Location: Brookhaven, Mississippi

Surnames/tags: mississippi recipe_books
Twenty Years of the Wooden Spoon
Twenty Years of The Wooden Spoon, published in 1997, is a collection of recipes from 20 years of entries to the contest sponsored by Brookhaven's newspaper, The Daily Leader.
Two snippits of genealogical information are included in the history of the contest:[1]
- The youngest grand prize winner was 14-year-old Meredith Swalm, daughter of Steve and Vicky Swalm of Bogue Chitto, in 1991.
- The Wooden Spoon 1992 contest was dedicated to Shirley Rushing, "who had been a part of the judging staff . . . for many years. Mrs. Rushing died of cancer on January 19, 1992."
The book includes the recipes of winners and finalists from The Wooden Spoon Contests held from 1978 to 1997. (I'll be adding dates to the table below, so you can say what year a contributor was living in or near Brookhaven more precisely than "as early as 1978 or as late as 1997".)
Twenty Years of The Wooden Spoon is special to me because Ann Brien Britt was my aunt, who I loved dearly. She was the creator of the Wooden Spoon and the book is dedicated to her.[2]
List of Contributors
The recipes are - in the words of Bill Jacobs, editor and publisher of The Daily Leader - from "the Brookhaven area's top cooks":
Name | Additional Information |
A | |
Mrs. Charles Abrams | |
Janine D. Adams | |
Robyn Aker | |
Nita Allbritton | |
Paula Allbritton | |
Beatrice Allen | |
Dale Allred | |
Grace Applewhite | 3 entries |
Bonnie Ard | 4 entries |
B | |
Betty L Baker | multiple entries |
Jimmie Ballard | |
Cheryl Banks | 2 entries |
Sybil Barksdale | |
Loiuse Becker | |
Victor Becker | 2 entries |
Faye Bein | 2 entries |
Peggy Bessonette | multiple entries |
Elizabeth Bilbo | |
Marie Bilbo | |
Barbara Black | |
Marion Blackwell | 3 entries |
Joseph F. Bonfiglio | multiple entries |
Julia Bounds | 2 entries |
Dorothy Brawley | |
Woody Breeland | |
Leann Brown | |
Julia C. Burns | |
Kay Burns | |
Mary W. Byrd | |
C | |
Jimmie Gayle Cain | 3 entries |
Denise Carollo | |
Mrs. Lloyd R. Case | |
Grace Childress | |
Evelyn Chism | 2 entries |
Nellie Clark | |
Frances Cloud | 2 entries |
Sara N. Coker | multiple entries |
Bertha Collins | |
Catherine Cox | |
Nell Creely | |
Myrtle Crossley | multiple entries |
Carolyn Crow | |
D | |
Patsy Davis | |
Sheila Day | multiple entries |
Alice M. Dickerson | multiple entries |
Mary Sue Douglas | 2 entries |
Pauline P. Douglas | |
Marilyn Driskell | 2 entries |
E | |
Kimmy Eubanks | 2 entries |
F | |
Margie Falvey | |
Becky Feduccia | |
Alisa Florrest | |
Mrs. Max H. Ford | multiple entries |
Mrs. Charleigh D. Ford, Jr. | |
Alisa Forrest [sic] | |
Rene Foster | |
Shirley Fredette | |
Sheila Furlow | |
G | |
Marie Gaston | |
Claudette George | 3 entries |
Fay Gerald | |
Jill J. Gilbert | |
Ken Gilbert | |
Karen Gould | |
Brenda Green | |
Margaret Greer | |
Mrs. Von Griffith | |
Mrs. Johnnie Guess | |
H | |
Thelma Halely | multiple entries |
Mary Lou Hall | multiple entries |
Karen Hammone | 3 entries |
Margaret Hammond | 2 entries |
D.B. Harrgill | |
Patricia Harris | |
Natalie B. Herndon | |
Jody Hoff | |
M.L. Hoffmand | |
Sharon Holloway | |
Janice Holmes | |
Lacey Holmes | |
Charlene T. Howard | |
Millie Hudgins | |
Sarah J. Huffman | 2 entries |
I | |
J | |
Melba Johnson | |
Betty L. Johnston | 3 entries |
Betty R. Johnston | |
Mae Jones | |
Mattie Jones | |
Mrs. W.E. Jones | |
Chris Jordan | |
K | |
Mrs. Alton Keys | |
Sheila Killingsworth | |
Jeweline King | 2 entries |
Pat King | |
L | |
Mary Jo Latham | |
Dollye Leathers | |
Rosemary Legg | |
Fannie Lee Lewis | 2 entries |
Paula Lewis | |
Carol Lowrey | |
M | |
Clara J. Magee | |
Dauphine Magee | |
Alice Mahaffey | multiple entries |
Sara Ann Mangum | |
Robert O. Martin | |
Elsie Mastrobattista | |
Jo Mathews | 3 entries |
D. Kevin May | |
Mary Ann McFarland | |
Barbara McGee | |
Carolyn McGee | 2 entries |
Janice McKee | |
Belene A. Meeks | |
Sue F. Minter | |
Joy Moak | |
Mary Moak | |
Mary D. Moak | |
Tina Montgomery | 2 Entries |
Sonya Moore | |
Johnnie Munn | |
N | |
Shirley Nash | |
Mrs. Jerry Nations | |
Rosie Nettles | 2 entries |
Susan Nettles | 3 entries |
Ava Jane Newell | |
O | |
D. Claudette Oliver | |
Shirley O’Quinn | |
Zenus Owens | multiple entries |
P | |
Betty A. Perkins | |
Kathy Phillips | |
Don St. Pierre | 2 entries |
Mrs. Jay Potter | |
Missy Powell | |
Sandra W. Preuss | multiple entries |
Diane Price | 3 entries |
Lynne J. Price | multiple entries |
Harriet Proffit | 3 entries |
Q | |
R | |
Pamela Rando | |
Cindy Ratcliff | |
Gloria Rayborn | |
Wanda Reed | 2 entries |
Janice Reid | |
Gerri Roberts | 3 entries |
Nicole Robinson | |
Theola Robinson | |
Carolyn S. Rushing | |
Margaret Rushing | multiple entries |
Martha Rushing | |
Lydia Rutledge | |
Sarah Rutledge | |
Dorris Rutter | 3 entries |
Mrs. Sherman Rutter | |
S | |
Lizzie Sartin | |
Mrs. Frank Sartin | |
Rhonda Scott | |
Yvone Shiel | |
Ginny Shirley | multiple entries |
Kathy M. Sims | |
Angela Smith | 2 entries |
Beverly Smith | |
C.C. Smith | 2 entries |
Debbie Smith | 2 entries |
Faye Smith | |
Faye N. Smith | |
Kay Smith | |
Lois Smith | |
Mrs. Bobby K. Smith | |
Mrs. Jack A. Smith | |
Pat Smith | multiple entries |
Scarlette Calcote Smith | 2 entries |
Tammy Smith | 2 entries |
Tammy Melissa Smith | |
Treasurer L. Smith | |
Theresa Sones | |
Phyllis Spearman | |
Sherry Spencer | |
Mrs. Andrew Spiller | |
Joni Steinwinder | |
Vesta E. Strickland | |
Penny Sullivan | |
Josie Summers | |
Mrs. M.L. Summers | |
Christal Swagerty | |
Meredith Swalm | 2 entries |
Carole Swann | |
T | |
Mrs. Billy Tenney | |
Sandy Terry | |
Mitzie Thornhill | |
Mrs. Jimmy Thornhill | |
Linda Tucker | |
Linda Stultz Tucker | 2 entries |
U | |
V | |
W | |
Mrs. Lavon White | |
Mildred Whittington | |
Cathy Wilson | |
Mrs. Glyn Wilson | |
X | |
Y | |
Z |
- In 1997, the book could be ordered from The Daily Leader - contact the paper to see if they have any copies left (the order form included the phone number: 801-833-6961).
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