, Austria. They both lived in Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States for the remainder of their lives.

Task List

Finding birth, death and marriage records. Translation of documents. Finding descendants living abroad.

Memories: 1
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Edmund Tust belonged to a family of weavers who lived in Zdunska Wola in Sieradz, Lodz, Poland. I have not found the origins of where they initially lived before ending up in Poland. I have traced the family back to the early 1700’s in the area now known as Poland. He lost seven brothers and sisters at young ages. After he immigrated to the US, he married my Grandmother, Rosina Mulzet. He worked in a Silk Mill in Allentown, Pennsylavania and travelled often to visit his brother Robert in Gronau, Germany. Edmund and Rose had 12 children, including Virginia, one who had died at 2 years of age. He died when I was 8 years old and most of his story I know through other family members. He played the Violin and would sing his favorite songs in German. He loved Roses and according to my mother, they were well maintained. He shared his passion with my Mother who favored the Rose Bush and she had beautiful Roses also. I am sure his story includes many hardships and sorrows. Life in those times were difficult for many, many people.
posted 6 Nov 2018 by Anonymous Harlan   [thank Anonymous]
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I found this on a wikipedia page for Zdunska Wola:

The development of the village is closely linked with the rapid influx of Silesian weavers and textile workers. In 1817, with the contribution and effort of Stefan Z?otnicki, the village flourished and became populated with migrants from Silesia, Germany and Bohemia.

Source citation: Wikipedia contributors. (2019, March 20). Zdu?ska Wola. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 05:58, May 30, 2019, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Zdu%C5%84ska_Wola&oldid=888590157

posted by Kylie Haese
I have found many records on the Thust (Tust) family. I am in the process of getting them ready for translation.
posted by [Living Harlan]