
Civil War Veterans: Whatcom County, Washington

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Washington State

Whatcom County

Whatcom County, WA • Find a Grave Virtual Cemetery

Agate Bay


Grand Army of the Republic • (J. B. Steadman) Post #24

  • Bayview Cemetery aka Bay View Cemetery, Bellingham
    1. James Abbott
    2. Charles A Adams
    3. Gad Mather Adams
    4. Lewis Akin
    5. David Alverson
    6. George Harvey Ames
    7. Horace J Ames
    8. Orville Whitcomb Ames
    9. Charles Anderson
    10. Michael Anderson
    11. James Key Appleby
    12. Charles A Archer
    13. Martin Van Buren Austin
    14. Luther Calvin Axton
    15. Samuel W Baker
    16. Orin W Barker
    17. Frank N Barney
    18. Henry Borden Bateman
    19. Samuel S Bateman
    20. John C Baty
    21. John H Bauter
    22. William Beebe
    23. Alonzo L Bennett
    24. Daniel Bentley
    25. Edward H Bentley
    26. Matthew Bickford
    27. William O Bidlack
    28. Reuben Birdsell
    29. James Leslie Bishop
    30. Benjamin Nicodemus Bond
    31. Charles Alvin Bond
    32. Moton M Buchanan
    33. Adam Bunt
    34. Josiah B Byron
    35. William R. Cade
    36. Elijah Caulkins
    37. Thomas James Cheetham
    38. John Thomas Coffman
    39. Albert Starr Cole
    40. Morris Carlos Cole
    41. Selden Coleman
    42. Henry John Colvin
    43. Jesse Monroe Condit
    44. Joseph Fleming Cross
    45. Andrew Cruikshank
    46. John Culhane
    47. Luther Cunningham
    48. Andrew Danielson
    49. James M Darling
    50. Edwin Mahlon Day
    51. Albert Thomas Dill
    52. Harry Lester “Henry” Dungay
    53. John James Edens
    54. William J Evers
    55. Josiah Howell Feagles
    56. David Ezra Follett
    57. James Franklin Gazley
    58. Wheatley G Gooch
    59. John M Griffith
    60. Isaac Garrison
    61. David L Halstead
    62. Myron C Harrington
    63. Charles Riley Henderson
    64. Silas V. Hoff
    65. Lanson S Hogle
    66. Benjamin Holley
    67. Charles L Holt
    68. Ambrose J Hopkins
    69. James Edward Hunt
    70. William Jamieson
    71. Henry L Johnson
    72. William Timothy Crawford Johnson
    73. Edward Reynolds Keplinger
    74. Thomas Andrew Kirkham
    75. David R Lane
    76. Cleveland Thayer Lathrop
    77. Leopold Paul Leitner
    78. Newton C Little
    79. Alfred Bruce Loop
    80. Albert Perry Madison
    81. William Richard Mahoney
    82. Minor McLain
    83. William L “W.L.” Miller
    84. James A Mitchell
    85. William Humphrey Mock
    86. William Sylvester Morgan
    87. Richard D Morlan
    88. Michael Mousaw Mouso
    89. Eugene Pendleton Nicholson
    90. William O Nicholson
    91. John Baptist Orchard
    92. George E Paine
    93. John E Parker
    94. Wyman Frazer Patten
    95. Henry August Paus
    96. Andrew Jackson Pence
    97. William Henry Penfield
    98. Franklin Philbrick
    99. Gilman Wallace Pike
    100. Emory Sanford Prouty
    101. Isaiah Daniel Prigmore
    102. Robert Riley Pynor
    103. Isaac Rallson
    104. Levi Lewis Ray
    105. Franklin Tucker Riddell
    106. Thomas J Rockey
    107. Ellery Walker Rogers
    108. William Rollins
    109. Friedrich Heinrich August “Henry” Schwarze
    110. George W Slater
    111. Benjamin Franklin Smith
    112. Robert Franklin Strother
    113. Franklin P Swartz
    114. Fred Switzer
    115. Samuel Pryor Tapping
    116. Duncan W Teter
    117. Samuel Elias Thompson
    118. Lyman Hurlbut Tiffany
    119. Michael Toms
    120. Harvey Wade
    121. Rollin A West
    122. William Walter Wilson
    123. Alonzo M Wolaver
    124. Albert H Wright
    125. Robert J Yeoman


Grand Army of the Republic • (Reynolds) Post #32

  • Blaine Cemetery, Blaine
    1. John William Barber
    2. Charles Barrett
    3. Charles Edward Bemis
    4. James Cain
    5. Soloman L Cole
    6. William E Dawson
    7. Thomas Kennedy Erwin
    8. Nicholas Faber
    9. John D Gardner
    10. Charles Wesley Geist
    11. Abraham Nelson Hess
    12. James L Hickox
    13. Sampson Pierrsell Hughes
    14. Jacob Jones
    15. Stephen Greenberry Kaylor
    16. Joseph Lefavor
    17. Alexander Lewis
    18. Andrew Jackson Loomis
    19. Hoffman Mahan
    20. Jonathan McClintic Milhollin
    21. James M McCraw
    22. William Millow
    23. Bruno Paul
    24. William H Pinckney
    25. Henry D Platner
    26. Michael Rosbrugh
    27. Isaac Morrison Scott
    28. Lewis Shaffner
    29. Alpheus L Smith
    30. Frederick B Smith
    31. Martin VanBuren Smith
    32. Martin Luther Snider
    33. Thomas J Spohn
    34. Eleazer Stedwell
    35. Delos S Stone
    36. Joseph R Thomas
    37. John Wagner
    38. Alvah Wells
    39. William H West
    40. Charles Hazen Whitford
    41. Jacob Worthington



Everson/Nugent's Corner

Grand Army of the Republic • (Gen Shafter) Post #120


Grand Army of the Republic • (C. R. Apperson) Post #59


Grand Army of the Republic • (C. M. Kellogg) Post #58
  • Enterprise Cemetery
    1. John Aitken
    2. James Harvey Bainter
    3. Anton Behme
    4. Adam Clark Brown
    5. Thomas B Brown
    6. John Nelson Burton
    7. Jacob Coss
    8. Thomas Cotter
    9. Almeron F Ellis
    10. Jacob Garris
    11. Allen Gooder
    12. Milton Harnden
    13. William H Hopper
    14. Lyman Coolidge Jones
    15. David Long
    16. James L Otly
    17. George Roessel
    18. John Rowe
    19. Seriah Stevens
    20. Anderson F Thompson
    21. Allen White Tiffany
  • Woodlawn Cemetery aka Paradise Cemetery
    1. Claus Henry Ahrens
    2. William Allen
    3. Hugh Biggerstaff
    4. Theodore Carr
    5. Reuben Cowden
    6. Carmi Embury
    7. Stiles Priest Evans
    8. George W Ewbank
    9. Jediah Furman
    10. William Gerard
    11. James Almon Gilfillan
    12. James M Goheen
    13. John Wesley Hardan
    14. Ole G Hougan
    15. John Kelly
    16. James Madison Kelly
    17. Almon Lambert
    18. Henry G Lett
    19. James H Marlette
    20. Daniel Matson
    21. Charles Wesley Matthews
    22. Ozias Dickson McDonald
    23. John G Miller
    24. Israel A Newkirk
    25. Norton O S Randall
    26. Nicholas F Rock
    27. Mathew Thomas Sheffer
    28. Conrad Shields
    29. Milton Smith
    30. Reuben Plummer Smith
    31. Isaac W Swan
    32. William L Tucker
    33. Arad G Vandemark
    34. John James Welch


  • Greenwood Cemetery
    1. James H Bartlett
    2. Mahon Bartlett
    3. George W Blowers
    4. Philip A Brooks
    5. Ebenezer Dorr
    6. Hugh Lafayette Hannon
    7. William Hannon


Lummi Island

Lummi Peninsula & Portage Island


Grand Army of the Republic • (Lynch) Post #42

  • Lynden Cemetery
    1. Jerome S Austin
    2. William Ira Baker
    3. Nicholas Bame
    4. Samuel Edward Bayes
    5. Carey Allan Beavers
    6. James Bremner
    7. Hugh Bowles
    8. Hugh Breckenridge
    9. James Bremner
    10. Francis Marion Cavender
    11. Austin Chambers
    12. Alfred G Corfee
    13. John William Daly
    14. John L Dickerson
    15. Francis M Emmons
    16. William R Frothingham
    17. Matthew R Galbraith
    18. Springer Galley
    19. Henry B Griffith
    20. John M Griffith
    21. Peter Henry Griggs
    22. Albert E Heaton
    23. Edward B Jones
    24. John Lynch
    25. James O'Neil
    26. Austin Orvis
    27. John Owens
    28. William Wallace Palmer
    29. Gilbert R Parish
    30. Horace Reuben Preston
    31. Thomas Ramsey Price
    32. Joseph Pym
    33. George W Quimby
    34. John M Quimby
    35. George L Ramsdell
    36. Venoni Franklin Randall
    37. Joseph Milton Reed
    38. James K Rinehart
    39. Ebenezer James Robinson
    40. Jerome B Robinson
    41. Philip J Rohrbacher
    42. Anson J Rusco
    43. Josiah A Scott
    44. Hanry H Scovill
    45. Benjamin P Shoemaker
    46. Jacob J Smalley
    47. Henry Watson Smith
    48. John Henry Smith
    49. James C Spaulding
    50. Henry Jackson Swim
    51. Socrates Thallhimer
    52. William Henry Treadway
    53. George W True
    54. Charles Frederick Vinup
    55. Alexander H Wampler
    56. Charles Baxter Wilcoxen
    57. Henry L Williams
    58. Anthony Wills
    59. John W Wilmore
    60. Joseph F Woody
    61. Levi Woody
    62. James Smith Wright

Maple Falls

New Whatcom

Grand Army of the Republic • (L. P. Plummer) Post #95


  • Nooksack Cemetery
    1. Samuel Berg
    2. Edwin H Carman
    3. Israel Benoni Carman
    4. Thomas B Denson
    5. Henry Lewis Determan
    6. David Harkness
    7. William Henry Massey
    8. James W Sefton
    9. William L Walker
    10. Alanson Warner
    11. John Nelson Waters
    12. Jonathan Harper Wilson



Grand Army of the Republic • (B. F. Stevenson) Post #67

  • Sumas Cemetery aka IOOF Cemetery
    1. Alfred Baker
    2. Elisha Crossett
    3. William Deeter
    4. Robert Dunson
    5. Hirman Melvin Giles
    6. William Henry Palmer
    7. James Joshua Parks
    8. Jacob W Rexford
    9. George Daniel Smith
    10. Harris Wesley Snelling
    11. James William Stine
    12. Levi Rakestraw Vail



    1. Peter Banta

Whatcom County, WA • Find a Grave Virtual Cemetery


See also:

Grand Army of the Republic

The Grand Army of the Republic and Kindred Societies
Washington State: Post Names and Locations, Organized June 20, 1883
Historical Gar Posts in Washington and Alaska
Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Records Index
National GAR Records Program - Historical Summary of Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Posts


United Confederate Veterans

United Confederate Veterans
Confederate Veterans' Associations
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Encyclopedia of Arkansas




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Categories: Civil War Veterans in Washington State | Whatcom County, Washington | Luker-573 | Agate Bay, Washington | Bellingham, Washington | Blaine, Washington | Clearbrook, Washington | Deming, Washington | Everson, Washington | Fairhaven, Washington | Ferndale, Washington | Greenwood, Washington | Kendall, Washington | Lummi Island, Washington | Lynden, Washington | Maple Falls, Washington | New Whatcom, Washington | Nooksack, Washington | Saxon, Washington | Sumas, Washington | Welcome, Washington | Buchanan Cemetery, Agate Bay, Washington | Bayview Cemetery, Bellingham, Washington | Blaine Cemetery, Blaine, Washington | Haynie Cemetery, Blaine, Washington | Hillsdale Cemetery, Whatcom County, Washington | Lakeside Cemetery, Whatcom County, Washington | Mount Hope Cemetery, Deming, Washington | Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery, Whatcom County, Washington | Enterprise Cemetery, Ferndale, Washington | Greenacres Memorial Park, Ferndale, Washington | Mountain View Cemetery, Ferndale, Washington | Woodlawn Cemetery, Ferndale, Washington | Greenwood Cemetery, Greenwood, Washington | Kendall Cemetery, Kendall, Washington | Lummi Cemetery, Lummi, Washington | Lummi Island Cemetery, Lummi Island, Washington | Lynden Cemetery, Lynden, Washington | Ten Mile Cemetery, Lynden, Washington | Maple Falls Cemetery, Maple Falls, Washington | Old Maple Falls Cemetery, Maple Falls, Washington | Nooksack Cemetery, Nooksack, Washington | Saxon Cemetery, Saxon, Washington | Saint Peters Cemetery, Whatcom County, Washington | Sumas Cemetery, Sumas, Washington | Welcome Cemetery, Welcome, Washington | Grand Army of the Republic Post 24, Bellingham, Washington | Grand Army of the Republic Post 32, Blaine, Washington | Grand Army of the Republic Post 42, Lynden, Washington | Grand Army of the Republic Post 58, Ferndale, Washington | Grand Army of the Republic Post 59, Fairhaven, Washington | Grand Army of the Republic Post 67, Sumas, Washington | Grand Army of the Republic Post 95, New Whatcom, Washington | Grand Army of the Republic Post 120, Everson, Washington