Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Brame
Two John Brames or a transcription error?
Problem 2 wills said to be written by John Brame cited on John Brame (abt.1576-1628) Will abstract and transcripts follow below.
- Will of John Brame, written 4th July 1624, proved 1624/5
- No mention of a wife
- leaves property to brother John to use to fulfill bequests to many members of family
- Mother Elizabeth still living
- Will of John Brame, written 29 March 1627, proved 17 November, 1628
- Wife named as Anne (seems to be her second marriage as the will mentions her three children)
- clearly written in part to fulfil the bequests given in the earlier will.
- Mother Elizabeth still living.
- Mentions his brother James's will written on 4 July in the 22nd year of King James (1624 calculated at http://aulis.org/Calendar/Regnal_Years.html ) This is obviously the same date as the earlier will.
- A search of the Suffolk archives catalogue did not find the a will of a John Brame in 1624 but it does have one of a James Brame, singleman https://www.suffolkarchives.co.uk/collections/getrecord/GB173_IC_AA1_60_104
It is not unknown for a family in this period two have 2 or more children with the same christian names. Nevertheless,particularly as the catalogue records the will of a James in 1624, the simplest solution is that the Sussex record society abstract contains a transcription error and these are the wills of two brothers, James and John. James was a single man, John was married but does not appear to have children of his own.
Will of John Brame 1624, Abstract
- Suffolk Record Society, Wills of the Archdeaconry of Suffolk, 1620-1624, Boydell Press, 1989
- PDF https://suffolkrecordssociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Wills-of-the-Archdeaconry-of-Suffolk-1620-1624.pdf
- 757 R(W) JOHN BRAME of Southelmham St Margaret. 4 July 1624 copyright Suffolk record society, used for research purposes.
- Sick. Soul to Almighty God, creator, trusting to have free remission & pardon of sins, & by & through the merits & blood shed of Jesus Christ, redeemer.
- To mother Elizabeth Brame, tenement where testator dwells, with all lands to the same belonging, being free & copyhold, for her life; on her death, same to go to brother John Brame & his heirs, he paying legacies out of the said lands.
- To the 6 children of brother in law Christopher Love deceased, namely Richard Love £10 in 1 year of death of said Elizabeth Brame, to John Love £10 in 2 years, to Elizabeth Love £10 in 3 years, to Mary Love £10 in 4 years, to Sarah Love £10 in 5 years & to James Love £10 in 6 years.
- To the 3 children of brother William Brame deceased, namely to John Brame £10 in 4 years of the death of the said Elizabeth 435 Brame, to James Brame £10 in 8 years, & to Elizabeth Brame £10 in 9 years.
- To the 3 children of sister Newson, namely John, Elizabeth & Susan Gowing, £3 each in 10 years of the death of the said Elizabeth Brame.
- To John Barber, son of brother in law Thomas Barber, £10 in 11 years of the death of the said Elizabeth Brame.
- To sister Baines 3 children, namely John, Frances & Margaret Colman, £5 each in 12 years of the death of the said Elizabeth Brame.
- To brother in law William Green's 2 children, 40s. each when they be 21. To godson James Edwards, 40s. when 21. To John Norman, 10s. To Susan Causson, 10s.
- To brother John Newson's 2 daughters Mary & Anne, £3 each in 13 years of the death of the said Elizabeth Brame.
- To mother Elizabeth Brame, all movables, credits, chattels, cattle, rents, debts & dues whatever, she paying debts & funeral costs.
- Mother & brother John to be exors. Wit. Robert Mottes. John Norman. Mary Love. Mary Dexter. Elizabeth Segweth.
- Let. Ad. granted to John Brame at Beccles on 29 January & to Elizabeth Brame on 7 February 1624/25.
Will of John Brame 1628 transcript
- National Archives, Kew, Surrey, England
- Will of John Brame, Yeoman of Saint Margaret South Elmham, Suffolk
- PROB 11/154/420
- Probate date, 17 November 1628
- https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D917728
- unpolished transcript, sections separated for ease of reading Coleman-5109 15:57, 2 July 2023 (UTC) Transcribers comments in square brackers
- In the name of God Amen
- I John Brame of St Margretes in Southelmham in the countey of Suff yeoman benig in p'fect helthe of boddye and p'fet in memory I prayse the lord for it doeth ordayn and make this my p'sent will and testament this 29 March in anno dom One thousand sixe hundred twentie seaven in the thired yeare or the Raigne of oure gracious Kinge Charles of Ingland Scotland & France and Ireland in manner and forme following
- Item I bequeath and give my soull into the hands of allmightey god my maker trusting in the mercifull merretes of Christe my saviouer to have Eteranall lif and my bodey I committ to the earth to bee buried at the disrecon of my Ex'cutores and conserning that wordly Istate that god of his Riche mercy hath lent mee I desposse therof as followeth
- Item I give and bequeath to Anne my wellbeloved wif all that my tenyments called Alinge wth the howsses and lands therunto belonging both free and coppe now in my possession dewring the tearme & tyme of his lif the makeinge no [ ] nor waste in any pte of ye said p'messes of eayther wod or timber except eight lodes of wode to bee burnt upon the said pmesses & [felting? Seuninge?] stuffe to bee likewise upon the pmesses imployed cut in setting inn of the year the keping of all my houses thereof in good repaircons & paying and performing as followeth [ transcribers note, not sure of the terms used here it's confusing as to which is an s and which an f. They are obviously the conditions underwhich this copyhold land is held and includes the restrictions on the use of timber on the land and the necessity to keep the houses in good repair)
- Item whereas theare was putt into my hand one hundred pounds of currant Inglish mony to be Imployed in trust for the usse of five of my late brother in lawes Cxpoffer [Christofer] sonnes Childeringe I will that Anne my said wif shall paye and pform it as followeth that is to Richard Lowe the some of twentey pounds of lawfull Inglish mony with on yeare next after my decease to John Lowe tenne pounds of lawfull Ingllish money within two yeares next after my deacese and to Mary Lowe twentey pounds of the licke money whereof seaven is paid and the residewe wthin three yeare after my deacese to James Lowe twentey pounds within five years after my decese And to Elizabeth the wife of Aughtere Whighten I have paid and discharged the same twentey pounds
- Item I give more to the said Richard Lowe twentey pounds to bee paid within five yeares aftere my deacese, to Mary Elmene & Elizabeth Whighten my neaces I give to eaythere of them tenne pounds apece to bee payd within seaven yeares after the tyme afforesaid & to John Lowe and James Lowe as afforsaid to eayther of theme tene pounds apece within eight years after ye daye afforsaid and to Sarae Lowe tenne pounds then to bee paid, all of them to bee paid in lawfull Inglish money.
- Item I give to my brother William Brames three Childrine as followeth, to John Brame twentey pounds of the lick money within nyn yeares after my decesse [insertion ] And to James Brame twentey pounds of the lick money within tenn years after my deacese[end of insertion] to Elizabeth Brame tenne poundes of the licke money wthin eleven years after my decese
- Item I give to my sister Neawsons fowere daughters as followeth to Elizabet Gowing twentey pounds of lick mony to be paid wthin twelve years after my decese and to Susane Gowing twentey pounds of the lick mony within thirtene years after my desease & to Mary Neawson twentey pounds of the licke mony wthin fortene yeares after my disseade & to Lyddeae Neawson twenty pundes of the licke money wthin fiftenne yeares after my decese
- Item I give to John Barbere my neave fortey pounds of the licke money to be pd in sixtene and deaventen years after my decese by woth in the yeare if he bee then living or annie issue of his body lawfully begotten
- Yf that Anne my beloved wyef shall dep't this lief within the tyme of terme of seaven yeeres after my decease that then my heyre and successor whom I shall hereafter name shall paie the residewe of the tyme of seaven yeares twentie pounds every yeere till the said tyme of tenn yeeres bee accomplished and ended to whome and where she shall assigne and if the said Anne shall depte this lief before the teme of two and twentie yeeres to bee ended and accomplished next after my decease and then for soe many as are to receive theire legacies as aforesaid shall have anyone of them at theire tymes aforesaid theire sev'all giftes and legacies made up the some of eight and twentie pounds apeece of the like money as aforesaid to be paid and if it shall happen that any pte of these my giftes and legacies bee unpaid at theire tymes aforesaid that then it shalbe lawfull for soe many as bee unpaid at any of their sev'all tymes aforesaid to enter into any of my lands and there to distreyne leade and carry away any goods and chatells whatsoever as they shall then and there finde to sell tyll they be satisffied, and paid and the overplus to bee repayed afaine to the owner
- Item I give and bequeath unto John Gowing my neavewe and his heires for ev' all my lands and tenements both free and bond wherein I now dwell to enter the same after the decease of Anne my beloved wiefe
- Item I give and bequeath unto Anne my beloved wife all my moveable goods rightes credetes cattells and chattells whatsoever upon condicon following she paying unto Elizabeth
- [page 2] Brame my mother giving unto her children out of the same viz to John Colman to Elizabeth Colman to Frances Colman to [Rachaell??] Colman and to Margaret Colman the some of tenn pounds to all and every of them
- Item whereas I being setled in fee of the tenement and lands wch were James Brames my deceased brothers by his will bearing date the fourth daie of July in the xxij th yeere of the late Kinge James of famous memory [4 July 1624] I doe give unto John Brame and James Brame the two sons of William Brame my eldest brother deceased and their heires for every joyntly all the foresaid lands and tenements wch were given mee by the will of James Brame my foresaid brother soe they paye unto the eight children of Anne Greene theire legacies the three childeren of my sister Newson theire legacies, to the three children of Anne my wife, and to John Barber the son of Grace Barber my sister theire said legacies and bequests. And if any bee unpaid at the said daies and tymes in wch they ought to be bee paid Then they are to enter upon the said lands and ther to distreyne leade and carrye awaie anye goods and chatells whatsoever they shall then and there fide to sel til they be satisfied and paid and at the said daie and tyme I give unto ev'yone of them fortie shillings apeece upon the like penaltie
- Item I give and bequeath unto Richard Love fortie pounds of lawfull English money upon the like penaltye
- It I give and bequeath unto Jonathan Browning ye sone of Willm Browning of Wingfeild? My godsonne the some of xxs of lawful English monwy
- It I give fower pounds of like monye to the residewe of his childeren to bee equally distribyted amongeste them upon the like penaltye
- Item I give unto Anne Brame my said wife the some of tenn poundes of like money upon the like penaltye
- And to the pforming of this my last will and Testament I ordaine and make my Executors Anne my beloved wife and John Gowing my Nevewe Intreatinge them to pforme the same, and soe concluding the same in three shetts of paper subscribinge my name to ev'y of them and my seale to the last John Brame p' me Joh' Newson signd Thome Barber Arthur Whitinge his marke
- Latin probate clause, granted London 17 November, 1628 to Anne Brame the relict of the said deceased .
- Notes spellings in original typically erratic. Lowe later becomes Love (the two letters used interchangeaby as are I and E with Inglish and English)
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