Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: slavery black_heritage

US Black Heritage Project
Heritage Exchange Program
US Black Heritage Project Teams
The Slavery Projects Team is part of the US Black Heritage Exchange Program. Slavery Projects involve large groups of slaves documented together, whether by event, location, or owner/trader.
Coordinators: Gina Jarvi, Elaine Martzen
Contents |
Team Leader: Michelle Detwiler
Index of Plantation Space Pages
Long-Term Goals:
- Gather all existing WikiTree plantation space pages and add them to the Plantations Index page
- Complete existing plantation pages on the Plantation Index page
- Create new Plantations Pages, adding slave owner and slave documentation to these pages
Short-Term Goals
- Slave profiles need to be created for existing plantations on the Plantations Index page
- Further research needed on some of the existing plantation pages
This project has two spreadsheets we work off of:
- A list of plantations
- A list of over 2000 slave owners
- All plantations with space pages need categories created
- All slaves, slave owners, and other key figures at a plantation should have categorization pertaining to the plantation
American Colonization Society/Emigration to Liberia
Coordinator: Gina Jarvi
- American Colonization Society founded the colony of Liberia in 1822 for the express purpose of sending free blacks back to Africa. Continue to develop the history and the profiles associated with the ACS.
- Emigrants to Liberia This page lists the ships that left the US for Liberia. Each ship needs to be linked to the roll of passengers, given a category, and profiles created for those who emigrated.
Book of Negroes
The Book of Negroes is a historical document that records names and descriptions of 3,000 Black Loyalists, enslaved Africans who escaped to the British lines during the American Revolution and were evacuated to points in Nova Scotia as free people of colour. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Book_of_Negroes
Clotilda (Last Known Slave Ship)
Names of known slaves who survived the voyage American Name|African Name|African Tribe. These people need profiles. Clotilda (Last Known Slave Ship)
Coastwise Slave Manifests
Coordinators: Elaine Marzten and Gina Jarvi
Coastwise Slave Ship Manifests A directory of the transcribed ship manifests from the National Archives. Each ship needs a free space page and categories; profiles of the enslaved are also needed.
Confederate Slave Payrolls
Coordinators: Elaine Marzten and Gina Jarvi
Index to Confederate Slave Payrolls A very large and complex project to document the named slaves who were loaned out to the Confederacy by their owners.
Georgetown GU272
Leader: Emma MacBeath
- This project has a set of categories for ancestors and descendants
- This project has a spreadsheet with the heads of the families listed.
- Most of these profiles need to be sourced.
Notable Projects
We would like to document all presidents, vice presidents, and congressmen who owned slaves. Please ask for access to the presidents, vice presidents, and other big name people spreadsheet or the congressmen spreadsheet if you are a member of USBH and would like to work on this project.
Thomas Jefferson
Monticello Plantation, Albemarle, Virginia
- Plantation pages are being created and slave research and documentation is currently active
Slave Owners by Slave Schedule
This index is for the purpose of insuring we document every slave owner who appears on the 1850 and 1860 slave schedules. They are indexed by county for each year. These lists come from Family Search.
Weeping Time
For resources see: Slavery, United States of America, Resources
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Emma MacBeath, US Black Heritage Project WikiTree, and Elaine Martzen. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
Thank you, Scott L. Peeler, Jr.
edited by Scott Peeler Jr.
Thanks, emma