
USBH Heritage Exchange Document Processing Team

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
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Surnames/tags: black_heritage slavery
This page has been accessed 301 times.

This page is for use by USBH Heritage Exchange Team members

The Heritage Exchange Document Processing Team

  • Adds documents sent to the HE Google group to the documents spreadsheet.
  • Creates profiles and space pages based on documents added to the spreadsheet.

You need to have access to the USBH Heritage Exchange Google group and the USBH Heritage Exchange spreadsheet. If you do not have access, please ask Elaine to add you.

Document Processing

  • Documents will be sent to the USBH Heritage Exchange Google group by WikiTree members for us to process. This may include wills, transcripts, bills of sale, slave lists, etc. It is important we add them to a spreadsheet so we know which ones have already been processed.
  • Work with one document at a time.
  • Go to the most recent group post by date that has not been added to the spreadsheet.
  • Add the pertinent information about the document to the USBH Heritage Exchange spreadsheet and make sure to add a link to the original post from the HE Google group. (copy/paste the URL while looking at the individual post).
  • If you wish to create profiles and pages from one of the documents on the spreadsheet, put your name in the "Member Processing" field while you are working.
  • Once profiles and pages are created, move the entry on the spreadsheet to the completed documents tab and fill in the "what was completed" field with a quick note about what you created.

And that's it! Every document we process will get us closer to our goal of connecting enslaved ancestors to their descendants.



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